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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by MyLeakyBucket

  1. Yeah plenty of times.


    I remember the story arc when Zonker was arrested for possessing marijuana seeds. Also, most the early strips have Zonk in B.D.'s football huddle with a cigarette letting out stars as well as smoke. Not too subtle.


    Thanks for posting the odd strip Jax, have missed a few recently, including the great BD one two posts ago.

  2. Definitely gonna pick up that Entertainment mag. Did know that there were plans for sequels already. Believe the guys want to adapt every single one of Miller's stories is what I heard.


    Personal opinion though is that the first film adapts the best three stories so surely its all downhill from here. :D

  3. I was celebrating drunk Irish guys, I thought you'd be pleased :D


    If I'd posted someone like Bono then I would have been being sarcastic, but the three guys above are geniuses in their repsective fields (as well as being hopeless drunks).


    No pleasing some people. :D

  4. Got this about a week ago and read it cover to cover like really quickly. Just lent it out now, but when I get it back I'll definitely go through it a second time.


    WOWWWW! This is great!! The fact the afterword is written by Simon Pegg says it all.


    My initial reaction to the artwork in number 2 was negative at first, at least relative to the amazing art in the first. However, I really liked it by the end and thought it suited the slightly darker feel of the story better than the initial art would've.


    The story is just brilliant. Highlights have to be the snow falling off the DO NOT ENTER. ALL DEAD. sign and the zombies in the barn. So creepy and so much more realistic character reactions to the surroundings and chaos. I love all the characters secrets and politics within the group, adds a lot of tension.


    Can't wait for the third now. The second ended at a cool point, leaving it so you REALLY want to know what happens next.


    IC, dude, I really have to thank you for this one. I handed it over to my Boston comic geek friend and he agrees it is one of the best comics out at the moment. Can't say enough good stuff about it.

  5. Actually got given a free 1st issue of this when I bought Walking Dead TPB #1, which was cool. I enjoyed it, not enough to make me think about buying any TPB's yet or anything, but a fun twist on superheroes.


    IC, you should recommend it to Jax. It's sorta like Zits meets Incredibles.

  6. Got TPB number 2 about a week ago and have to say I'm definitely more into this series now. I also think #1 is improved significantly after reading #2 because you start to spot more clues of what the big picture is.


    Will keep reading this series albeit fairly slowly. Before trade numero three, need to pick up the 2nd book of Walking Dead, the first gets better every time I read it. Great stuff.

  7. Film Trivia:


    Q: Who was signed up to play Donnie Darko before Gyllenhall took the role?

    A: Jason Schwartzman


    Therefore, a treat for the ladies of a "If you like..., you may like..." type thing.











    math is sexy

  8. hehe, thats great



    Read an article the other day about crap American beers coming back into fashion. I've been doing my bit, bought a 12 pack of Schlitz the other day and have been buying Pabst Blue Ribbon when I'm out. The beer sucks but at least I look good when I drink it. Fashion is nothing without pain. :D

  9. Hot guys in bands (only hot because damn their music is good):



    Biffy Clyro




















    ...And you will know us by the trail of dead






    I've spoiled you girls enough with these gods of rock. :fuming:

  10. Oh my god!! This book has balls of steel.


    Unlike 100 Bullets, where the first TPB left me slightly cold, absolutely ate this up.


    The characters are brilliant, the typical assortment you'd expect to find after the zombies have wiped out most of the human race, but still nicely thought out.


    Really enjoyed reading the author's intro where he says the book is not about scaring the reader, but is more about the survival of the lead characters. The reader won't be left with "And what happened next?", but rather we'll be shown.


    I love it, can't wait to get some money together to get TPB #2.


    Who knows what other secrets the characters will be hiding??

  11. Given the first TPB a read and will post my quick reaction.


    Good, but not brilliant. I like the concept, but the stories and characters didn't really touch me.


    Howvere, did notice you saying IC that you weren't completely grabbed by the first TPB. I'm guessing you would advise me to read on?

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