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Posts posted by Mulan

  1. pheeww...a hard day's work of trying to balance a penny on the tip of a wire coat hanger and actually making it stay on while spinning the hanger to the correct centripetal accleration with no case of slipage. Only could do it 3 times before I gave up. Physics demonstrations should be easier to freakin do damn it!

  2. Wow, what do I say about issure 20? Everytime I read a new issue I think, "That was awesome, it doesn't get any better than that!" But then he puts out another issue and I'm humbled. His writing has always been phonomenal, but with every issue there is never a slow slump unlike Salvation for Preacher, but again there's always a reason for the madness. As for solely on issue 20, I was already sold on this series way back on what issue 1? But let me tell you this...





    That one spread, yeah that one, had me jumping and screaming "HOLY SHIT!. This is so FREAKING AWESOME!!" I always knew they'd do something with him again, it was just a matter of time. Again, method to his genius. I wanted to cry, scream and laugh all at the same time. Is that possible? With Straczynski anything is possible. It's THE total comic experience.


    Wow that made me sound even dorkier than before. IC look what you turned me into :mischievous:


    edited to hide spoilers

  3. I really can't believe that there was no thread for this series until now. Straczynski's really an amazing writer. He use to write for that Sci-fi show, Babaylon 5 and he's now one of my all time favorite new comic writers. He finished with Midnight Nation, another fucking amazing series. He's currently writing for Rising Stars and Amazing Spiderman. Both which he's stopping soon. I don't know what he's gonna be doing after these series finish up.

    But here's your chance to get in on the groud floor and catch up to everyone else who's been diligently reading his stuff.

    Rising Stars is up to issue 20 right now and it actually inspired me to start up this thread. I'm sure IC will love to interject his opinions soon. And I really owe him for starting me on this writer so early on.

    I really encourage you to read all 3 aforementioned series because they are all really phoneomeanl. But if I had to put them in order of favoirte, it'd go somethign like: Rising Stars, Midnight Nation, Amazing Spiderman I know it's strange that spidey isn't higher on my list but knowing how much i love spidey then you understand how the other two had to be out of this world to rank higher.

    The only problem I have is that I can't get enough of Straczynski. He take forever to write Rising Stars, but hey can't complain. I haven't seen Jeff Smith put out a new Bone in what 5 months?

    As for Midnight Nation, you are lucky that the series is finished and you can probably get the whole thing in paperback soon. But for us really die hard fans, we got months to go til the next Rising Stars comes out. Atleast Amazing is more frequent. I get my fix that way.

    pheeww...Now I feel like a true comic dork. :D

  4. Sometimes you forget how kicking back and reading a good comic could really lift your spirits. Here's a quote from this month's Amazing Spidey that had me in stiches.


    Brad ! Janet! Dr. Scott!


    If you don't get it, you're a dork, but then again I got it and I'm a big dork too. :D

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