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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. A film about Carnage...w/out blood?  I'm suddenly reminded of 'Spawn'...



    Spidey isn't even in this.  If it's about maintaining approachable product for the brand - I'd get it.  But - it might as well be it's own R-Rated horror / action flick.


    Deadpool and Logan proved something.  Who's making decisions over there?


    This makes about as much sense as a Spidey origin w/out Uncle Ben - or a Venom origin w/out Spidey.  A blood-soaked, murderous serial killer...super-villain - given a live-action treatment - during a time when any imaginative-thing...imaginable can be put on screen...to not play that up - is such a waste.  He deserves better.





    • Haha 1
  2. It's so tricky.  They've obviously been around - because the series is being integrated in...


    I wanted to vote - 'sorry, we were busy'...like, mutants and the X-Men have always been around...BUT:


    - for the 'current' Fox X-Men to be in the 'current' MCU universe...the mutant 'problem' has to be such a thing - and for that to - suddenly pop up?  It's jarring - not just for continuity, but in the overall tone - that has to suddenly be injected into this....comedic, loud slug-fest series.  Either it's gonna change the nature of the MCU - or the MCU is gonna change the nature of mutants / the X-Men.


    The Fox X-flicks (the first 2) were solid in 'being' what the source material was about.  I think that was the best we're ever gonna get...just like Raimi's Spidey (the first 2).


    Disney's treating of Spidey in Homecoming...removed so much of the character that appealed to me.  It's a watered-down...Disney XD'd - toy on screen.  As shallow as a tooth brush commercial.  They're prolly gonna do the same w/ the X-Men.  Remove all the HARD connotations of racism or prejudice - and just make their inclusion a fun colorful addition / romp to the MCU.  They need dem kiddies to buy dem toys!


    That prolly being wuddup - the mutant situation will prolly be re-invented into SUCH a super low-key thing.  Not a massive 'epidemic' on the brink of war.


    The 'mutant epidemic' can be easily explained-away from the MCUs perspective - by stating it's been kept sooo under wraps:  Missing people...government interference...scant reports of 'strange people w/ strange powers'..."the Prof does what he can to find these individuals as quickly as he can."


    ...the X-Men strike hard - and then fade away into the night.  Super black ops.



    ^ this and mutants has to have been a part of the existing MCU...prior to Thanos...w/out any mention.


    Fuck.  Guess I should've voted 'they've always been around'...BUT, I also think their whole nature is gonna get a MASSIVE hand-waved (not Thanos) retcon...from what was.  Simple and colorful enough to be sold to casual MCU fans.


  3. Now I'm curious if the movies are gonna get de-canon-ized.  I've never seen any of the TNG movies.


    Well - I've actually seen 'Generations' - the one where Picard meets Kirk.  That was...so...badly handled.  The rest I've 'seen' through the Plinkett reviews.  The films look like extended episodes.  Extended, bad episodes.


    Now I'm curious if anything major happened in those movies that would hold any bearing in this sequel series.  'Cuz I'm sure - Picard is gonna have a moment where he explains where's he's been - what's he's been doing - since...the last movie?  The last episode?

  4. I LOOOVE the night shots of the cemetery - and the rolling smoke.  LOL - felt like an Ed Wood movie.  I love it.  It all looked...really good.


    But ah dunno how you can improve on what was already a pretty good adaption.  Kinda feels like Savini's Night of the Living Dead remake - it'll be an interesting 'exercise'...but not really needed.


    Nowhere near 'IT' levels of hype for me.  This is almost a short story - and the look n' vibe seem to fit that.  I'm interested in checking it out - not expecting the reinvention of the wheel or anything.



  5. I begrudgingly got Online.  Only because I have to.  My gf needs Splatoon - and I keep in touch w/ sum folks via Smash (not local).  W/ Ultimate nearly here - gonna need the Online.


    Got the Family Plan and fumbled through google - trying to set all the accounts up.  It's not intuitive or self-explanatory AT ALL.  Prepare to google on how to activate and register accounts to the 'Main' account.




    I tested NES Online - can't join strangers - you can only play w/ registered Friends.  I'm in Georgia State - tested it w/ sum folks WAY out in Washington state.  The connection wouldn't last more than a few seconds.  Once a game was started - the session would just end,  we get booted...it just kept disconnecting.  Unplayable.  Like - the definition of unplayable.  It's a Peer-to-Peer set up - no dedicated servers...so it's wholly reliant on just youz guyz connections.


    Abysmal experience.  So mad.  A few days later, (Sunday) - we tried again.


