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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Lipala

  1. Hey guys, my girlfriend is a streamer whose having some burnout from streaming for months with only one consistent viewer and getting frustrated at all the effort with nothing to show for it. If any of you would care to watch her play some and interact in the chat with her it would brighten her day more than you can imagine. She's not streaming right now, but when she does its https://www.twitch.tv/nihilana


    Also if you like her videos but she streams at times that aren't good for you to interact and watch, let me know and I can relay that to her. I'm her unofficial community manager, granted its a community of 1 at the moment.


    EDIT: It looks like, in her frustration last night she marked all her videos private. I'll see what I can do about that =/

  2. Hey guys, I've been playing this with my girlfriend since the start of closed beta. Its limited keys released in waves at the moment but immensely fun even with the buggy beta nature.


    Worlds Adrift


    Its an open world sandbox MMO where you are in a world post-cataclysm and all that is left of the old world are floating islands separated by difficult to cross winds, storms, and sandstorms. Its focused on exploration and creation but also allows for interesting trade alliances as well as their scurvy counterparts. Huge amounts of fun, would love to see you guys in the skies!


    PS - Currently, even though most of the data will change there are community projects to map the world, research materials and their effects on different parts of blueprints, as well as anti-piracy policing.

  3. Overall it looks fantastic, I think I may have to promote the hell out of the game with my friends to prove to a publisher female protagonists can sell copies. Its helpful when one of my best friends knows like almost everyone in the music and gaming industry within one acquaintance :P

  4. True, however, the vast majority of games programmed on pc these days are still running 32bit even though people are switching to 64bit operating systems. So instead of going with forward like they did with the Cell they are doing what the devs asked for.

  5. The PS3 bc was performed via having an entire PS2 chipset onboard as well as a PS1 chip in the original designs. It was 60% of the reason why the PS3 was so expensive at launch and was why it was one of the first things to go in the price drop models. I get that you want emulation, but emulation, as you pointed out doesn't make the company money, if a company invests anything at all into emulation they're doing so out of good will in the first place. Consoles are not PCs this is something we know and have known since their inception. Just because you can do something on a PC, to expect the same on a console is like expecting a typewriter to be compatible with pen ink and being upset when the typewriter's proprietary ribbon prevents you from using a pen to give it ink. From a console specific argument, again I agree that hardware supported BC is the only way you're really going to get solid PS3 support on-console its not worth it. Sony tried pleasing their player base with the PS3 and built in PS2 support day one and what did it get them? A huge hit in market share due to their console costing too much. Its not corporate apology to accept that the business which made the last device I purchased learned that a feature I liked actually lost them sales and therefore took it out. Sony commits to 10 year life-cycles on their hardware, so yes PS4 is coming out but PS3s will still be made and sold for at least another 2 years and there will be continued hardware support for them. Just as the PS2 continued to see titles for years after the PS3 came out. Also, just as the PS2 I'm sure they'll come out with a budget model costing dramatically less so you can have that backup PS3 in case there's content you're jonesing for.


    all this before we talk about accessing your single player content when your internet (or their newtork) is down.


    Nick Sony already addressed this and said directly that single player/offline play will be available for all games. Period. They are not locking single player behind a network connection. Also, they integrated much of the Gakai tech throughout the system and at the response times Gakai is able to achieve, running those PSN and classic PS3 titles on a local Sony server and then fed to the PS4 is completely possible even at low broadband speeds and they've yet to comment if any such thing will occur. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if that sort of service was behind a Playstation Plus style paywall as opposed to a per-play/game expense. Why shouldn't it be btw? Its something that costs sony money to operate on an ongoing basis, a single purchase hardly covers the cost.

  6. Am I really the only one here who couldn't give two shits about backwards compatibility? I've got a ps3 and my friend a ps2, between them I can play all the PS1-3 games I want. Why do I need the PS4 to play them for me too? Especially considering PS3 and PS2 architecture is completely incompatible with x86 and you're essentially asking Sony to install two entire chipsets on the board just for that support to be able to play those games with any reliability because if they emulate it and its not 100% of what you remember you're going to bitch. You've really got two choices here, a reasonably priced PS4 or your BC.

  7. Couple of things, 1 sorry about no backwards compatibility Nick but it sounds like they're looking into emulation or cloud play instead. Also, explicitly mentioned, not at the conference but in after interviews, the PS4 will allow you to play used games and play in offline mode, so initial worries of having to be always connected to play are unfounded.

  8. Just finished watching and I'm pleased with what I'm seeing, they have pretty much implied that there won't be any direct (insert the disk) backwards compatibility but full access to games via cloud gaming similar to onlive but with faster tech. Overall I'm pleased with what I saw, especially the release being this christmas.

  9. Just a mild correction for factual consideration. Both Taoism and Buddhism ARE non-theist, in that they make no claims of the existence of deities. The spiritual aspects of both don't contain anything about afterlives or anything like that. Their teachings, in both cases start with a basic, "we are all connected and one in the same, manifestations of a greater unity" which is, with the recent discovery of higgs particles, likely to be quite literally true. They continue to use this as a moral assumption as to how we should treat others and ourselves. Buddhism's primary differentiating factor from Taoism is that it goes on to address the human condition and human society a little more directly than Taoism does. Buddhism and Taosim both share something in common with Rational Atheism in that they are both belief systems that change and have changed to fit new information about reality and the universe. There is little to no "faith" in either of them.


    That said, in J's question which is totally his and no one else's, the primary difference in my view is that both Taoism and Buddhism assign a spiritual significance whereas Rational Atheism doesn't. I suppose that in the initial question is whether that spiritual aspect serves a function be it psychologically or practically that would cause someone to choose that over the strictly secular rationalism?

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