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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. Fwoosh has you covered on updated Marvel Legends year round.


    Most Mezco 1:12 are around $80. The Darkseid is $120. I almost bought the 1:12 Iron Man until the 80 year one was announced. The Mezco one comes with a nice stand and way more accessories, but $25 beats out $80, so I'll go with the Marvel Legends. @Donatella If you really want that Homecoming set, expect to pay $40 for it and it's only sold at Target. You'll see them online for $50+ once they start hitting stores, which should be this week if not already. 


    Speaking of Legends, once I get the Colossus/Juggy two-pack, the Magneto & kids three-pack, and that way overpriced Professor X w/ hover-chair, my 90s X-Men collection will be caught up. They still have to put out a white costume Storm, and I think that will cover all the main charcaters from the comics and Fox show. Right, Newt?

    • Upvote 1
  2. Agreed. Good, not great. I'd give it a B/B+.




    * Tyrion finding his siblings in the rubble. It's like the creators knew the fans were gonna be speculating they could've somehow survived. I've never been team Lannister, so that really didn't resonate with me emotionally, but it was a scene those characters deserved.

    * I've a friend who is really upset about Daeny's turn. (Like major upset.) However, I think Tyrion explained how she was able to burn KL to Jon (and the audience that hadn't figured it out yet) how she was able to do this quite convincingly. 

    * The moment Jon realizes he has to kill Daeny. Bigtime feels.

    * All the shots w/ Jon and Drogon. That scene were Drogon's just staring Jon down before he enters the throne room is gonna be my new wallpaper.

    * The new small council. I was so happy to see those characters running shit.

    * I remember back in S4 after the Red Wedding when the meme was going around with the Stark kids and family witht he picture of them from S1E1 and how they'd never see each other again. True, but the surviving kids of Ned & Cat Stark are shaping the future of the country in a way no other family ever really has. That ending montage was pretty great.

    * The fact they knew Jon stabbed Daeny in the heart means he must've confessed. Jon being Jon. Character consistency. You know nothing.

    * Ghost FINALLY gets his "goodboi" pat and nuzzle!




    * Where the Dothraki at, yo!?!? Like zero mention of or site of them after that opening speech by Daeny. Did they ship back to Essos? Head south to raid Dorne & Highgarden? It should have at least been brought up in that small council meeting.

    *Greyworm not fighting until the death. Him taking Jon hostage and just not fighting until the last soldier down seemed outta character for him. Why bother with that scene executing the prisoners establishing he carries out Daeny's orders no matter what if he's just gonna let Jon live after confessing to killing his queen? 

    * King Bran & Queen Sansa. I like that they both got crowns, so these are more likes with an asterisk. The way they got the crowns was waaay too convenient. The other kingdoms are just going to settle on the North getting independence without a peep? Don't get me wrong, I think Sansa had a great argument for independence since the North basically saved Westeros from the doom of the Night King. However, there is a good counterargument that if Bran is the King of Westeros then he's technically the king of the North. So why the need for independence? And Bran told Tryrion back in S8E4 that he didn't want to rule, he was all past, not really a man--how the fuck can this be the person to lead the country into the future if that's all true?

  3. Good on you for discovering this show, Axels. It's one of my faves, too. Bill Hader has always been funny in my book, but he's getting that Robin Williams level cred for drama now with this series. Anyone else who hasn'r jumpe don this series, definitely give it a try.


    On 5/2/2019 at 5:44 AM, the division of joy said:

    I'm loving this, Bill Hader is fucking excellent in this as is the guy who plays Noho Hank.


    I've last weeks episode to watch (as I've been consumed with GoT and GoT related excitement) this week and its shaping up to be another excellent season.


    He's maybe my favorite character in the show. Loved that whole scene on the bus and afterwards in S2E7. I hope I see this actor in more stuff. I literally know him for only two roles: as Mr. Zsaz in Gotham and as Hank in Barry. Both are wildly different characters and both are utterly riveting in their own ways.


