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t3h cr3at0rz
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Everything posted by Bobcat76248

  1. Well, I have a 7 month old as most of you know... or have seen the recent pic. And now we are expecting again and I am about 3 months pregnant! Whoo hoo for jumping into shit huh?? lol YAY!! WISH ME LUCK!!
  2. HUH?? "baka no kuro neko?!?" I have no idea what that is, please enlighten me...
  3. I SO want this Betty Crocker Bake-and-Fill.... I hate olives and cantelope. I have been getting into this cartoon network show Teen Titans... I recommend EVERYONE watch at least 2 episodes (That's how much it takes to get you hooked.) I just bought a new computer... It's pretty! My one and only son will be 5 months on August 9th... it's crazy! My son and I will be coming to Texas to visit the Aunt Christy... (ChristyandJake) and the rest of the gang! Shit! I'm tired...
  4. I love her too! She's sexy!! Grrr...!!
  5. Here is Cameron Diaz when she was younger... I think she looks good then and now...
  6. Sadly, I'm in love with Buffy and Angel (the series', not them actually.) I'm trying to collect them all because my husband and I watch them alot. Got hooked when he was in Iraq... killed the time... Either way, good show.
  7. That is hilarious Jont! I posted the naked men so we could have something to look at, not marry... And yeah, all those muscles aren't that attractive, but where you going to find a wimpy nerd in glasses posing naked with a hard on in one hand and a book in the other?? NO WHERE!! So we will all have to settle for these hunky (too muscle-ee) men...
  8. Did you want me to find some naked girls for the hot chicks thread?? I could do that. And I'm sorry to offend anyone with all the nude guys, but com'on! Us girls need some eye-candy as well. What happened to our saying "size doesn't matter???" hehe By the way... who believes that? Should I start a poll? Or does someone else want to...
  9. it does get better! I quit when I got pregnant. You forget about it after the first week... sadly, I started up again a week ago because I had my son and he is now 1 month old. I am quitting again soon, I hope. Best of luck! To you, and me...
  10. He sure does look relaxed, doesn't he? Good for him! And yes, Gir is the cutest!!
  11. hehe, Agreed! Brad Pitt Penis!! yumm... *drooling*
  12. I said I would give us some more naked men.... and I have!! Whoo hoo to the penis!! hehe
  13. REAL OR FAKE PICTURE?? Should I make this a poll?? hehe Either way, brad pitt is sexy!!
  14. I agree. Something is wrong with her face. Kelly Key is best!
  15. She's a hotty! Where is she from? Movie, TV or just plain porn star? Kelly Keys?
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