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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. So, do we think there will be a DD S4? My guess is since Disney announced their streaming service the relationship soured between the companies and Netflix likely wants viewers to put eyes on the Millarworld shows and movies that'll be dropping in 2019 and beyond.


    Jessica Jones S3 & Punisher S2 are in production or wrapping up, but Netflix seems to be culling their Marvel shows. At this point I think the best we can hope for is a Defenders movie to maybe wrap up all these Netflix iterations of these characters. (Preferably one where they all scramble to save people in NYC from a giant spaceship then turn to dust at the end. Final shot is Foggey with a broom & dustpan while Jessica chugs a bottle of Jack.)

  2. Sooooo....watched S4E9-11 tonight annnnnnd I'm not sure I like where this is going in the back end of the season. It's turning into an anthology-type show where we only follow one main character each episode. I need more interweaving of established main characters stories to keep my interest. And in episode 11 we get introduced to A LOT of new characters...

    S4E1-11 spoilers below...


    I don't need a whole episode of Alicia & Charlie or a separate whole episode of Morgan. I need more weaving of these characters' stories together--like in episode 9. So I'm guessing it's gonna be Just Al & June for an episode then John & Strand for an episode? Meh. I love these new characters and I don't like that we're already getting two episodes away from seeing them. Also, I don't love that Nick and Madison were killed. (Well, I wouldn't put it past TWD to have Madison not be dead).  It was sad to see how his character grew then regressed only to never get a shot (pun intended) at redemption. Tragic.

    I'm definitely gonna finish S4, I'm hooked on June, John, and Al's stories. Morgan's has possibilities. I'm not sure about Charlie and Alicia though.




    The concerns in the spoilers were unfounded. They switched back to the intertwining storyline format by E12. 

  3. S9E5:

    So, that happened.

    Recent Comic & show spoilers:


    I binged the first five episodes and was pleasantly surprised it picked up in quality from S8, which may be the worst of the series. I'm excited to see Carl reincarnated as Judith and what a Rick-less Alexandria will be like. I'm wondering if Ezekiel will have some grey in those dredds now that we've jumped fwd like the comics--I'm guessing he'll have his head on a spike by the end of the season. Also, I realized that even though there's no more Rick on TWD, Aaron is now taking the roll of the bearded, armless guy from the comics.



    As for Rick, my guess is he's headed for the Commonwealth from the comics. Michonne will be reunited with him there instead of her daughter. But I guess that's happening in a series of TV movies and not on the show.


  4. Wrapped this up a while back, and it was damned good. Great origin for Bullseye and I love how they showed Kingpin pulling all the strings. We finally get a seaosn where Matt has a major arc that isn't second fiddle to another character! Not that the other character arcs were bad (weakest was Foggy, but his still was decent), but Matt's was just so damned good! I especially liked Karen's storyline this season, too. The biggest complaint (other than the season finale kinda fizzling there) is the mediocre direction. That finale especially had me wishing for some better direction and camera work.


    All in all, I'd say this is tied w/ S2 in terms of overall quality. 

  5. The last Kevin Smith film I saw was Zack & Miri... back in *checks imdb* 2008. Damn. He's got a decade of work I haven't been interested in enough to watch. Well, I did watch that awful pilot for Hollyweed on YouTube a few months back, but no film work--or his stuff for CW either. But I have been checking out his podcast/youtube show Fatmen On Batman (now Fatmen Beyond) with Mark Bernardin off and on for about two years. I'd be curious to see Jay & SB make it back to the big screen. Also curous to see what the Sam & Twitch TV show looks like.

  6. On 10/13/2018 at 9:05 PM, Axels said:

    Oh this was hardly a Catwoman. More like... Ang Lee's Hulk at worst. You could really see where the R rating was nerfed. And they missed some opportunities to tweak the movie in the right direction. But low expectations helped me like it more than I thought I would.

    Agreed on pretty much all of this. It was entertainingly bad. 

  7. Ermagerd! Where y'all at with this S3!?!? I'm seven episodes deep and it's on par with S2 so far.

    S3E1-7 spoilers

    D'Onofrio is absolutely crushing it as Kingpin. (It's kinda maddening knowing he'll likely never get a scene with Fury, Stark, or Spidey in an MCU film.) Master manipulator! Matt finally cought on at the end of E7. Looking forward to seeing how he digs himself outta this shithole.