    And this cast is great. Root, Winkler, the whole lot at the drama school--fantastic.

  4. Look which film is conspicuously missing from this line-up of films at the end of the trailer. 😂




    Fox is like, we don't care if we don't own this franchise anymore. No one wants Rattner-men.

    I actually remember the film as not being terrible--danger room with sentinel, decent portrayal of Angel, Frasier as Beast, Kitty Pryde was on point, and the first ever meme making into a film with, "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!" Also, Jean smokes Scott and Logan puts her down. It had it's emotional moments.

  5. On 5/13/2019 at 11:03 AM, Panch said:


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    People are stupid. I saw complaints that the first two episodes were too slow and to fuck off with the character development already and get to the killing. Now they want the reverse. I'm ok with all they're doing (even if it's weaksauce af writing). I love that they're fucking with everyone's expectations. Fuck the know-it-all fans.


    I'm kinda with ya here. Have I had unmet expectations this season? Definitely. But this is a show which became famous for subverting expectations. So, I can't hate on the creators for being true to their show's style since that final scene of S1E1. And S8E5 not only stayed true to the series tradition of offering a giant twist for major characters in the penultimate episode, but it offered perhaps one of the greatest twists in TV history. (Well, maybe more of a turn than a twist. But it was still spectacular af.)


    I do feel like there is a lot--A LOT--to wrap up in the 80 minutes they have for the finale. Can't wait to see if they pull it all off.

    • Upvote 2
  6. On 4/28/2019 at 5:00 AM, alive she cried said:

    I'll take that action.

    He survived the Battle of Winterfell, so he may make it after all. But we've still got three more episodes and a trans-Atlantic flight before the pint can be poured and a winner declared.


    So, how bout dat Battle of Winterfell, y'all?

    I'm actually a bit disappointed there weren't more big moments. Episodes like Black Water, Hardhome, and Battle of the Bastards, had way more emotional gravitas than this one. I mean, Arya got a REALLY fucking great moment though. Deus Ex Melisandre had a few awesome little ones, as well. Mini-Mormont went out like a fucking beast, too. However, a lot of the dragon stuff was confusingly obscure in all that snow and darkness. I mean, I understand the circumstances of the battle, but it's still a fucking TV show--show me what's fucking happening! Pshh.


    Jon was damn near useless as was Daeny. Not sure why their plan didn't involve immediate use of the dragons. Brienne, Jaime, and Tormund all kind of just disappeared after the first act. Sam crying and running was expected yet still cringy. In the books Winterell was destroyed back when Theon took it over, so I was expecting more of it would've been compromised by ice dragon in this episode. 


    Theon and Jorrah went out just like I predicted yet they still didn't have as much impact as I'd hoped. So fucking shocked we didn't lose more marquee characters--especially in the crypt--go out. That seemed like a bit of a cheat that only the nameless characters died down there. It's Game of Thrones, not fucking Frasier.  


    One thing I really did like that I did not expect was that the Night King never spoke. I'm hoping this was intentionally left as a mystery so there will be at least something in the forthcoming books to look forward that hasn't been "spoiled" by the show. I wanna know more about his generals, history, and motives. So I'm hoping GRRM comes through on that front.



  7. 16 hours ago, Bindusara said:

    I agree with the "I think I need to see it again" comments. Mostly because...it was really overwhelming. There's a LOT to take in and you get so kinda, lost in the magic of it all. 

    I have to say, I did like it more on the second viewing. However, I'm still not seeing how people on social media are all "OMGREATEAST MOVIE EVARRR1!1!" There are at least two very problematic faults I've got with the plot, and the overall tone is a bit forced and self indulgent. I'd still put it as the third best Avengers flick after Infinity War & Avengers.

