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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Posts posted by Da Cap'n

  1. Just got back into this starting with vol 1. Fuckin' book blows me away...


    The art is some of the best I've EVER seen... ANYWHERE! I'm glad I finally started buying this. I'm also glad that the anime is on the way. Can't wait!

  2. Man, this game is AWESOME!! The TV shows you can watch... AWESOME!!! The attention to details... AWESOME!!! So far my favorite thing is paying the toll! I LOVE IT!!! HAHAHAHA!!! AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!!

  3. Had to get TWO new comic boxes (up to 14 now) and I'm happy (and sad) to report that Wolverine has graduated to his OWN comic box! He now joins Spidey that already has 2 of his own (and getting ready to start a third).

  4. You know, I've been thinkin' of joining Kirkman's forum. I'm not really into those huge forum sites, but I have been known to join 'em to recruit. Maybe I'll get some peeps from there? Maybe I'll get Kirkman himself? A boy can dream, can't he?

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