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Posts posted by JayneLane

  1. Sorry for the silence guys! I got overwhelmed with the school year in "Awful April" (fellow teachers know what I'm talking about!) and K was closing all last week. Frankly I'm still a little intimidated to post without him near in fear of screwing something up!


    Here is my prep process from a couple weeks ago. This was an awesome line up that I loved all week. I prep with a nutrition plan called 21 day fix that is basically portion control (1 green is 1 cup of veggies is about 50 calories of vegetable carbs). That's pretty detailed stuff I won't go into unless someone asks, but from the pics you'll get the idea of what I do!




    Here is my meal plan and grocery list. I am one of those boring folks that eats the same thing every day, BUT I do change it from week to week pretty drastically. Once I pick out my recipes I want to try I make a list of the ingredients we'll need to buy for our grocery list, then graciously allow K to add to it (you can tell with the hand writing who's is who's). Because sharing is caring I also post the stuff I already own since I have a few followers who watch my recipes closely.



    This is a collage of the calories and macro info I log in my fitness pal. One down fall of my nutrition plan is since it is based on measurements (1 cup, 3/4 cup, etc) for those to lose weight, it's actually easy to under eat if you aren't careful. That's why I started tracking my macros but still use the portioning system.




    This is where I get a little old school with hand writing notes. Since I do a lot of new recipes, I don't like to depend on my phone to read them from, so I write them out by hand. This also let's me preview the work to make sure I don't need a weird food dehydrator or if something is going to take 16 hours to chop and cook by hand. It also helps those who may be following along too!




    This is my after workout snack I've been digging lately. I call them energy bits or protein truffles!




    This was a savory muffin thing I tried that I really liked.




    Tuna salad!




    Chicken enchilada casserole, because sprouted corn tortillas will. not. fucking. roll. like normal ones, but they don't have mystery ingredients that only science majors understand when they read them. Sometimes I care about that stuff... sometimes I don't. It's a goal of mine to know somewhat of what is in my food.




    This turned out to taste kind of like a chalupa with plantain chips, lean ground turkey with diced tomatoes, and lettuce/bell peppers topped with greek yogurt.




    Sardine burgers y''all. Weird, I know, but tasty! I'm always up for exploring weird proteins though!!


    Last meal of the day is usually a protein shake of the chocolate variety since dessert is my favorite thing!


    Here's it all together in what I would eat in a day, for 5-6 days straight:



    Thanks for being patient while I got the courage and training from K to get it all up! :)

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  2. i also do lame beachbody workout videos like T25 on nights like tonight when i don't feel like putting more into it, haha.


    I'm technically a beachbody coach for the discount on Shakeology that both Keifer and I drink, and I have the On Demand thing where you can look up any workout basically. I mostly do the recovery ones like Yoga and Stretching though because I'm not good about stretching before and after my workouts and get really tight/sore by the end of the week. K is going to help me post my meal prep process tonight after I meal prep for the week today, so if you like what you see (lol snicker snicker) I'll direct y'all to my IG, FB and Pinterest accounts where I have over a year's worth of meal prep stuff. Cooking/meal prepping is a creative outlet for me, so I like to share out what I do!

  3. I don't focus on macros. I focus on eating enough fiber and unprocessed foods.


    That's the clearest division in my fitness boot camp group in regards to nutrition. One camp pays attention to the ingredient lists, eating whole real foods within reason. The other one says anything goes and your body doesn't know the difference between sour patch kids and a salad in regard to their carb content. So basically it's like politics lol. Thanks for sharing your journey so far, mine has defined my identity for the past year and a half, so I'm saving the story for another day.


    Since he hasn't piped up, I will share Keith/Axels (whatever y'all call him lol) is about a 2x a day eater, which is a big contrast to my 5-7 meals self!


    Here's me 'weighing in': I don't work out or watch my diet - which is horrible. I eat 1 solid meal a day - and basically eat till I'm full...that's about it - LOL! I do see myself getting in the routine of watching what I eat and routinely pushing my muscles in the near future...I'm approaching 40. I don't want to dystrophy just yet.


    I forgot to mention I was diagnosed pre-diabetic when I was 11, and it's on both sides of my family so it's almost inevitable. That being said, I, too, would be quite unpleasant to be around with one meal a day. Kind of cool to me how lifestyles differ though and thanks for letting me see through your lens a bit :)

  4. 8CiraHS.jpg


    Hey y'all! One of my big interests is health and fitness (real talk: it's like one of my only interests lately, which is one reason I'm here... to develop myself outside of my fitness life comfort zone), but I figured it's a good place for me to start on starting a discussion!


    For me, I use a macros (tracking macronutrients of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) based system, and right now I'm eating about 2000-2300 calories with 40% being Protein, 35% Carbs, and 25% fats. I'm a bit of a micromanager and track everything in My Fitness Pal (less_rubenesque_gladiator if you're looking for friends there). I workout at a fitness boot camp (500-700 calorie burn for an hour session) 6x a week, so that's one reason for a bigger intake than most ladies I know. I've been thinking about changing my routine and was hoping to here about what y'all do for routine nutrition, especially if fitness is a big part of your life smile.png Even if you aren't working out a lot or anything, don't be afraid to weigh in too!

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