  8. On 4/25/2019 at 3:32 AM, the division of joy said:
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    I mostly agree with the above, however I think, sadly, Davos is gonzo. He's admitted time and time again he's not a fighter and he's such a beloved character at this stage, it would be an emotional gut-punch.


    I think Bran survives but Theon gets a redemption-hero death.


    Other than that, I think Varys and Gilly/Little Sam may go also as they're fairly periphery at this stage and are things for the viewer to gasp at.


    My current hot take/future freezing cold take:

    I've a feeling Jorah is about to absolutely fuck the white walkers shit up in this episode. Like, bending them over a bath asking them if they've ever had their shit pushed in style of fucking shit up.




    Yeah, you just don't hand someone a sword like that before a battle with white walkers and not expect 'em to fuck some serious shit up. However,...

    It's probably a big misdirect and J. Jorah Friendzone dies in the first 10 minutes. I'm in a weird headspace right now expecting so many characters to die in S8E3 that if too many people survive I'll actually feel a little mad. Anyone else like that or is it just me?


    And if Paul Walker is alive then I damn well better see Vin Diesel riding a dragon as he shouts about the importance of family.


    On 4/25/2019 at 7:52 PM, alive she cried said:


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    You are insane if you think Bran's going out next episode, he'll survive the series.


    I betcha a pint of Guinness I'm right. 

  9. On 4/23/2019 at 8:06 AM, alive she cried said:

    First reactions are in, and are ridiculously, overwhelmingly positive.

    Pshh. Lemmings. Go in to this one with lowered expectations and empty bladders, Hondo's. Not really spoilers, but if you don't want to know anything, I'll tag these comments...


    It's an adequate film. Not as uneven as Age of Ultron, but close. Sadly, it is not nearly as entertaining or engaging as Infinity War. Third best Avengers film. (IW, Avengers, Endgame, AoU)

    Thor continues to be the best comic relief. There's a bit in the final battle guaranteed to make Nza cream his jeans.

    Protip: don't bother sitting through the 10 minutes of credits. This film has no scene after the credits.

  10. So what's your dead death pool predictions for S8E3, Hondo's ?



    After S8E2 I'm almost certain Ser Brienne is gone.

    Ditto for ya boy Grey Worm.

    Bran and Theon? Buh-bye.

    Podrick? Via con dios, muchacho. 

    Ser Baeric? The night will be dark and full of terrors for him.

    Gendry? 50/50

    Ser Jaime ? 50/50

    Tormund?  50/50


    If any of the other main cast go this week (Jon, Arya, Sansa, Daeny, Tyrion, Hound, Varys, Bronn, Davos, Sam, Gilly, etc.) I'll be genuinely shocked.



  11. I saw this a few nights ago and was pleasantly surprised. At it's heart this is a pretty touching "coming of age" story. Ian McShane is always a win in my book, and shockingly I did not miss Ron Perlman as Big Red at all during this flick. The CGI is pretty damn solid, both in quality and design, as well. The problem is in the script. It's like others have mentioned, just a whole mess of stories and characters thrown in together with an insanely weak "major" villain. It's actually a shame this is a movie because the same script with the same characters fleshed out by a few good writers would've turned this into an incredibly awesome 6-8 episode season of a Hellboy TV show.  😕


    Hopefully the box office doesn't kill the franchise and it can possibly continue as a BPRD  show on HBO or Netflix or Hulu or Amazon Prime...

  12. On 4/9/2019 at 10:57 AM, Da Cap'n 2099 said:

    I think this is because they plan on introing the FF right away. Avenger films are ending (along with Guardians) so, I believe, FF (and Eternals) will be the new team leg(s) of the MCU.

