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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Spycer

  1. So I'm looking for additional rules for the craft skill for dnd (3.0/3.5). Anyone know of decent houserules or places to look for them?


    Unearthed Arcana had some, and FantasyCraft is a modular d20 game that has alternate crafting rules. Both are easily obtainable as PDFs.

  2. Palladium was my first system too, and man did it ever suck. Now I loved it at the time, but man oh man, those rules were atrocious. TMNT and Other Strangemess got me started on RPGing, and wow that system was broken as hell, but it got worse. I loved Robotech too, but the additions to rules, equipment, and retooling that I had to do to make the game remotely playable was pretty hellish. Don't get me started on SDC, HP, and MDC.


    What really gets me is that they haven't changed or updated the rules in like 20 years. Robotech is the same damn game it always was, unwieldy and hellish. RIFTS had awesome art though, though it bit off of Shadowrun and 40k in equal measure.

    I'll judge the gameplay of 4e after I have played with it a bit I suppose, one thing I do hate is the new alignment system, the Gods suck, and the lore seems kinda crappy in base. I know that I'll have to retool the system no matter what campaign setting I run, but yeesh, they killed all the cool stuff about the planes, the devils and demons, and a buncha other stuff. Also Bahamut and Tiamat in core DnD? Guh, gives me bad memories of Dragonlance.


    The Palladium mistake is one we all make, and in this case, with fond memories. None the less, gulty pleasure. I loved the Rifts 'story' etc. but then I loved StarCraft before realizing its watered down 40k. Still love it, I spose.


    I have always hated alignment, because players pick it for usually no good reason, and then feel that it dictates to them how they should act. Also, it was too complex, without offering anything really unique from the others on any given choice. The new alignment got rid of some of the pointless options, but I still hate it. The only I have ever used it for regularly was 'if one is chaotic and hit by a lawful sword, it hurts more' and ignored it otherwise, and intend to continue to do so.


    The gods are eh. Just eh. I love DragonLance, but not because its a particularly good setting to run a game in. They keep importing interesting gods from the setting options in to the core, and thats not really new, just lame. I still think there should be 'god of good and light' and 'god of dark and bad' and 'god of growing green shit' or somesuch, and let the settings have specific pantheons.

  3. Ok, I finally arrive, took me a while to post because I think I might have had complete mental aphasia in regards to this thread when I read that spycer actually preferred D&D 2nd ed. Holy christ on a crutch that hurts my head. Look I respect the roots of the genre, but that's like saying that the Palladium ruleset is great and awesome, something that opinions be damned, is wrong on every conceivable level.


    As far as getting a game going, putzing around with a few ideas, and honestly not all that into a Superhero game, dunno never had much fun with those, as they tend to break, and break fast. As far as DnD, besides Wizards breaking my heart in STILL not bringing back Planescape (hope still remains for 2011) it is still my favorite setting, and is damn rife with cool ass ideas. Still, I'd like to try to figure out a time, and who is in, what their preferences are, and all of that jazz, to see what I would pick, and such. Will be poring over the 4th ed stuff, and seeing where it goes.


    I know one complaint about 4th ed was that while characters feel powerful at lower levels, you don't get much more powerful at higher levels, and can never really do all that much damage to creatures and the like even at lvl 30. I know this gets rid of the 1 hit kill problems that can happen in 3 and 3.5, but for those who have done 4e, what is your response?


    I love Palladium. I readily admit that the game system is broken, but the ideas that were contained in those books were downright awesome. Also, Rifts was the first real RPG I actually played. It is an exercise that serves in demonstrate why game ballance is important, however.


    As far as 4e, I played one character at level 12 and felt REALLY nerfed. Part of this is overall lower damage and hitpoint totals across the whole game, and part of it is the severe lack of utility in items. There's a cap on how many items you can use a day, based on level, meaning that it doesn't matter how many things you have, if you have used one or two, the others turn off. (Granted this is not the +1 on your sword, but it IS the +1d6 fire damage on it.)


    I then played at 1st and 2nd level and felt much less nerfed, but still with very little choices. To me, you may as well hand me the photocopied pregen character and let me write my name on it.

  4. It looked like a delight!


    We know that look.


    That "If I have to check for traps one more time, I'm going to sneak a spoonful of drain cleaner into the GM's Yoo-Hoo and start screaming "Guess you missed your save on that one, Mr. Ten-By-Ten Stone Corridor!!" look.


    You need help.


    You need HoL. Science Fiction roleplaying for gamers who've had a really bad day.


