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The end of the internet


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I was surfing online today and ran across this page...The End of the Internet.


I couldn't help but smile, because it reminded me of a TV commercial. I think it is a DSL commercial for Bell South. Don't hold me to that. It is just that commercial cracks me up. The man in the commercial is zooming through sites on the internet after getting DSL. Then all of sudden he looks up and says.. (wide eyed) "I have finished the Internet."


I don't know why that cracks me up..but it does.


What are some commercails that you find funny or draws your attention?

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My favorite commercials of all time will always be the ones starring Frank and Louie, the Budweiser lizards. And the ferret. Honestly, if they put all those commercials on dvd, I would buy the thing.


Also, this is probably going back almost ten years now, but Nissan once had a great commercial that they played during the Super Bowl that had a squadron of pigeons attacking a car as if they were in a WW2 dogfight. Everyone's seen it, the one where the bird runs into the garage door at the end and croaks "Medic!" Great commercial.


And last but not least, who could forget Michael Bay's "Aaron Burr" milk commercial.

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Nissan once had a great commercial that they played during the Super Bowl that had a squadron of pigeons attacking a car as if they were in a WW2 dogfight. Everyone's seen it, the one where the bird runs into the garage door at the end and croaks "Medic!" Great commercial.




I loved that one.

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