    Solid theory, but don't forget the X-Men. I think we'll see more Skrull, Kree, and now most likely Shi'ar in Phase IV as well. If Fox hadn't already done versions of the Phoenix Saga twice, I'd say that'd be a shoe-in for Phase IV, but I'm not betting it'll play a big part in Phase IV. Further down the line once X-Men are recast and established in the MCU, it's possible.  My bet on the "Next Thanos" is Annihilus. (Hopefully we also get an awesome Galactus/Silver Surfer film in the next decade. )


    Or we could all be wrong and Phases IV-VI will just be Deadpool and Squirrel Girl led film parodies of the first three phases. 

  13. Bran and Cersei/Elephant memes alone make this episode a winner. I'll be honest, I was hoping for a bit more action considering this is such a condensed season. However, I'm not calling it a bad episode by any means. Looks like next week shit is gonna get real though.



    Anyone else thinking of 

    Pete's Dragon when Jon climbed aboard Rhaegal? I mean, it's a green fucking dragon. Also, the memes from Drogon watching Jon and Daeny kiss are pretty great. Oh shit, and that last scene where we find out what "friend" Bran was sitting his creepy ass out all night in the freezing cold waiting for. So great how the last scene of the first episodes  for the first and last seasons end with those two.


    Grade of B+ for content.

    Grade of A+ for memes.

  14. A week since I started S2 and I'm only 8 episodes in. So much meandering and meh--sadly what you kinda expect of the MARVEL Netflix shows. It's not Iron Fist level bad, more like Jessica Jones S2 level uneven and boring. (No one cares this much about Russo and his messed up shrink. We came to see the muhfuh Punisher!) Speaking of which, Frank doesn't put on the skull vest until the end of E7. Also, I'm four minutes in to E9 and Frank has just realized what he should've understood since S1E1. It's frustrating because Bernthal showed us all in DDS2 he was made for the role,of Punisher, but the writing and direction of his own damn series makes me struggle to even care. I hope the series picks up in the third act, but I'm not holding my breath.

  15. On 1/15/2019 at 12:10 PM, Da Cap'n 2099 said:

    So I'm calling it: Sandman, Molten Man, and Hydro-Man are all "illusions" of Mysterio that he's using to be the "hero" and distract while actually doing some really evil stuff (which gets the attention of Nick Fury). Spidey (with the help of Fury) uncovers this and saves the day. Yay or nay?

    Yay. Pretty much what I thought after seeing the trailer for the first time. Either way, Mysterio with fishbowl head FTW!

  16. 13 hours ago, Da Cap'n 2099 said:


    Episode 2 grants your graphic wish. (Not ja'loja)

    Boy howdy. 😯 Hell hath no fury like a Maklan (s


    I'm not sure if that particular use of the holodeck was ever addressed on Star Trek: TNG or DS9 (I know Quark had "holo-sweets" used for that purpose in DS9) but I know they did address the addiction of holodeck with Lt. Barkley in some  great ways in TNG. Orville handled it in a way that I thought was, um, interesting.


    The pr0n addiction stuff was handled well, and the fact Bortus got a computer virus from basically going to a sketchy porn site because his addiction got too heavy was also a nice touch. However, the whole ship nearly flying into the collapsing star because of the virus and Bortus just receiving a semi-dressing down for it felt wrong. At the very least he should've had a formal reprimand and even possibly been demoted. 


    Also, the whole only saving half the species thing felt way underplayed. I know it was there to serve as a moment to help Bortus come to a decision about his marriage, but the whole "Sophie's Choice" thing felt shoehorned in.

    Still, it was a good episode and the CGI for that star was amazing. Not to mention all those Maklan prosthetics. (So many nipples.)

  17. Saw S2E1 and dug it. Beverly Crusher never had to deal with shit like this from Wesley (except that one time at the academy). Kinda surprised they didn't get more graphic with the actual ja'loja, but I'm not complaining. (Ain't nobody tryna see that.) But this episode kind of encapsulates  why I loe this show so much. It's essentially a parody of Star Trek & TNG but it's done in a loving and serious way,; it's tone is similar in a lot of ways to Galaxy Quest.


    Anyway, I need to get to S2E2 soon. 

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