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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Posts posted by Da Cap'n

  1. I never really read any New Warriors stuff either. The only exposure I got of him was when he teamed-up with Spidey in old Amazing issues in the 90s. I always thought he was cool. Man, I can't get enough of this new series though! It's great!

  2. Marvel relaunched the Nova book after Annihilation and it's great! Everybody I know is sleepin' on this book! If you read Annihilation then you'll know what's going on, but it's not required to enjoy this book! Basically, Richard Rider now has the collected consciousness of the now wiped out Nova Corps along with all their power! He has become a one man army and is saving alien races throughout the universe that are threatened by hostile badguys! The first issue shows that he might be working to hard and decides to head home to Earth to take a breather! Well, he shows up at the height of the Civil War and is asked by Tony Stark to register! Disapointed by what has happened on Earth with all their petty BS, he leaves to help the universe again! The writer is awesome! Read this already!


  3. I didn't write it cause I didn't wanna spoil either, but basically

    some deseased hooker takes her boyfriend to a fuckin' demonic orgy and makes him kiss the snake dick of a goat-headed dude striaght outta 300 and then when he wigs out, she tells everybody to stop fucking and throw him off a cliff!

    Holy fucking crap!

  4. Berserk has to be, with out a doubt, the most intense experience you can have reading comic/comic related material. I just finished vol. 18 (which is current in the states if you're not a bootlegger) and just when I thought I've seen all that this creator can throw at me, he goes and blows my mind... again! This currently is my favorite story in fiction. Move over Spidey, Guts is in the house!

  5. Best movie of the year next to 300! Period! What a great movie! Way better than I thought and I knew it was gonna be good! I went to buy the 360 game right after and the game is cool too! I also bought the '86 Transformers movie soundtrack and burned it to my 360 hard drive! Now when I play the game I got "YOU GOT THE TOUCH!!" playin' in the background!

  6. One of the best (if not the best) documentaries I've ever seen! I liked it so much I had to buy it! I got it on dvd... yes I know it's a travesty, but I don't have no gay ass PS3! The version that they're showing here in the states on cable has Sigourney Weaver narrating! It's good, but it ain't no David Attenborough! He's awesome!

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