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Posts posted by Lottie

  1. It's threads like this that make me regret leaving my games at home...When you feel the urge for Fallout there are no compromises. :gross: Still, the release date draws nearer and I'm planning on buying a game for the first time in far too long...better start saving now...


    I'd say everyone should play them before the third just because they're amazing games, but I played Fallout 2 before 1 without any reservations about the storyline.

  2. Mm...I seem to eat my pizza off a bookshelf more than anything...I often store it there the night before and forget about it. Morning brings a treasure hunt of delicious proportions.


    Generally I prefer it hot, though it does indeed depend on the style.

  3. I deleted Episode 2 off my hard drive when I finished it and didn't make a copy. But I still have Portal and can burn you a copy. Portal by the way, must be played, by everyone.

    I'll get you cake in return. I'm going to try the game one way or another, and breaking into people's house to play was never a good idea.

  4. While I'm at university my stance on torrents is one of utmost disapproval...this may change once I get away from the port-blocking, download monitoring, rule enforcing bastards. I'm wangling a deal for HL2/HL2ep1 at the moment, though at £10 it's a fair offer either way. ^_^ All that remains now is to find a PC...or push integrated graphics as far as they'll go...

  5. Been downloading lots of DOS games recently and reminiscing...Cosmo's cosmic adventure, Jazz Jackrabbit, Wolfenstein 3D...and some totally random/fairly awful ones too. I recommend getting DOSbox and giving it a go, there's loads of shareware/freeware stuff about if you want to have a go at some oldies. Also good if you're broke. *Shakes fist at people with Orange Box*

  6. DVDs:

    Cowboy Bebop - The Perfect Sessions (All 26 Ltd edition)

    Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex - 1st Gig

    Ninja Scroll


    Not many, but I was never a huge collector...


    I didn't know there was an Ichi the Killer anime either...though I doubt it compares with Takashi Miike's.

  7. As much as I question your sexuality DoJ, I can't question your taste. What's more, you guys have the right idea, posting here. I might find some sexy ladies for the chicks' thread...


    Blast! Nanno's beaten me to it. My time will come though...

  8. hey: YOU picked the quadraplegic, not me.

    Patrick Stewart is the measure of physical perfection as far as I'm concerned; everything about that is reflected in Picard. Xavier embodies his mental prowess, and King Richard his great power and truth of spirit. Don't take something so beautiful, just to twist and warp it...

  9. In the episode where Picard has a heart operation, they say he's in astonishing physical fitness. Still...why would you pit the two against eachother...he could talk him down, win a battle of minds; but Dan's a trained fighter.


    I don't get it those are just boxes with Xs in them. confused good.gif




    There are some things you just aren't meant to understand, madman. I'm suprised this made the list.

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