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Posts posted by Jumbie

  1. Jax:


    Actually the "Prime time" lead in Conan referred to was JAY. It doesn't matter how good or how popular Law and Order or 30 Rock are, because those shows are all followed by Leno at 10. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. And the audience drops away and stays low through the local news and into Conan's show by chain reaction.



    Here's an article I noticed that got me thinking about the BUSINESS side of this in terms of NBC's future:



    How Could NBC Have Missed the Leno v. Conan Feud on Facebook?


    By Bernhard Warner

    Posted Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 10:56am


    Twentysomethings couldn't care less about network television, particularly late-night television. That more or less sums up the "terrible difficulties" NBC executives face these days as they decide the fate of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. Right?


    Well, nobody told the so-called "younger demographic." NBC's clumsy approach to halting the ratings slide of its late-night lineup by bumping The Tonight Show into tomorrow morning has created the biggest popular revolt of a television programming decision in recent memory. Naturally, it's playing out on the Net.


    Shortly after news leaked of the O'Brien bump, Facebook user Jonathan Harris created the "Team Conan" page in protest. "Team Conan believes that this is balderdash and that NBC should favor Conan O'Brien, unequivocally a better comic and host than Leno," the group details in its relatively tame mission statement. Team Conan now has over 52,300 conscripts. "I'm with Coco" is even larger. Its 81,754 members declare they will watch O'Brien at any hour on any channel. "The I’m With COCO campaign could soon become a viral sensation," Nick O'Neil at AllFacebook.com predicts, calling it one of the fastest-growing Facebook movements of the year. What's bigger? Only the Facebook bra-color campaign.



    Elsewhere online, smaller protest groups have popped up to show their support for O'Brien. They include "Keep Conan O'Brien" and "Conan O'Brien > Jay Leno"; there are even groups that profess their love for his carrot-mop 'do. There's really no place for NBC to hide. Even the official Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien page has been overwhelmed by supporters who do not mince words. "Keep CONAN!!!! Leno has been telling the SAME tiring lines for a decade now. NBC finally got the right man to reach the prime age demographic, and they pull him after nearly 8 months??? I'm with COCO!!!! NBC all you will have left is The Office!" one Facebook fan agitates.


    And what about the support for Leno? He's considerably less popular. And there is a distinctly more hostile tone to how Leno is regarded by the online community. Amid the Leno groups that are gaining ground are demand Leno be "fired", "boycotted" and that he "f--- off."


    The Twitterverse, too, is mobilizing, calling on users to "Boycott Leno!"


    This hostile response should hardly be surprising to NBC executives. Long before this latest programming flap, the Leno v. O'Brien rivalry has been playing out daily online. And Conan has been winning. By a massive margin. There are over 1,000 we-love-Conan Facebook fan pages and groups boasting well over 200,000 supporters. By our count, Leno has half as many supporters. That probably would surprise no one reading this column. O'Brien is more beloved by the Facebook demographic. How NBC execs missed this obvious point is tough to fathom. This is the most coveted demographic of all, in any prime-time or late-night slot. As the Wall Street Journal reports, The Tonight Show's audience surged last night, "especially among younger people." And this morning? The anti-Leno rhetoric and pro-Conan support online is surging too.





    Basic message seems to be: "Conan's fans are the money bringers. Choose Conan. Especially since Leno's fan base is getting older." Seems simple. I'm not sure if it's that easy, but it's something to think about.


    My thought on this: There's a story that the affiliates pressured NBC to chose Jay over Leno in the 90s because Jay had visited most of them in person over the previous years and they felt comfortable with him.


    The affiliates are the ones bringing down the 10pm Leno show now.


    I suspect the future of the Tonight Show rests with the Affiliates too. Anyone know what kinda things they've been saying about this? What would they prefer?

  2. Saw an ad for a new version of Monopoly that has some kind of competitive skyscraper building involved.


    What I want to know is if the skyscraper building is a cosmetic add-on or of it's a genuinely different way of playing the game. Also if it's a GOOD change.


    So, anybody tried this?

  3. Just saw it.


    Like with Wolverine, one of the surprising shortfalls of this movie was the effects.


    I've always been in the story first, effects second camp, but in a movie like this, story is already just a place holder and you accept that. Which means effects become numero uno. Like the trees burning when conner is trying to kill Marcus. Screamed out "SET!". And the scene with Common and Bale waiting on the mountainside screamed out "BLUE SCREEN!" And the Tow truck on the bridge scre-


    Well, you get the idea.


    And there was a lot of editing wher eyou could sense they cheated on the effects budget. I don't know if I'm too familiar with movie techniques for my own good. It's a possibiity. But, for instance, when they had Bale shooting at 'Arnold' on the metal platform, you had a shot of them squaring off, a shot of Bale firing his gun and then a cut to a shot of Arnold getting hit. So, They saved money because the only effect they had to do was an isolated shot of the T-800 getting hit. But it takes away from the spectacle of the whole thing. And there were a couple other places where this kinda thing happened, though I can't remember specifically.



    Mostly this thing held together for me as movie though. I don't feel cheated of my ticket price.




    A word on the acting:


    Bale needs to make better choices. He seemed to still be channeling Batman here half the time. I found the scenes with him and the Sarah COnner tapes to be his best scenes because he stopped trying to be Mr. Action Hero. His scenes with Worthington were good too. Also a bit erotic with the chains and stuff, but that says more about me than the movie.


