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Hondo's Bar

Three Extremes

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Recommended to me by Junker, i finally got to catch this one...not sure what i was expecting, but it sure wans that.


Described as:


An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors.


The first one, "Box", is really more drama than horror, i think, dealing with contortionists & the like. "Dumplings" is downright disturbing at some parts, but is an interesting look at superficialities and the lenghts one might go to to stay "young". Finally, "Cut" is the confusing one of the lot (ive been reading here on INDB to decipher the more likely ending of it), but was also one of the more interesitng ones.

It wont scare you like Ju-On, but itll entertain and disgust here & there, which is what youre watching for, presumably.

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