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Posts posted by APANCHALYPSE NOW

  1. Yeah, Chewie's in the Marvel Universe now (... oh that Bendis)!


    What the hell ever happened to that faction of S.H.I.E.L.D. that I liked from Astonishing, S.W.O.R.D.? Supposedly they were the "Intergalactic Department" of S.H.I.E.L.D.! I guess they'll make thier comeback during "Annailation" (that cosmic event that's also supposed to start this year)! I haven't been reading lately so I'm outta the loop...

  2. I continue on my quest of good zombie flicks and was excited when a new one came out recently! "Undead"... simple, straight to the point, lets get this splaterfest started!! FUCKIN' AWFUL!!! I blame Skeeter!! Ausie flick with the stupidest story I ever fuckin' seen! Here's a rundown: Little town in Australia gets hit by metor shower, gas turns people to zombies, zombies eat remaining people! Awsome so far!! Then: Infected people start to be abducted by aliens and cured and returned when infection has run it's course! WHAT?! Crap, crap, crap!! Give me a zombie or an alien movie, but not both together! Once again, I blame Skeeter!!

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