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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Senshik

  1. I love Mitch... I was so sad last year when I heard he'd passed away... That sucked... He's so fucking awesome. The use of randomness in his jokes makd him so original, plus he seemed stoned every time so that was all the more histerical. All those reasons, He ruled.


    Mitch: "My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana, but I said I wanted a regular banana, but later so, yeah... This joke is ridiculous. Allrrrright...."


    Why'd you have to go Mitch! WHY!!!

  2. PARAPPA THE RAPPA! Second stage in the game... Aaak... I hated that stage, stupid driving stage.

    This one is the shiz:


    In the rain or in the snow

    Got the got the funky flow

    In the rain or in the snow

    Got the got the funky flow

    All you ever need is to be nice and friendly

    All you ever need is to be nice and friendly


    Let us continue:

    Uh, hey Joe, I heard you shot your woman down,

    you shot her down.

    Uh, hey Joe, I heard you shot you old lady down,

    you shot her down to the ground. Yeah!

  3. 283. When you're best freind calls you on the phone wanting to talk about girl stuff, but you're too busy concentrating on your game, only to have her say: "Damn it kerstin! Are you listening to me!? WHat were the last two words I said!?" ... Um... Joe something. Something about JOE! "ARE YOU PLAYING YOUR LITTLE VIDEO GAME AGAIN!?" Um, NO I'm listening to you! I SWEAR! .............. Okay fine, yes I am. Can I call you back? (man that was clever, I'm such bad freind to her... >_:)

  4. 2) Leaving friday night/early saturday, not decided yet, gonna be up to the drivers. Comin back late sunday night cause some got class/work monday mornin.


    3) after the con, whatever - hit a bar, hit Junker's or Sig's or wherever 2T has in mind, they all know the area better. im bein impulsive on that one.

    As for the next day, my vote's for water park if it aint too damn cold. if that cant happen. im open to other (cheap) suggestions.



    2) Leave friday night - less traffic. Come back sunday night - I have to work monday morning.


    3) Sounds like fun! I'm down with whatever the group decides. Hopefully it isn't cold that day...


    Let's make it a good one,

    Cheers!!! ^_^

  5. Yeah, you know what. I'll go in my car cause I don't need my life flashing before my eyes every few seconds. Don't get me wrong. She's cool an all but her driving skills scares the shit out of me.

    If somebody buys my ticket I'll pay them back right on the spot. Seeing as I don't have a card.



    Wuss. >__:anger:

  6. Also, I saw the saddest stripper ever the other night. She was just so sad when she was dancing. It bummed me out a little. And then there was that obligatory creepy leering guy. I fucking hate that look they give to strippers (and girls in general). Ugh...just ugh...with a side of ugh!


    Yeah. Ugh! With a side of UGH!!!!! Totally feel that one. Sad strippers can be depressing. Which reminds me of this really sad story I heard on the radio this morning. I was listening to that reggeton station (I was switching stations I swear!!!) and the DJs were going to give out a PRIZE to the person who had the saddest story to tell.


    This one 15 yr old girl calls and says that she had a baby with her ex three years ago (SHE WAS only 12 when she gave birth!!!). Turns out, two years later her "baby Daddy" left her and her baby for her BEST FRIEND. I was like man, that shit was UBER SAD. Out of the three stories hers won the prize. I just thought it was hilarious the way the DJs were like, "Yay!!! You win a prize! For having the saddest story out of three!!!" and the little girl was like, "... Yah, thanks..." what sucks is that you could hear her sadness in her voice, even after winning the prize... :yup:


    in one night, i went from 2 ps2's to 0. poor stategery on my part.


    Lol. don't worry lad, ye shall have one, someday. :yup:

  7. 247. You make up scenarios in your head about what happened to Cloud and Tifa after the credits have rolled


    Yeah... As a chick you make up a really romantic scenario. Also for FF8 ending (we all want to think they all made sweet sweet love, hahaha....)


    266. When you seriously go out of your way to get ALL if not MOST of the stones and ultimate weapons for each of your FFX characters.


    267. Especially LULU's... omfg. Dodging lightning 200 times!


    268. When you go into work earlier than usual so you can print out FFX strategyguide, along with "borrowing" a binder to keep the couple hundred some pages organized and then printing out a really cool picture to put in the front of the binder


    269. Cry when you realize you don't have access to color printer, so now you have to settle with the black and white FFX front cover



    270. Despite having printed out your own strategyguide, you find out G4 TV's CHEAT has a special on FFX secrets, you will miss going to class so you can try out some of the hints.


    271. When you reffer any FFs as a great read. ^_^

  8. yeah you guys pretty much said everything that came to my mind for FF games...


    This thread definitely pulled an all nighter. I got off this the same way I got off when I finally successfully bread a GOlden Chocobo to get the Knights of the ROund summon Materia (that shyt was f*** magical) or the way I got off when Cloud made an oh so sexy lady and was taken back to that guy's room (oh yea!) or the way I got off when I saw the intro to both FF7 and FF8. or... the way I got off when I learned that f*** Jeckt shot which made it possible to actually WIN my first Blitz game (which I got addicted to, You can't like that silly underwater game without having the Jeckt shot. If you do then YOU're F*** amazing)



    BUt yeah, this thread f*** owns any FF game forum I've ever read. ^_^


    Cheers to FF fans everywhere!

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