    We toggled 'Turn Latency Mode OFF' - in the NES Online Settings (which can only be accessed once an online session / connection has been established) and it fuckin' held.  For hours.  Flawless.  Not choppy or laggy...like, scary-smooth.  I really felt like couch-coop - again, scary!  LOL  Noticeable slight-lag found only in Super Mario Bros and SMB3...totally workable, doable, playable...but subtle moments of 'yup, I felt it...'


    Jumped in and outta games - no prob.  Played coop Mario Bros Arcade...totally flawless.  After the shit-show that was my intro - it all ended up impressing the hell outta me.  Like, big time.  Really floored.  'Old hat' to sum, I'm sure - (online NES emulation) - but, to me...WHOA!!!


    The experience of...



    ...will not be forgotten.  I could not shut up about how amazed I was.  It's a cool 'thing' to do on the Switch w/ a bud online...bite-sized entertainment.  Everyone who has Online...has NES Online...a round of Mario Bros Arcade...Dr. Mario...a fun 'something to do'.  You'll be bored after half an hour, but - it works...and it's there.  (shrugs)  'Dodgeball' comes out t'morrow.


    OH!  Forgot to mention - you can use the right-stick to move a cursor 'hand' about the screen:  it's also fun to purposely fuck up jumps n' such for the 'other player' in SMB (and other turn-based stuff)...by totally covering their character-sprite or distracting them as they precision platform - while you wait your turn.  Lotta laughs...and something to do while you wait.



  6. Polaski was fuckin' cool.


    "If you know what I'm saying - when I'm not saying anything...well, what do you need me for?  Thank you for the tea and crumpets - I'll be going..."




    I really liked her.  I was taken aback she never got a 'departure' episode.  Just...gone.


    • Really? 1
  7. MS-FraggleRock-35th.jpgfraggle-rock-the-complete-series-post.jp


    ON BLU...!!!  It dropped on Sept 25th. ?


    "Get the f*ck outta the waaay!!!"



    I did a bit of research on this - as this show was veeery evidentally shot on video tape.  LOL - I hoped that maybe they shot it on film and then transferred it on tape...and that we'd be getting sum sick-ass restoration as Pee-Wee's Playhouse and TNG did (recomposited fx shots...green screen elements)...but, naaaaaaw...the original masters are ALL on video tape.  ?


    Still - I read they did a fantastic job 'remastering' from the 'not so optimal' sources.  Dreading it being a simple 'upscale cash-grab' from what is already on DVD - (technically, it's all you can do) - I've read Sony went all out and used sum...super-awesome super-computers and re-scanned the tapes - did sum technical conjiggerig - and 'restored' the image the best that it possibly could be.


    From what I'm getting - you can STILL tell it's...'tape' - BUT, fine details - textures - are indeed a lot crisper and a depth to the image that wasn't present in any release thus far - can really be felt.  Consensus is: there is a level of 'difference' that is notable - making the DVDs obsolete.  (been searching the net for comparison shots...but, nothing.  NOTHING!)


    HBO has had their hands on this 'remaster' for a bit now - and has been available for streaming on their service.  BUT, they're streaming it in a 16x9 format: which is a 'fake' widescreen...they cropped the original image.  (Fraggle Rock was shot in 4x3 - and like the current 'modern' Seinfeld being aired...it was shot in 4x3, but the top and bottom are now cut off, to be 'zoomed in' - to fit modern tvs.)


    This set has them in their original 'filmed' / 'broadcast' format:  4x3 / 'boxed' - so you're getting all the visual information that was captured - and all that was intended to be seen.  The set ALSO has TONS of new docs, concept art...AND it also includes the Complete Animated Series - all for $49 dollars...



    My copy is already on it's way.


    Muppet Show never got past a Season 3 DVD release.  Here's hoping we get the Muppet Show Complete Series on Blu!


    Man, this news made my day.  RIP - and thank you, Mr. Henson. ?


    • Like 1
  8. Bonus if there are physical releases - but, I expect these to be E Shop stuff.  I'm kew w/ that.  I'm not gonna wait.


    Everything is getting the HD treatment - I need a release date!



    Sooo pumped for FFVII - the HD (PC) Edition.  I've never experienced the game all crisp-like.  (I got my expectations of how crisp in check - I've seen reviews of the PC version)  I own the original version / discs...it's all I got / ever had access to.  Not part of the PC Master Race...not for lack of trying.


