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Little Nemo McFly

Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by Little Nemo McFly

  1. tumblr_p7zayfARxO1vndct2o1_540.jpg


    ^ Picked up all the 1930s 'Weird Tales' Conan stories - these 'Del Rey' Editions (3 Collections) are the first time the original Howard stories have ever been released unabridged n' unaltered.


    Bunch of bonus material: notes, drafts, maps...in-universe world backstory - 4 posthumous stories and a few 'unfinished' ones.  Mega-bonus: sweet-ass art - accompanying the stories.


    Also gotz me sum...








    ^ un-freakin-realz


  2. They run an hour block of Night Court twice a day over here.  I totally watch.  Still holds up.


    Yeah, dude was a legit magician - been watching Cheers on Netflix (HD remasters...looks fucking great), no idea he was in there, either!


    'It' has a special place in my heart.  I'll prolly always associate him most w/ the Losers Club.




    RIP - Richie

  3. On 4/10/2018 at 2:21 PM, Drifter said:

    I hope it's at least fun.


    Yeah, I could see the writers n' actors (Winters n' Reeves) all sitting in a room and pitching insane ideas on how to 'muck up' the perfect ending (Bogus Journey's ending)...rolling on the floor laughing then abruptly, "No.  We can't do that."


    I think the only constant through out the years, as far as a sequel - was: they're old and the perfect song that 'fixes' all the world's ills...hasn't been written yet...and it should have been.  So many ways it can go from there.


    I hope it's a fun ride w/ awesome tunes, fx n' laughs.



  4. Awww - hey!  I wasn't on yesterday - but, if I knew it was ur birfday - I totally would've wished you a 'Happy Mutation Day!'  Pretty sure I wished you one last year - I should get points for that!  ;)


    If you makes you feel any better - no one has ever wished me a Happy Birthday on here.  I'm taking notes, people!


    I'm normally on here at least once a day, too - been super insanely distracted these past 2 months.


    Got a gig as a performer at the Puppet Museum over here - rubbing elbows (literally) w/ freakin' LEGENDS!  Been absorbed in rehearsing n' building...all hours of the day / night.  I just like, hang out there - all the time now - LOL  Got my first show in May.  Super puuuumped!  I'm just now getting back into 'settled' and getting comfty enough to get back into the Hondo zone...of opine-ing!

  5. main-qimg-15d9e342703b9de76ff173f300c0b8






    LOL - sounds like they cast Tor Johnson as Eddie Brock.


    I've only ever seen this dude in Mad Max...well, I guess also that one time as Bane in that awful Dark Knight sequel?  Dude feels hooorribly miscast in this.  Maybe it was pitched to him as something else - it was prolly originally a bit more 'horror'...but this is 90s...for everyone...Spawn-movie-derpy.


    I blame the 'success' of Homecoming. (blech)


    All I ever wanted was "We are...Venom!"  I got it - and it was, 'eh'.  It doesn't even look good.  This feels both 20 years too late....and rushed.



  6. Mega Man freak over here - played n' beat 'em all.  100%-ed (all Achievements) 9 n' 10...those were evil tough - and that's how I like 'em.  I'm all for Challenge Modes n' Online Leaderboards.  I like me a solid, old school, challenging platformer - Mega Man is that category.


    If you suck at platformers - these games will make you cry.  Don't think they're gonna have that hand-holding 'Rewind Feature' that the 'Disney Afternoon Collection' had.


    Awesome as all hell that the entire Classic and X Series are coming to Switch - and as physical media.  Like that Street Fighter-thing...these Collections are looking to be 'Definitive'.


    Curious about price...$40 sounds fair, considering all the extras.



  7. Nyargh - bullshit that you can't stop your swing when you slam into a building.


    "We didn't want to stop the player - or have 'em face plant into a building...


    ...when you slam into a building - you'll just keep running up it."


    I'd rather stop / hold a swing when I hit a building - than just automatically run up it.


    I remember in other games, having to hit / hold a button - if you wanna trigger running up or the side of a building.  Auto-run when you slam into a building?  Nah...much more rewarding when you nail those button combos.


    Awesome legit web swinging w/ legit web anchoring.  It's all cool n' slick - w/ that automatic parkour stuff w/ signs n' such and auto path-charting like ASM2s mechanics (the last game).  Most impressive.  I can only pray this eventually comes to Switch.

  8. Fuck. YES.



    On 3/30/2018 at 9:52 PM, Drifter said:

    I have no idea how this would work. At the end of the second movie they've pretty much become living demigods; their music supposedly solving all social and environmental ills and allowing meaningful communications with all forms of life on earth. Not to mention they have solved several of creation's most important metaphysical questions because their band includes actual space aliens and death itself... and to top it off Rufus is dead. Sigh, I hope it's fun at least.



    On 5/5/2016 at 4:22 AM, Little Nemo McFly said:

    They brought up that point that Bogus Journey ends in global/galactic harmony -


    In a series that has time-travel as the primary plot-device - I can think of a few possibilities to warrant a sequel. One could argue that the first flick also ended in global/galactic harmony.


