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Posts posted by Lottie

  1. Someone mentioned ATHF to me a few weeks ago, but I had no idea it was televised over in the UK. Until I stayed up channel surfing till the early hours and, to my utter delight, found Adult Swim on Bravo.


    I cannot believe this thing will be a movie. Bring it. Bring all. Bring more.

  2. Yeah... As a chick you make up a really romantic scenario. Also for FF8 ending (we all want to think they all made sweet sweet love, hahaha....)

    294. When you fall unconscious (from sleep depreivation) mid-fight, and dream of this. Then can't decide if it was worth losing a battle over.


    295. When you get frustrated trying to explain how incredible FF is to the teacher, but he won't accept it as a valid excuse for ignoring coursework.


    296. When a little voice inside screams "Run Blank, Ruuuuun!!" on hearing the word 'petrified.'


    297. When you wish your home town would hold a monster killing competition, because we all know it's winning that matters.


    298. When you seriously consider restarting FFVIII upon realising you missed a character card near the beginning.

  3. *sigh* i prolly stopped adding to the FAQ when a) i feared it mightve gotten too long to encourage its use, and b) newbies were told it was cancer-inducing. I suppose ill have ot update it.


    No sir. I read, I was changed, and I was hungry for more.


    Pretty much all the one-liners David Caruso said on CSI: Miami, funny enough on their own but in sequence are fucking hilarious. (I swear to god he pauses and puts on his sunglasses in every one)




    "You don't fall three stories, get up, and run away."


    "You do...*dons glasses/gazes into the camera*...if you've got something to hide."


    I have to second that as the best quote. David Caruso, you are something else entirely.

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