    Get it before you hurt somebody.


    HoL. More fun than a cow on laxatives.

    Recommended for mature readers only.

  5. Alrighty. As for comedy, I have:


    Tales From the Floating Vagabond

    My personal favorite, this game can have nearly any character from nearly any universe, and has great skills like "swing nasty pointy things" and "stabbing fleshy things that scream and die" and "Look Good at All Times."Classic.



    A more serious game, and I do stress more, as it can still be sorta slapstick silly.Involves being elves and dwarves, wizards and fighters, etc. Lots of killin things and takin their stuff so as to go kill other things.



    Called the 'anything RPG' this game consists of writing two or three things on a post-it note and starting the game. Very free form, not a lot of character statistical development, but only as much depth as you put in to it, as there is none by default.



    Invented by a friend of mine, this game requires a bowl of wrapped candies to play. (Wrapped candies are needed as the candy changes hands several times before you eat it.) Everyone plays a 6 year old. The first game of this I ever ran was for Halloween, and the characters were Trick-or-Treating, and discovered a ghost or some such. Everyone loves acting 6 years old, so its fun!


    Spirit of the Century

    A simple to play, Indiana Jones style pulp game, with rewards for entertaining the group and doing things that are awesome, rather than knowing all the rules and making tactical decisions.


    Big Eyes, Small Mouth

    An anime game (thus the name) which incorporates nearly any setting and style. This could be played as a 'lets be in the Pokemon universe' as easily as 'lets play Gundam' so it fits whatever we want to do. Lots of action, simple system to learn and play.

    Also, if any of you Hondonian's have comments on the games above, they are more than welcome, wheather you are wanting to able to play or not. Feel free to tell me I am dumb, or that we should play your game instead, whatever. 1250894598.gif



    I totally forgot I have Call of Cthulhu which is funny for me, and Paranoia, which is too, and Hol, which is fun for the whole family.

  6. Damn it, I wanna play!


    Wanna play what?


    Heh. You haven't played with my group. I remember a session when we had to ambush some river pirates. We had some drunken NPC rangers and druids as backup, and the half-orcs were throwing the halfling onto the boat all while marbles and tanglefoot bags were being thrown all over the place.


    Yeah, it gets like that. I've played whole games where I never took a single point of combat damage, and often ended up tied to a tree, or covered in pumpkins.

  7. Comedy, for starters! If that's cool... :D <3



    Alrighty. As for comedy, I have:


    Tales From the Floating Vagabond

    My personal favorite, this game can have nearly any character from nearly any universe, and has great skills like "swing nasty pointy things" and "stabbing fleshy things that scream and die" and "Look Good at All Times."Classic.



    A more serious game, and I do stress more, as it can still be sorta slapstick silly.Involves being elves and dwarves, wizards and fighters, etc. Lots of killin things and takin their stuff so as to go kill other things.



    Called the 'anything RPG' this game consists of writing two or three things on a post-it note and starting the game. Very free form, not a lot of character statistical development, but only as much depth as you put in to it, as there is none by default.



    Invented by a friend of mine, this game requires a bowl of wrapped candies to play. (Wrapped candies are needed as the candy changes hands several times before you eat it.) Everyone plays a 6 year old. The first game of this I ever ran was for Halloween, and the characters were Trick-or-Treating, and discovered a ghost or some such. Everyone loves acting 6 years old, so its fun!


    Spirit of the Century

    A simple to play, Indiana Jones style pulp game, with rewards for entertaining the group and doing things that are awesome, rather than knowing all the rules and making tactical decisions.


    Big Eyes, Small Mouth

    An anime game (thus the name) which incorporates nearly any setting and style. This could be played as a 'lets be in the Pokemon universe' as easily as 'lets play Gundam' so it fits whatever we want to do. Lots of action, simple system to learn and play.




    Also, if any of you Hondonian's have comments on the games above, they are more than welcome, wheather you are wanting to able to play or not. Feel free to tell me I am dumb, or that we should play your game instead, whatever. 1250894598.gif

  8. Me and JZA went through a Risk 2210 phase. Would be nice to play more but its tough getting a group together who all know the rules. I mean its fine explaining it to people but it'd be nice to have a core few peoples with whom we could just leap right into it and have an awesome game.


    I keep seeing that around, and always wanted to play it. I love traditional risk. Is it as good as I hope?


    Awesome! I sent my availability.


    Sweet. I assume thats both you and Seige? Who else wants to play?


    Oh yes.... What game?

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