    I think the 'absurdity of it all' works in this universe's favor.  If handled by people who understand / appreciate the IP - it could be...



    This has got such a 'hell yes' from me.

  9. On 4/7/2018 at 11:36 AM, Drifter said:

    PS- While not a big deal; I'm going on record as having no problem with the bad guys being Space Nazis again. I was just pointing out what I interpreted to be Nemo's disappointment with what he considered unimaginative re-use of Space Nazis being the stock villains after previously being tickled that the protagonists were last fighting Robots, and not have the next threat be that 'something else' that the EU had.


    Yeah, it's totally unimaginative to just do 'Rebels vs Nazis' again.  I mean, fuck - it's 30 years later and we're literally still doing the same 'Stormtroopers vs Rebels'...?  LOL - w/ the Emperor and Vader neatly right back in place?  C'mooon - LOL - it would've been infinitely more imaginative to build on the 'victory' of the OT...and set up something different.  Setting, players, stakes...not necessarily what the EU did, but something different!  Good lawd!




    LOL - to Lucas' credit - the Prequel Trilogy wasn't just a rehash of the same shit.  Horrendously executed - I'm sure heavily motivated by potential toy sales - but, I dug the original sandbox he created.  What Disney ended up doing - and their approach to the Sequel Trilogy...is pretty damn disappointing...





    ^ (sigh)  TLJ murdered Disney's Trilogy for me.  I didn't like TFA to begin w/, but I gave it a pass - saving judgement on the concept of the Trilogy for this flick / Luke's part in all this bidness.  At the end of TLJ - I didn't care where the hollow story went and found the over-the-top humor out of place and off-putting.  People loved it - that's how they like their movies...whuuuteva - don't bother me in the least people loved it...casual n' 'hardcore' alike, I know really liked it.




    What's funny is tons of people on the net 'triggered' by 'entitled fans' bitching that they didn't like this or that - because...they wanted this or that.  That's an interesting component I don't remember being around w/ the Prequels.  (shrugs)  I think people are gonna hafta keep those cups handy to keep up w/ those Last Jedi tears...LOL




    Prediction:  'Last Jedi' is gonna be a steady source of salt for a long, long time.


    I get people don't appreciate or hold up the OT as much as me - or other freaks out there - but, the fact is - truly, that (Original) Trilogy of films is special to people.  The characters...themes...victories...mean something to people.  People can find legit inspiration / escape in the oddest places.


    Reminds me of the madness of the impending TPM - I mean, Star Wars is fucking sacred to people.  It's fascinating how passionate this one single Episode has gotten people:  Either you hated it - or absolutely loved it...or just can't stand fans who 'whine' about perceived 'problems' / 'direction' w/ the movie / Trilogy - which was all 'already stupid to begin with'.





    ...I passionately love Star Wars.  For me, Disney done fucking squandered giant assets they had on a platter - Ghostbusters Reboot-style: having the original cast all back together - and then just...utterly misuse 'em.  Painful.  Coupled w/ an uninspired setting and stakes...


    Lucas-era < Disney-era




  10. The first trailer had me at 'maaaybe' it could work - but, I'll Redbox.


    This new trailer has me now at a big-ass 'heeell no'.  LOL - I'll still be 'Redbox'-ing - to see what they do w/ Star Wars' 'Underworld' - by far the most interesting thing this movie has going for it (design)...but, this is too much of a 'dumb-fun romp' for the Solo I love.  (shrugs)  This is totally Guardians.


    This could've been a spin-off film /series called 'Rendar'.  Cut off Chewie and the Falcon (maybe cameo) - this dude / character could've totally been Dash...and this flick launch his own clean-slate, no-strings-attached series.  I'd be down w/ Star Wars Guardians starring Dash Rendar.






  11. 10 hours ago, Iambaytor said:

    But the idea of the rebels and what little remains of the Empire having to throw aside grudges and fight a massive war against a new enemy that vastly outmatches them could've been a real cool idea to work with.


    That's pretty much where the EU went post-ROTJ.


    Yeah - a new 'conflict' / 'warring players' would've been nice w/ the Sequel Trilogy.


    I LOVED the 'Jedi' vs 'Robots' stage (and both sides being manipulated) of the Prequel Trilogy - and the 'Rebels' vs 'Nazis' of the Original Trilogy.


    The Sequel Trilogy stage is...it just feels uninspired and fucking lazy.  It's insane that Abrams and Kasdan got together - spent the time...and what they came up w/ was LITERALLY: remake 'A New Hope' / the OT stage...and let the next directors figure out...somewhere...something to do w/ it.  It's such a damn shame.


    It really is a jarring jump after RoTJ.  Two movies into the Sequel Trilogy - and it still has you asking: sooo wait - what happened after the Empire was defeated?  How are they back?  Was there peace?  Hold on - what did our heroes actually accomplish in the OT?  Why is it 30 years later...and still - it's 'Rebels' vs 'Nazis'?  30 freakin' years?  Am I really supposed to believe, creatively: "there's nothing else you can do w/ Star Wars"?




    ...I guess you can ruin Luke...






    UTTER.  MADNESS how this image / moment never happened...

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