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Posts posted by TopDawg540

  1. Vice City for PS2 kicks ass. Missions are great and Just randomly causing havoc is even better. Got bored and took an assault rifle and MC-60 up to the top of a parking garage. Picked off bystanders, cops, FBI, undercover, 2 police choppers and countless civilian cars Before I finally ran outta ammo and Charged out fo the building Guns blazing into a Shredding hail of gunfire.


    Still was one warning light short of a full scale cop rampage, wonder if that last one gets the military involved?



  2. Had to go against the crowd on this one. While Doom and wolf3D created the genre, Quake was the dynamite that began the FPS explosion. Mouse/keyboard dynamics, skins, highly alterable maps and level editing even using alternate CD's for the soundtrack were firsts. Quake was the true pioneer into the Current FPS game standard and will always be the "mother of all" current FPS until the next genre shift.

  3. WOW...


    For a 3 shot Issue this was a really good comic. It did feel al little short, and the Art took some getting used to, but The story was great. I really didnt see the ending coming.


    I can't wait to see this one as a movie, Its got great potential and the movie could flesh it out even more, and with the comic being only 3 issues they have plenty or artistic license to fill time and flesh out events.


    This movie will Hardcore Rock.

  4. I gotta say, a system like that would get alot more customers out into the market. The biggest pain in the ass about comics is hunting down what you want to read, specially if its hot or getting old. And the older hot issues up in price to something only a collector or real hardcore fan would pay. I'd definitely be getting more comics if that format ever came about.



  5. Heh, nah don't have that that I've noticed. Gave up on it for a bit due to gratuitous unfairness. (AKA no fucking way in hell can it be humanly possible to fight my way out of where I am even with FULL health and FULL ammo)


    So I'm taking a break for a bit. :D

  6. MOO3 is gonna kick ass!!!


    And as far as PC patches yeah sometimes games get rushed out the door and need heavy patching, sometimes (like Diablo 2) game balance is an issue online and occasional tweaking needs to be done. But all in all, Most PC games come out working well and any patching is optional to improve the game if you like what the patch does.


    Games are actually better in recent years about patching than before. When floppy disks were the mainstream data format, Bad disks and irregular compression, disk spanning errors, a whole shebang of things could go wrong. Or flat out the game ran out of room and you had to DL a patch to finish the install, or get a very basic game and Dl all the enhancements.


    Honestly I had to swap out Disks so often because of retarts smashing the boxes on the security device magnets i felt like kicking people. CD format rocks.


    So... PC game patches happen, but 90% of the time its not a hassle. usually quick Dl times and easy installs.

  7. I dunno chief, The rims might not look to great but that body kit is pretty sweet, but then again I'm a sucker for Nicely done street car re-styles.



  8. or to promote things that are blatantly against the Church/Christianity.


    Thats where many people are completely ignorant. I've had military pictures up before with scripture says on them and the office hippocrit religious fanatic always bitched that i shouldn't "twist Gods word to support killing." or some such nonsense. I never figured them to be anything other than phrases put to situations that they fit. But she always got her panties in a bunch over them. Its like she never heard of the crusades or skipped over the darker parts of the bible or something.


    What would your first reaction to seeing the above picture be?

  9. Not to be a smartass or anything but I found this Image while looking for new backgrounds and was Curious as to if the quote is accurate, if it was altered for the picture or if it was taken from an "edited" version of the bible that is not truly recognized by the church.




    Also I'm curious. You, being a man of faith and supporter of the church how do you view images like this that use gospel text over an image? Not just military but also the animal and scenery ones. Do you think the images undermine the original message? Are they considered offensive (mainly meaning the military one)? What are your thoughts?

  10. Went to take the Fort worth Police Exam yesterday, 100 questions 50 sentanve structure and 50 reading comprehension. Fortunately the area thats always been my Forte. Smoked the test and finished prolly in the first 100 or so in about 50 min out of the 75 allotted. Left feeling i got a MINIMUM of 98 but possibly 100. Lottery number in case of ties was 598 (out of i think 600) But My take on it I scored so high I didn't need a high number so chance gave my the shit number so someone on the boarder line could Luck out.


    Feels good to know i've actually got a good shot at being a Cop and making some decent money while keeping my city safe. B)

  11. Live does kick ass, I've got secret samadi, Live, and the newest one (yellos with stars on the CD) which is different from their old stuff but still pretty good.


    Listend to them quite a bit on the long drive from FL to TX and back. Great music to get you going.

  12. Thats just it. If i've gotten to the middle of a book and been pissed i'm reading it I let it go. If i get there and I've not had a hard time picking it up or and turning to like it then I finish it. My main point is to try as best i can to get midway through the book before I cast it aside as Crap. By the midpoin the story is well on the way and you can usually determine where you stand on it.

  13. I'll admit they have a point, While the show is still very funny the Plots themselves have been on the decline as far as trying to portray a more realistic sitcom family. While i don't think the show is going to "jump the shark" as some say and plummet in quality anytime soon I think the main culprit is Time.


    They've been one of the longest running TV series ever after a point everything gets done. its like the one episode of southpark, "simpsons did it" that alone shows how muchthe simpsons have actually done and how hard it can be sometimes to keep fresh stories chruning out. Maybe some new writers on the team would help, or maybe run with the more comedic aspects of it and keep it going as they are.

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