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Hondo's Bar

Internet Speed Test


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At work, doh!


2003-10-21 13:44:14 EST: 60 / 186

Your download speed : 60280 bps, or 60 kbps.

A 7.3 KB/sec transfer rate.

Your upload speed : 186915 bps, or 186 kbps.


Your upload speed is much faster than down.. have you tweaked?

Your connection hardly qualified as broadband, at least in that test

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2003-10-21 14:11:30 EST: 948 / 143

Your download speed : 948350 bps, or 948 kbps.

A 115.7 KB/sec transfer rate.

Your upload speed : 143163 bps, or 143 kbps.


..is that good? If not, i blame Bellsouth, and Spiffy's mad downloadin spree.

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Hmm...accordin to the security checks they have, they dont like my netbios.


comment even though file and print sharing may be OFF netbios (microsoft networking) is still bound to this IP

advice remove netbios from your public IP address or, filter incoming netbios packets.

result netbios is active

score Points Deducted:30


So, should i remove this, what happens if i do? and how would i, for that matter?

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Basically, you can't remove NetBIOS b/c its tied into your name & password for Microsoft Networks. What you need is Norton Personal Firewall (from kazaalite or something) installed and watching your ports, to prevent hackers from attacking features in your NetBIOS applications.


If you have DSL and you don't have NPF, you're really missing out security wise.

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Really? I dunno man, last time we tried a firewall, it was ZoneAlarm...Yahve beta'd it on my shit, and next thing you know, i couldnt use internet, AIM etc, and roomates on my server were locked out too...bad experience i guess, you think its worth another go?

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