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Bad news for Half-Life 2


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That really sucks for the programming team (isnt it one guy? thought he was some prodigy), but if thats the case, some people need to get fired, seriously.

How does this affect the game or its release for you PC kids, tho?


PS because you gots it comin


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I'm not sure how this might impact the game. Leaking technology to other companies sucks tho... everybody will see how you make your game engine so kick ass.... cheating could be a problem... early mods to the game even before the game is released... stuff like that. Might make the engineers patch the game before it even comes out.

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Yeah this sucks. I've always been a huge fan of Half-Life - more the mods like CounterStrike and TFC. Valve software, who make the game, were really open with their baby once it became a little older. They made it extremely simple to create mods and allowed anyone to do so without any legal difficulties. Thus were a legion of great, completely new games born. CounterStrike is one of the most popular online games in the world, but it started as an amateur mod of the base half-life code.


They've kept people waiting for years (literally) for their latest efforts, but I can't sympathise with this guy who took the source. It's only delaying the game for the rest of us (they say April next year now).

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