    Speaking of Matt, this may be the best DD's been in his own series thus far. I mean, that prison scene was basically the showrunners saying, "Oh shit, the most talked about scene from S2 of our show was with Punisher in a prison. Let's put Matt in there." Obvious as hell but still a damned fun scene to watch.


    The Bullseye origin was done pretty great. The only problem with the first fight between Bullseye and DD was the same problem with most DD fights--too feckin' dark! Looking fwd to seeing the rematch.


    Agent Nadeem needs to die in a terrible, terrible way.

  8. On 10/23/2018 at 7:46 PM, Iambaytor said:

    I mean, how hard is it to just find a really fucking buff guy, throw a luchadore mask and some camo pants on him and call it good?


    22 hours ago, Da Cap'n 2099 said:

    Impossible, apparently.


    It's the final season. Just fucking go all out. Make the kid Batman. Bane is a buff guy in a luchador mask, like you said. Gordon grows a sick stache. Fuck it.

    Panch beat me to it. But let me know if they go for Panchito's suggestions and I may come back to this series. I tapped out after S2.

  9. On 10/19/2018 at 12:41 AM, FireDownBelow said:

    I watched the first episode. She's not a very good actress...so it was just painful to watch. I did not find it charming. Just embarrassing. Does it get better?

    Agreed. My gf is super into this woman and her "insta" (millennials), but she wanted to turn it off half way through the first episode and I made her finish so I could see that stupid finished cake. Definitely not going to be watching any other episodes, so can't answer if it gets any better. (unlikely)

  10. Damn, I totally forgot this show was a thing. I have the first three episodes DL'd somewhere but never got around to them. Did anybody watch S1? Is it worth catching up on?

    I've heard literally nothing about this since the premiere. 

  11. On 10/3/2018 at 11:57 AM, The Vagrant said:


    TNG is the only Star Trek version that I love. I have tried to get into the others, but I haven't been able to.


    Patrick Stewart is in great shape for his age. I think he can pull it off.

    Agreed on both points! I like  about 70% of DS9, 55% of Enterprise, 45% of TOS, & 40% of Voyager. (Disclaimer--those stats are likely to change depending on the day and my mood. Also, I still haven't seen Discovery yet.) However,  I love the OG crew films (Mostly.) and TNG --even S2 w/ Dr. Polaski. (It's like, damn, get off Data's ass, bitch!)

    • Like 1
  12. A live action Korra series by the series  creators...that doesn't involve M.Night? 

    Shh. If you listen very closely, you can here @Reverend Jax climaxing in some dark, distant corner of Hondo's.



    Also, I'm sporting a titanium rod for a live action Avatar (Not Cameron) series. I mean, I'd prefer a series about the  missing adult Ang years, but Korra post S4 be cool too.

  13. On 8/6/2018 at 2:24 PM, Axels said:




    And decided to frame Venomverse Gwenpool because that looks really neat and fill the wall well. Gonna frame those some more of those at some point, but I really wanted this one up.

    That GR#15 may be my favorite GR cover of all time. (All.Time.) Not only does it look great, but it's also glow in the dark, y'all! I got Tex to sign mine at a con a few years back. It's on my shelf.  That framed Gwenompool cover ya got has me thinking, however, that maybe I'll get some of my favorite covers framed. Looks nice!

    • Like 2
  14. 2 hours ago, spiffytee said:

    I'd give sicario 2 an A, it doesn't have the in your face action but makes up for it with the struggle and tension between characters.  There is a bit of political driver for the plot that is new as well, and although it didn't make a whole lot of sense (based on what the team could do and did do) it does create the environment to explore characters more and bring about an unforgettable moment.

    Yup. You definitely found a lot more to like in the film than I did, Spiffy. I found the plot extremely frustrating in that it went nowhere. Maybe that's the commentary the film is trying to make about the war on drugs, but damn, at least give me an interesting story to wrap that bit of commentary in, ya know?


    I need to probably watch NARCOS on Netflix for that. 

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