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Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl

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Anyone else catch this show? I hope it's ongoing and not just a special. Basically it's Robert Wuhl lecturing a real college class about History being pop culture. Wuhl, along with the classic Liberty Valance quote "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend" takes on history - as we know it or think we do, and throws it out the window to tell you how it really went down.


One example...


Yankee Doodle came to town,

Riding on a pony;

He stuck a feather in his hat,

And called it macaroni.


We've all heard this song many times, but did you know it was written by the Brits to mock the americans? Okay, maybe you did - but why the fuck does he call it macaroni?


Well as it turns out the macaronis were a group of *ahem* flamboyant gentlemen who would get together to do what flamboyant men do.


Remember that next time you hear that song you're singing about how gay Mr. Dandee is.


This show is fucking great. Even if you're not too interested in history or debunking "false truths" you're sure to find something in it.

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