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Posts posted by Acalis

  1. i'm not sure if anyone has said this already but boba was not eatten by the sand monster he actualy makes it out live and in one piece off camera

    Arc is right you know. If you follow the Star Wars novels, Boba makes a reappearance in several of them. When they ask how he got out of the Sarlacc's mouth, he merely said that it found him to be "somewhat indigestible" (must've been the armor).


    As for my vote (albeit 3 years late), my money is on Samus. She has way more better gear to protect herself than just the armor. She can jump in the air and use the screw attack to make her invisible. She can roll into a ball and dodge all of Jango's attacks, oh and finally she has a freeze ray that can stop Jango Fett cold (no pun intended).


    Silent Bob did bring up a good question though. The 'Metroid' choice, did Arc mean Samus, or did he mean the Metroids themselves? If the battle is between Jango and the Metroid itself, then that could be a close battle, since the only way you can destroy a Metroid is to freeze it and then slam it with several missiles. To my knowledge, Jango doesn't have a freeze ray in his arsenal, so he could have a tough time with thise annoying creatures as it is.


    Stay tuned to the next exciting episode! :bananaman:

  2. Kain can't touch you as long your under a roof.


    Not true, if the roof isn't steel or something, Kain could probably smash right through it and skewer the MoFo's ass like a human shishkabob :)

  3. Secret of Mana, all 3 characters at LV. 99, all of Sprite Spells to Lv. 9 (8.99), all the girl's spells to Lv. 9 (8.99), and I got most of the rare Lv. 9 weapons. I don't think I have spent more time on any other game than I have on SoM.

  4. Yeah I loved several pieces of FF music from various games. Here are my top picks (bare with me I don't know them all by exact name, so I will use descriptions):


    FF IV: The Airship Theme, The moon's core theme, and The Final Battle with Zeromus.


    FF V: The cave theme, the battle with Ex-Death, and the submarine music. I was especially fond of th cave theme, I even downloaded it as an MP3.


    FF VI: Kefka's Theme, the Vector theme, and Locke's themes (both when he's intro-d and during the Rachel flashbacks)


    FF VII: Aeris's Theme, and who could not like Sephiroth's theme? "Se-phi-roth-oth-oth-oth!" Also Yuffie's theme was kinda catchy.


    FF VIII: don't really have any particular favorites from VIII, but the train mission music was pretty catchy.


    FF IX: The Airship theme. "Gwok!" ;) also the boss battle


    FF X: The Luca theme is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE of all the FF musics! I was completely livid when I saw they changed it in FF X-2. Also is it me, or does the music from FF X sound very similar to the music of Secret of Mana at times?


    Secret of Mana: This game has the best music throughout the entire game in my opinion.

  5. She meanwhile will summon her monster friends.  She will distract them with her beauty

    Beauty???!!! You call this beauty????? :D




    Looks like she just took a crapload of steroids!!! :D

  6. True Rydia can cast Meteo and Summon Bahamut, they take 2-3 turns each, but Edge can throw his Spoon Daggers, Excaliburs, etc each turn and do massive damage! SO yeah by the time Rydia does her 9999 damage, Edge has done nearly 20,000-30,000 damage by the same time! At this rate, Edge could easily knock off anyone, so he'll be the winner if you ask me.edge.gif

  7. Yes, youre absolutely right, it was a long time back but i remember it...hard as fuck like the other ones too. Ill add it soon. Which was your favorite, acalis?

    Hmmmm I've only played them up to Super Castlevania 4, and so far that one is my favorite. I could play Castlevania: Lament of Innocence if I wanted to. Carlos (Arc) has it and I might borrow it off him sometime. :D

  8. Wasn't there a Castlevania game for the original Nintendo Game Boy? I forget what it was called, something like Castlevania Adventure or Castlevania Legends or something like that. I distinctly remember playing it a couple of times on a friend's Game Boy. :D

  9. And acalis, im with you all the way on backwards compatibility, but ive no dobut in my mind the PS3 will keep that trend going, its a smart way to bring a strong library, and if it can somehow play them sharper too, that's nothing but good.


    I read an article somewhere (I think it was in Gamepro Magazine) that the people from the R&D dept. at Sony were doing a survey of PS2 owners and other gamers about what they would like to see as far as features for the PS3. And I was actually shocked that not as many people of the ones surveyed would care if there was backwards compatibility! In fact, some of the people even remarked that it was a feature they would rather see done away with! There were some other remarks as well, one of them being that Sony considered making the PS3 console with a HD already installed, but that most gamers felt it would be pointless considering that the HD is really only used for one game, FF11 Online (kinda reminds me of the Pocketstation for PS1 that was only used for FF8 and no other game in the US).


    As for what I would like to see in terms of PS3 features, I would leave it virtually unchanged from the PS2, only a sleeker design like the first pic, and of course add 2 additional controller ports which will allow for 4-player compatibility without the purchase of additional peripherals. I'd also include features which will allow me to play games online without having to shell out lots of cash for additional equipment and simply I can play just theoretically by plugging in a phone line or maybe a USB cord to my PC or something.

