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Hondo's Bar


Drunken Deities Royalty
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Posts posted by Aartemys

  1. Heh. Every time I see that commercial I think, "Why didn't we do that at our wedding?" -- But I also wonder how they manage to stay clean...

  2. No, I haven't. And I most likely won't. I try not to eat "bad" stuff anymore so this will probably forever stay on my no-no list. I'll have Benny try it and describe it to me (yes, I make him do this on occasion...)

  3. I haven't played in a while...the only expansion I have is Ambitions and I got bored. But this...this, definitely piqued my interests. I wonder if the zombies are going to be npc or if you will be able to convert the entire town into a zombie race. Also, I thought they introduced vampires in Late Night - so I'm guessing that they've tweaked it (like the Doctor career in Ambitions).


    Of course, knowing me, my first character will be a Fairy...

  4. Wow...that's a bit of reality there. The only thing that didn't seem too upcharged was the milk, honestly. Have you really taken a gander on how much a gallon costs?

  5. Okay. Finally got around to watching this.


    Can I admit that I wasn't enthralled until the last half hour or so? I mean, yeah...the one-liners were great and I wasn't falling asleep or anything, but I wasn't sitting on the edge of my seat either.


    Did I walk out of there yearning for more? Eh, not really. Maybe its because I haven't seen Iron Man I or II...don't know. Let me sleep on it and I will come back to this later.



    Maybe I didn't read it up there, but did anyone mention Stan Lee's cameo? And did y'all recognize Chrissy from Growing Pains? I spotted her instantly...


  6. No, not at all. I think I talk about it in the weight loss thread...


    Since surgery, I've only sipped beer twice, champagne once & wine once. All four times I almost instantly got a headache and got super duper sleepy. I honestly haven't tried since....BUT -- I just bought a bottle of Malbec and Benz & I are going to share it sooner rather than later...I will let you know (or even better post in the drunken thread)...


    From what I have heard from other people who have had the surgery, one glass will give you the effect of a bottle of wine but the buzz goes away quickly although your BAL stays through the roof. Many people become alcoholics after surgery...

  7. OH yumm....


    I try not to have either, but I just picked up Bummel & Brown's yogurt vegetable spread...tastes just like the real thing and loads less calories -- but when I cook, I tend to not substitute the real stuff...it's almost blasphemous!

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