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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Senshik

  1. I keep thinking that Skeeter is SuperE because of his avatar. I'm seeing his avatar (not really paying attention to the screename) while reading his posts thinking it's superE's and I'm like: Man, i didn't think Isa was that nasty! Cool!


    and then I'm like, oh wait, that's skeeter.


    Silly me. :2T:

  2. Oh man, So I'm at working listening to Jim Defede Show and he starts taking calls to win some tickets to a ballet or something and my co-worker wins those tickets! And she starts saying how she loves the show and Tom Waits and so on. I started to laugh cuz out of all the people I work with, I never imagined she listened to Jim! Haha... anyway...


    Btw, thanks Jax for introducing me to his show. Most of the time the issues are really interesting and Jim is an awesome talk radio host because he makes political issues approcable to a person who isn't so ... political (like me). Anywho, I think everyone should listen to his show.

  3. I just wanted to send out a tribute to Ms. Karen Frazer, a co-worker of mine, who passed away just recently... my sincerest condolences to her family...


    I used to make small talk with her everyday by the copy machine room... and it wasn't one of those fake conversations, she would actually have something interesting to say about almost anything... It's just weird to know she's no longer here...

  4. Two men pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges they created panic by placing "bomblike" electronic light boards displaying a cartoon character with an upraised middle finger throughout Boston.
    the cartoon "moon men" were part of a so-called guerrilla marketing campaign to promote the late-night Adult Swim cartoon "Aqua Teen Hunger Force".
    It's so not threatening -- it's a Lite Brite," he told the newspaper, referring to the children's toy that allows its users to create pictures by placing translucent pegs into an opaque board. "I don't understand how they could be terrified. I would if it was a bunch of circuits blinking, but it wasn't."


    Devices in place for weeks

    Turner said the devices have been in place for two or three weeks in Boston; New York City; Los Angeles, California; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Austin, Texas; San Francisco, California; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


    However, only in Boston did the light boards create such a furor. In Seattle and several suburbs, the signs were removed without fuss, according to The Associated Press.


    Oh geez...

  5. I love Brendon Small but this show just isn't doing it for me. Maybe I should sit on it for a while. I didn't like Venture Bros. that much at the start either...


    I think that you'll either like it off the bat or you won't. So everyone who says they didn't ... will probably continue to have the same opinion. And Yes, Brendon Small is awesome. Home Movies is definitely his better work.


    To me this metal show only makes me laugh in some episodes... as I continued to watch more... it ah, wasn't so funny as the first couple of episodes... but yes.


    Hopefully some others will at least like the first bunch as I did...

  6. aww. look at Skeeter! Such a sweet looking kid... who would've thought...




    If you have a Maggie Gyllenhaal fetish, may I recomend to you "Sherrybaby". When not walking around without a bra she's getting fucked hardcore style by many men, including one Danny Trejo.





    For a moment I thought it was Kristen Dunst... and then I wondered if Mr. Gyllenhaal ever thought she looked like his sister... :ohface:

  7. WHAT?!?! No likey RAGE?!?!?! Dude, it's like Zach makes Rap sound fucking amazing with rock! honestly, back in high school I was all closed minded and shit about rock and different types of music, i.e. hip hop, rap, whatever. To me punk, ska, and some rock (which does not include, Korn, bullshit Disturbed, fucking Nickleback, Saliva?, Godsmack, "rock" from 1999-2003 basically) was my love and everything else could suck it. BUT in like 10th grade when I heard R.A.T.M, it's like a whole new dimension of music opened up for me, rock that was different and good. NOw a days, I appreciated the differences in genre mixed together especially when it was done incredibly well.


    Rage is the gold standard, Audioslave is the bargin bin.
    Haha that was classic! :ohface:
  8. WHatever, I built my strategy. as for you, Mr. "I got owned by this stupid monster and I didn't save> FUCK THIS GAME! I DON"T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE", I'm glad you took my advice and kept playing.



    I'm a brave companion. ooohh.

  9. Level the fuck out of everybody use quicking an pry you take them out. Do try to level everybody like she is. Your going to need it real soon.


    I kept telling him that. All my peoples are 32 now... and I've hunted 14 marks already...



    ...damn. I kinda figured that'd matter eventually but id rather focus on my boys Baksh or whoever and Ashe. Guess ill start using the others again too.


    I recommend Balthier. He's jawesome. :blink: (Oh and my strategies have gotten better, thank you!)

  10. Me: Good morning, my name is Kerstin Espinoza calling from LNR Property Coroporation and I'm inquiring about a notice from your state regarding entity LNR NE Holdings, Inc.

    Operator: ANd what is the State ID number?

    Me: I only see the Federal ID number... I can give that to you. *sigh*

    Operator: NO, I need the State ID number otherwise you need to call back with the state ID number.

    Me: As I mentioned before, I only have the federal ID number. Could you pull up a search through entity name?

    Operator: In order for me to assist you I need the state ID number.

    Me: I've called this state before, using the Federal ID number and recieved assistance, m'am. But it's okay I'll just call back and get someone else who knows what they're doing. Thank you, good bye.


    I've no patience for this.


    I called back, got a different person, and they helped me juuuuuuuust fine.

  11. That was ackward. Funny, but ackward. He seems like a keeper Isa, where'd you find him?



    You think that's ackward? Once on AIM, I had this buddy who I COULD NOT GET RID OF even after deleting him three times. He would describe how wonderful it felt to use pull-ups during the night. Nighties or something. DIAPERS! He wore diapers. I would tell him he was lying and that his joke was funny and odd, but that I didn't want to hear about it anymore. Well, point is that he convinced by telling me about this for about a year. He said that online was the only place where he could say such a thing without getting embaressed by the real people in his life. If this is in fact true, he needs help. Not only would he describe wearing diapers to me, he would also try to sell me the idea. He kept on going about how I should buy this brand and try them one night and tell him how it felt, he was sure I would enjoy it as much as he.


    Whatever, eventually AIM finally decided to take my request seriuosly and deleted the sad deprived 20 yr old diaper wearing guy.

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