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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Mortiis558

  1. Upon further reveiw I was correct in putting DDS instead of Nocturne. Nocturne was great and I think both (all 3 if you wanna count releases) are better than the Persona series, but DDS is my favorite. Nothing in particular to point out why, I just got into it more than I did Nocturne. There are still quite a few games I need to beat though. You had said something about This World Ends with You, and that was one I played, enjoyed a lot, but got sidetracked and haven't been back, but I think I will move that one up on my list.

  2. Honestly I ALWAYS get Nocturne and DDS confused...and Fallout 1 and 2 I have never really played for longer than a few hours. I love Vesperia, really really love it, but Phantasia is what introduced me to the Tales saga so it will always have a special place in my heart.


    But feel free to break it into whatever lists you want really. I wouldn't say it has to stick with RPG's, I just don't want a Top 20 of all time best games across all systems and genre's. I am sure that's been done to death.


    But honestly I don't feel like System Shock 2, or Fallout (series), or the FF Tactics, or Deus Ex belong on a RPG list.

  3. Others please post your own top 20 I am not here to argue you just want to see people's opinions (and maybe get some new ideas of worthwhile games to play) These are all games I have beat or put enough time into to get a very good idea of the game (50-100+ hours)


    20. Gothic 4 - Arcania

    19. Grandia 2

    18. KoToR 2

    17. A Farewell to Dragons

    16. Titan Quest

    15. Dungeon Siege 2

    14. The Witcher 2

    13. Baldur's Gate 2

    12. Wild Arms 2

    11. Fallout 3

    10. Shin Megami Tensei: DDS

    9. Xenogears

    8. Everquest

    7. Mass Effect (trilogy)

    6. Planescape Torment

    5. Tales of Phantasia

    4. FF7 (yeah top 5 suck it)

    3. Suikoden V

    2. Neverwinter Nights 1

    1. System Shock 2

  4. There is a 137GB documantary torrent on pirate bay I have been downloading for the past week or so...everything from DNA, to a Debbie Does Dallas Docu. Haven't watched any yet, but if anyone is on the mood for a shit-ton of docs this is the torrent for you.


    HAha, WAT? They've been charging those 8 people money to play this every month this whole time?


    Here was my experience with my free trial of Vanguard (which actually looked kinda cool on paper): I made a cat dude. I picked a somewhat vague class. I did a handful of bland fetch starting quests.

    I tried to jump over a rock and got stuck behind it. FOREVER. I logged off, logged back on. Still stuck behind rock. I think that rock may have been one of the later encounters in the game, there was no way I could defeat it solo.

    Then I deleted it forever.


    Vangaurd is one of those MMO's that I wish whatever happened to fuck it up never happened. I got it Day 1, and I so wanted to love it, but it was just buggy to the point of unplayable, shit like what happened to you happened to everyone, OFTEN. That they STILL haven't fixed that shit after a Dev switch and everything is beyond belief (though to be "fair" it is running on a heavily modified Unreal 1!! engine, but that is no excuse). But I really wanted Vanguard to succeed and be the EQ sequel the world was MEANT to have. I dug the whole card/coversation aspect to. Never got into crafting because at first it was flat out broken, and then it just seemed too overly complicated for it's own good.


    But onto the real reason I am posting....The makers of Arma 1 & 2 (Bohemia Interactive) are coming out with a new game titled "Carrier Command: Gaea Mission." Suposedly it's based on some old 80's game no one has ever heard of, but here is a nice little preview...



    I think I just came a little....

  6. The worst for me is playing Gran Turismo or Need for Speed or Forza for a few hours, and then having to go driving in a real car. I ALWAYS catch myself about to floor it and overtake some guy going on a curve on the highway. Or not wanting to stay within the lines while driving. It's bad at times.

  7. There already is technically Ip Man 3. Unless they want to call it Ip Man -1 since it deals with the early years, but either way, don't care about 3D but all 3 of the Ip Man movies have been really good so far (even the one without Donnie Yen) so I am definately looking forward to this.


    I saw another martial arts flick that was apparently made for 3D but I only saw a 2D version and you can tell when they are purposely doing something for a 3D effect and I gotta say it kinda takes away from the action a little. Still more Donne Yen is a good thing always, unless he starts making romantic drama's like Jet Li....ugg.

  8. The ladder scene has always been my fav fight scene since I saw it all those years ago



    Ip Man vs. 10 Black Belts



    And of course Ong-Bak. I think the ending fight scene is better but it gives away the ending so I chose this one instead



    edit: Didn't see the posting for the same Ong-bak scene on the first page, but it is soo good you should just watch it again.

  9. Just based on that trailer with no other known info, I am going to say....yeah, no. It looks like it could have it moments, but I know it will end up showing us even more why everything star wars should have stopped after Return of the Jedi.

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