It really annoys me how a lot of people are blaming the whole Tonight Show fiasco on Jay Leno. If anyone is to blame, it's the NBC execs. Had they not rocked the late night boat to begin with, things would've been honky-dory, but noooo! Apparantly none of them have heard the saying "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Look at how the late night format was BEFORE the change. Both Jay and Conan were at the tops of their games. Jay was killing with the Tonight Show crowd, and Conan was killing the Late Night crowd.
But somewhere down the line, NBC had some foolish paranoiac fear that Conan was going to jump ship to another network as soon as his contract with NBC expired. So what did they do you ask? Offer him the Tonight Show in the hopes it would convince him to stay with NBC. Jay did nothing wrong here, in fact, I think he was the one who got the sour treatment with this. NBC of course knew that by promising Conan the tonight show, now they risked Jay wanting to jump ship to another network, and now they had to come up with an idea and quick to not lose him. So they decided to try a little experiment. All their new shows were just not biting with audiences, so they decided to devote the 10pm slot 5 days a week to a Tonight Show-like show just for Jay. They thought it would help fix things and keep all parties happy, but nope, far from it. Network affiliates were complaining that they were losing viewers for their 11 o'clock news programs, not to mention Conan was just not bringing in the numbers NBC had hoped for in ratings compared to Conan's new competitor, David Letterman. Now NBC is upset that their programming change didn't have the results they had hoped for, so now they gotta do some damage control. Their quick fix-it plan? Move Jay back to 11:35, but cut his show's length by a half-hour, and move Conan's Tonight Show to 12:05. Jay was fine with the idea, but Conan basically said "Hell no! Tonight Show has always been at 11:35, so why should I push my show back 30 minutes?" which I feel he had every right to do so. Everyone knew that NBC originally wanted to just restore things as they were, but Conan was smart, he negotiated in his contract that if he was booted or forced to leave the Tonight Show, he'd get 40-something million dollars, so they knew they couldn't just change everything back. Conan got pissed off with the way he was treated, and so he did what he felt was the only thing he could do, and that was quit the Tonight Show, take his promised money, and now try to make a new start on another network or elsewhere. NBC really dropped the ball here, so everyone should be pissed at them, and not at Jay Leno. It just really grinds my gears that all the Conan fans just want to make Jay the sacirficial lamb in the middle of all this when clearly he didn't do anything wrong. That's just my opinion on this whole thing.