    Bryce Dallas Howard. We're meant to believe that this is mankind's last desperate hour and she still has time to put on so much lipstick and face powder that she seems less human than the T-600s? I mean, I let Moon Bloodgod's perfect hair slide when she shook it out of the helmet because, well you don't argue with people named Moon Bloodgod, but Howard lookedout of place and didn't hold her own.


    Worthington was pretty good. Seemed to be taking this seriously as an actor. Yelchin was a good Kyle. I'm fed up of the silent child characters in movies who have become such a cliche, so I was kinda put off whenever the Star character was onscreen.


    Arnold was his usual self.*



    *yes, I know.





    Some spoileriffic comments to end with...









    OK, so I think most of you are aware that this movie was not meant to end the way it did. A while back word leaked that the Wright character was supposed to take over as John Conner after the real Conner dies. So basically, that metal through the chest was supposed to kill him. After the leak they re-shot the ending.


    I'm sorry they changed it. Having Marcus just lay down and die seemed lacking.


    What's more, I'm angry at the studios for changing this, because before they changed it, people were putting spoiler tags on the Wright->Conner thing. After the ending was changed, people decided that it wasn't a spoiler to mention that Wright was supposed to replace Conner and so they just let that particular plot point drop everywhere and that DID spoil the movie for me, because that idea lay at the back of my mind the whole time.


    And the movie seems to miss the ending too. Like, the hunt for Kyle Reese was the basic plot of this movie and if you think back to the first movie, Kyle mentions that John found him wandering the wastelands and taught him how to fight.


    In this movie we have Marcus and Kyle meet in the ruins of L.A. and Marcus teaches him things from Day One. There's the scene where Skynet explains how Marcus has succeeded in killing John Conner. Those scenes really only make dramatic sense of Marcus will become Conner.


    So my question is this: Would you have minded if they kept the ending where Marcus replaces John? That's in either case, whether you know it before you saw the movie or not.

  4. Couple pics of my time in WoW...


    These two guys ambush travelers on the road in the Red Ridge mountains. I decided to give em a taste of their own medicine.







    This blue guy just got up on top the mailbox and did a dance for everyone. His moves were pretty impressive. My character doesn't dance in the same sexual way he does, so it was weird. Maybe because of his race? :blink:


    Anyways, he was at it for a good five minutes and people were giving him MONEY to keep goin.








    Here's something weird: I was getting a bit bored with the questing and killing...


    ...And then I discovered the auction house.


    Now I'm playing this game more for making imaginary money selling imaginary stuff I make than for killing imaginary monsters...






    Oh yeah... and this lv 4 newbie rushes up to me in Stormwind city and says, "Please, do you have any money you could spare?"


    I told him, "Get a job, you bum."


    I had sympathy for the newbie, though, because I'm still a newbie myself, so I explained the profession system to him and told him where to get trained.


    So, he did end up getting a job.

  5. OK, is this normal?!


    I just got bought the retail version of the game and installed it.


    FIrst time I connect it says downloading patch.




    Then it starts a 3.2 GIGAbyte download.




    THat's a patch?


    Is this what's supposed to happen?


    anyways, I'm at 5% DLing at about 1 megabyte every ten seconds or so, so that means 30 000 seconds left which is about 500 minutes.

  6. Irony in the World of Warcraft:


    1) I accepted a quest to kill murlocs and turn in their fins for a bounty. I felt all kinds of dirty and almost didn't take the quest. I mean, I'm ripping fins off the quasi-intelligent creatures I just murdered for money.


    The best part? As soon as I accept this ethnic cleansing misson, the govt employee who gave it to me says, "Go with honor, friend."



    2) I'm in Stormwind city on my way to a mission and I spot 2 dwarf ambassadors in the corner. I stop to talk to them and they have nothing much to say. When the conversation ends, they say, "Keep your feet on the ground", at which point, I walk the 20 yards to the Gryphon master and fly off.



    3) Not so much irony as absurdity. I fell off a waterfall into the northern Veiled Sea and died. I sent my ghost to the body and the ghost fell off the waterfall too. So I was left swimming around, as an elf wisp, in the sea with no way back to land because of the massive cliffs. So I decided I would have to swim around the whole fucking island to find the dock in the south.


    After 5 minutes of constant swimming, my fatigue meter pops up and a little message tells me that when the meter runs out I'll start to drown.


    I did.


    And then reappeared in the cemetery as a wisp again.





    Hey, those of you playing Sisters of Elune server.


    I'm thinking of coming to join you guys, but I noticed it's an RP server. How seriously do you have to take the RP on those servers?





    Lycaon, I couldn't find a server on the list named Arthas. Maybe its my screwy eyes missing it, but is that the full name?

  7. Hank Snow - Nobody's child.


    I got into this song with the Traveling Wilbury's version, but this is the original I think and it's got a different take on the lyrics and reflects an earlier time when prejudice against the disabled was more common.


    Musically, I can't say I prefer on version over the other

  8. Hey Mr. Irons, you don't get to show up until the next movie and try desperately to ape Alan Rickman.



    Well, to be fair, it could just have been a talented actor showing his character's sibling issues with Hans, where the imitation comes from a deep desire for acceptance?


    Too much of a stretch?


    Well then, damn you bloodsucker!

  9. My brother told me he was gay, I was like, "That's cool, no biggy." then we talked about sparkles and his new boyfriend. (seriously)

    My brother told me he was in love with Twilight, I was like, "IMMA BEAT THAT SHIT OUT OF YOU. THAT'S DISGUSTING."


    -bitchplz, io9 commenter

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