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Sr. Hondonian
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Posts posted by gunsmithx

  1. there's not reason not to have multitouch these days, also really sucks about no upscaling for wii games.


    My problem is I guess I don't see a huge reason for day 1 unless there's a new Zelda or Mario but those teams are already working on wii and 3ds games so they proabbly won't have anything for launch.

  2. I'm underwhelmed by that WiiU(lol). Frankly the thing looks uncomfertble and people are saying those are nubs not sticks. Also fuck nintendo for these other reasons


    No Upscale for wii games(no really wtf)


    Has to be in same room as console(there goes taking a dump with it or in bed)


    No multitouch... sigh... need to see more things but so far meh, really meh.

  3. Some more psv news


    Tretton just said that it will be out in Japan by holidays, and golbal by march 2012, other terrorties outside japan getting it for the holidays will depend on how many they can make.


    Best guess? Japan and US this holiday and EU/aus gets screwed like always and it will cost a newborn in AUS assuming they even let it in the country.

  4. So it's offical, Minecraft coming to android gaming, exclusive to Xperia Play!. Hopefully this will count as ps suite(it should be) so you'll be able to get it on NGP(sigh I should just say Vita....)

  5. final thought(still need to do co-op though) the writing is amazing and the gameplay fantastic. the game tossed a few surprises at you and I do wish they used the gels a bit more but I did think it was a touch too long, I know I wanted more portal at the end of one but this one kinda drags a bit at a couple of points. Also the ending fight felt a bit too easy and not quite as fun as the first one except for the very end of it.


    Also Animal King for life!

  6. Ben & I were at Walmart last night and we saw the 3DS display and started playing. At first I was disappointed, then I noticed a little button that said "3D" and it was set to "Off" so I moved it...


    Both Ben & I said, "Whoa!" -- needless to say, I think I know what Santa Claus is bringing Ben for Christmas...


    Huh, when me and tash saw one I was really underwhelmed by the 3d, I hate how it's easy to lose and it kinda gave tash a headache. For me it was like meh.

  7. The test results are in. You are a horrible person. That's what it says. You are a horrible person. We weren't even testing for that.




    I died when I heard that.

  8. it's funny in a lot of ways it's like video games and retail. Alot of games would sell better if they were cheaper on psn/xbla or if you could start out at a lower price point then 60 but the shops still have alot of sway.

  9. Ok having used the ipad for over a week now I can it's the best thing ever in terms of reading comics :) also options for just buy online suck a big fat fucking donkey dick. great being able to carry huge chunks of my collection around though.

  10. would that work the say I think it would? that I would go the local store, pay for my comics and then they would print me out a code for it?

    I'm very very interested in this as I think I'm picking up an ipad2, and frankly that makes me want to get back into regular comic reading..(fuck you marvel for not putting unlimited on ios... :(


    where else do people by digital comics from?

  11. about 12 hours in so far, and loving it so far, the combat system is fun, the story is ok, but god do I love tales skits <3. also <3 Rita BOOM!


    I also have to say it's nice that yuri seems to be in good control and is decently smart and not fooled like some other main characters. I'm at the town of the guilds atm.

  12. Link


    Yesterday was a big day for episodic game developer Telltale. Not only did it announce a new game series based on Walking Dead and show off the first playable version of Jurassic Park, it also announced four other new titles. Of particular interest to the IGN Editors is a reboot of the classic point-and-click franchise, King's Quest, although, sadly, no details were discussed other than the reboot's existence. Here's everything we know about Telltale's upcoming lineup:


    King's Quest: Not a port of the original, this will be an entire reboot of the franchise. Expect more details at E3 in June.


    Puzzle Agent 2: Last summer Puzzle Agent, a bizarre take on the Professor Layton formula, was released on PC and iOS platforms (it'll make its way to the PlayStation Network this spring). The sequel, Puzzle Agent 2, is coming this summer to all the same platforms. It again stars Agent Tethers and takes place in the snowy Midwest.


    More Hector: Badge of Carnage: The first episode of Hector, a mature, gritty point-and-click adventure, was released independently by developer Straandlooper on the iPhone last summer ( IGN gave it an 8.5). Telltale is partnering with Straandlooper to first bring Episode 1 to iPad, PC, and Mac this spring. Two more Episodes will be released later this year.



    Hector: Badge of Carnage


    Fables: Telltale will bring the Vertigo comic book series to PC, Mac, and consoles in Q1 of 2012. Fables stars famous characters from fairy tales and mythology that have been forced out of their Homelands. Expect more details at Comic-Con in July.


    Mostly looking forward to a new kings quest!!! Still though they look to be bigger then I thought, I wonder if they will ever get around to more Monkey Island ports.

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