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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Losifer

  1. Ok, let's see...


    Uncharted: Prolly 1/4 of the game done. Damn cool game.


    Ratchet And Clank Future: On the second planet. Very funny and entertaining.


    Call of Duty 4: Still goin...still levelin'. Still Fun.


    Assasinin's Creed: Pfft...you can pick this up Nick. Don't get me wrong, its got great presentation (menu and loading screen w/Altier), awesome engine ( The interaction with people and building parkour), its just sub-par gameplay (everything else).


    Folklore: I still cant figure out why I am so attached to this game. I'm like 15 hours into this game and i still got alot to go. On top of that, i still got the other character to play with. Pretty interesting game and the design is badass.

  2. Sounds like a good plan DoJ. Today I actually walked out of GameStop with 4 PS3 games. I was originally going just for Uncharted (which i got and is awesome-llent! So good i had to combine two words). But then i noticed that since it was Black Friday, GameStop had a deal going on. Buy two used games, get one free. So i managed to get my hands on Ratchet, Folklore And Assassin's Creed (For free).


    This turned out to be a terrible idea though. Too many good games and just not enough time. i keep cycling between them all...even my first PS3 game (CoD 4) So yeah, from now on, I buy one game every two weeks or so (depending if there is anything good out).


    OK. So next month, I'm looking at Unreal Tournament 3...and what else? Hmm.

  3. Glad you guys are enjoying the Trax. Well, I got the Independence Day rifftrack over the weekend, but i cant find a version of the movie that isn't the extended edition. The rifftrack only work for the theatrical version :welcome: So far, the this track is proving to be as good as 300. NOTE: The commentaries are actually done by all three MST stars(now): Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy(Tom Servo) and Bill Corbett(Crow Ver. 2.0)

  4. First off, me say that i COMPLETELY agree with WLN on his comments of Kim Kardashian. The way he sees himself is the same way i see myself.


    NOW, I didn't know who this Kim Kardashian chick was before i saw these delectable pictures of her, but seriously (Nick), get on cabos or limewire and you're bound to find the tape. No, you know what, i just found a link. Look at that, 2 minutes. C'mon Nick!




    i don't know if it works...so someone try it.



    btw, i got ur Manhunt 2 AO Hyper Fighting Special Edition thing you wanted. i'll be sure to pass it ur way.

  5. Of the titles above, i went for the one I still play today. The Vs. Series is still among my favorite games. With Capcom Vs SNK 2 and Marvel Vs Capcom 2 still being top tournament games, there is still much excitement surrounding them. I can't just enjoy playing these games, I have to enjoy watching people play them as well.

  6. Well, since Nick seems to miss what I used to contribute to the thread, I went back to the archives and found one he may like:


    Mizuki Horii
















    Oh lord, do I need a check-up...












    Ok. Enjoi Nick...and anyone else who appreciates Asian BLT


    thx for the help Jont, but that didn't seem to work for this...so i tried it a different way

  7. You know, MGS4 is at the top of my list with Little Big Planet right behind. But being a HUGE UT fan, I cant wait to mod the hell out of it (cuz god knows my PC can't handle UT3). Man...seeing that the price cut is 'till the 60GB model sells out, I must get one by the end of the month....sigh...but i also need to save up for that car too... ARRRGGGHHHH!!! Godammit!!! I hate being a responsible adult. :anger:

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