    FF8 is where I fell off the series.  I devoured FFVI and FFVII - the cartoony / sword n' sorcery / steam punky aesthetic is part of the draw for me to the series.  I saw that FF9 returned to that 'look' - always wanted to play it...I've just never had access to it.  SOOO READY for these releases.



  10. X-Man is the shit.  I was all over X-Man back in the day.


    Still got quite a few issues - cross-overs...solo-stuff...even a 2-parter where he teams up w/ Spidey and they take on Electro.  Fold-out cover...Electro 'dies' in that one...think they knock him into the Hudson?  "He couldn't have survived that!"


    X-Man is fuckin' cool.  Fan-favorite, too.  Here-here.



    I have no idea wutz goin' on in the world of comics today - I have been curious, tho.  (The fuck is Disassembled?)


    It just feels like shit gets rebooted every 3 years...doesn't really drive me to invest in any stories.  Feels like an endless sea of one-shots...sure, the stories alone might be kewl...but, I'm such a fan of continuity and connected-ness...big ol' universe.  I'd give this a shot - maybe it'll be an attractive window into current X-Men stuffs - and get me in.


    I have no idea who half the 'Spidey's' are...in that Spider-verse flick.  I'm that behind.  I can point out Spider-Gwen(?) in a line-up, but I couldn't give you an origin or anything.


    LOL - think you know comics?  Listen in on NZA and Panch as they browse through a comic shop...




    • Haha 1
  11. I can actually spend my mornings w/ sum She-Ra on - but, this lacks sumthing.  Grit?  I think it is the art style...feels a little too 'gumdrop'?


    It already being a 'complete thing' on Netflix and not a series I'd have to catch at the right hour on cable (which I don't have) - works in it's favor.  I'd click the thumbnail and give it a shot.  Hopefully the first episode will make me want to watch another...and not make me feel old and out of touch.


    ...I keep tellin' em, I keep tellin' em...they're doing it wrong...



    He-Man's return is inevitable at this point.



  12. 0473fa8cef86db18da232e5a97e6a658.jpg



    ^ C'moooon...will he?  Won't he?



    Fuck - he's not taking the bait...he's like...super-smart!  That or - he saw the last movie...




    ^ Iron Man can be killed...but, good luck.  It'll be a journey.


    A straight-up Terminator robot - stronger and smarter than Arnie would be awesome.  That casting - the actor looks very unassuming...I think that works in his favor.


    Arnie had a role-reversal in T2 (from bad to good) - now that he is kinda-sorta liquid metal (after the conclusion of Genisys) - he's kinda OP.  A 'simple'...'underdog'(?)-approach to a villain - who 'just. won't. fucking. die.' would be fun and even more threatening than a robot that can teleport and kill w/ mere thoughts.  A bare-knuckle brawl should have the audience wide-eyed.



    In the end - the bad guys always have the advantage...no matter how big or small they are.  They could play that up over a gimmicky super-power.  Again, smarter...stronger...but, clearly still a metal motherfucker that can be smashed into junk - vs liquid Arnie.


    Hopefully, it ain't an hour and a half scramble of - 'where can we find a giant magnet?!' being recited every 10 min...while the villain flies over a highway - splitting in half...pooping bombs all over the place. 


    I'd like this -


    "Call to John."




                               PRESIDENTIAL ALERT:

        T6 villain able to shoot lightning - and IS the internet.

                         No further action is needed.


    Well, fuck.

    • Haha 1
  13. I need the extras!  I'm wrapping up Encore Mode.


    'Encore Mode' IS essentially THE Sonic Mania 'Plus'.


    It's basically Sonic Mania's 'Master Quest'.  It is it's own thing - nothing carries over.  It's the whole 'base / initial' game - but w/ tweaked level designs...(to accommodate for the 'new characters' abilities - Mighty and Ray)...there are minor color / sprite differences...gotta re-collect all those Chaos Emeralds...


    I don't know exactly what unlockables or extras you get for 100% Encore Mode - or even the base game...I know all Chaos Emeralds gets you the 'true ending'.  (I'm just getting into this thing...trying not to google until I have to...which is getting PRETTY DAMN CLOSE! - LOL!!!) - but, having to 100% Mania AND Encore...?  I don't know if - ugh...


    • Haha 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, The Vagrant said:


    TNG is the only Star Trek version that I love. I have tried to get into the others, but I haven't been able to.


    TNG is sooo goood.  YEESSS!



    I really hope it feels connected - it doesn't need to be a carbon copy...but it'd be nice to feel sum sense of legacy and history.  LOL - TNG is the shit.  It'd be cool to see Picard leading the 'New Class'.

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