    Oooh, another feature I would love is if Sony offered an optional tv antenna that you can connect to the console itself, and shares the video feed cable to the tv. One problem I've had to face time and time again is having to disconnect the cable for the PS2 to hook up the antenna or vice-versa. Doubtful Sony would go for it, but one can dream you know? :D

  10. Wait, you beat it? really? damn....i gotta try again i guess.


    Yeah it was hard but I beat it. Samus Aran is the bad guy and there's a cool remix of the Megaman boss music when you fight her. When you do beat her, you get the screen for when Megaman gets a new weapon, the Missile. You can also replay the game, but with the missile (listed as S. Missile) in your inventory, and it's as effective as the Mega Buster. Also if I am not mistaken, you can also use the S. Missile in the other game, Megaman vs. Ghosts n' Goblins! I never beat that one though, so I don't know what you get for beating Arthur in the end of that one.


    And yeah, id be down to see anythin with Kid Icarus these days, if im not mistaken the original creator passed, but i loved that game, been wonderin where the remake is.


    If you like Kid Icarus, you will love this Flash commercial from Pixeled Parodies for Sobe energy drink:





  11. I definitely like the first pic, looks like a sleek ergonomic design.


    The 2nd one looks dumb, and yeah I guess if you got a dirty mind, you can see a vagina-esque appearance to it.


    The 3rd pic almost looks like a souped-up round-edged Nintendo Gamecube.


    If I had to choose, my money would be on the 1st design. I also hope that this one will be backwards compatible and will allow me to play PS1 and PS2 games as well. That's what sold me (as well as DVD and CD compatibility) in deciding between PS2 and Gamecube.



  12. Yeah, where's the screen for JUSTIN BAILEY?


    That would be funny. Who would play the role? Can you imagine Roll running around Zebes like that? Would be pretty funny.


    I wish the game had been longer, but I guess you can only do so much on Flash. I'm just amazed how the guy did the animations so well it felt like I was playing the actual NES game on an emulator!


    I'd also love to see Megaman vs. Kid Icarus, now that would rock man! (no pun intended) :D

  13. Back to The Future Ending


    Just look at this site to see what acalis and I got to see for all our time and effort to finish Back to the Future, and tell me if it was worth it!  :hmph:


    Oh yeah, that was AGES ago! I remember the look on our faces when we beat the game the first time, and we thought "THAT'S IT??!!!" Man oh man we were pissed!


    One game I was rather surprised had a crappy ending considering how great the game was (and still is) was the original Final Fantasy. I mean talk about all that hard work, and all you got immediately after beating Chaos was a screenshot of what looked like the Everglades or something with the end story and a cheesy drawing of the words "The End". When the remake of the game was released as part of the PS game Final Fantasy Origins, the ending was the same, but they also included an extended ending with credits and really cool 3d-ish video shots.


    I also remember the NES game Time Lord. I had it for years, was never able to beat it until I came across some secret Game Genie codes for it (the manual doesn't have codes for Time Lord, I had to look them up on the net), and even then, the ending was very disappointing! :D

  14. Hey guys get a load of this game! It's a virtually perfect reenactment of the original NES Metroid game, only instead of playing as Samus Aran, you play the game as none other than Megaman! Instead Samus takes on the role as a baddie.

    Check it out! (you need Flash to play both of them)




    And if you like this one, be sure to see Megaman play the role of Arthur in the NES game Ghosts N' Goblins!





  15. The snowboarding mini-game? I forgot bout that one...i kept playing Cloud on the bike, the damn arena one, and this "feed some moogle" game....


    Oh yeah! I remember the moogle feeding one. I think it was called "Mog's Adventure" or something like that. My main favorite was the Submarine attack game, the one you can play after you get the submarine.


    I also loved the Chocobo races, those were pretty addicting, except when you had to race that Mexican-looking guy (forget his name, started with a T).

  16. As for the question whether or not Advent Children will be released in theatres. It has been said that there are some ideas about it. Square-Enix is making the film, but they are using other companies to release the film.


    I sincerely doubt it. After the whole fiasco with Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within when it came out in theaters, I think it will go straight to DVD. :D

  17. My vote goes to Edge hands down! Let's face it, in the final battle, Edge does the most damage. Seems like almost everytime I battle Zeromus, Edge always seems to do a whopping 30,000-40,000 damage total just with his Dart command (shooting the Spoon Dagger, excalibur, Defense etc,). Oh and this is not with the replicating cheat technique. With it I can replicate Excaliburs and Edge is a powerhouse in battle!!!

    Also Edge has THREE different commands! Dart, Sneak, and Ninja! The only other person in the entire game to ever have 3 different commands was kid Rydia (White, Black, Call). :D

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