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Posts posted by Iambaytor

  1. So famously Ike decided to elevate The Inhumans after his "no more mutants" edict pre-Fox merger. Since Feige was in charge of the movies and untouchable by Ike due to him having Disney's untouchable status, Ike leaned hard into the TV arm which Feige didn't control at the time. This is why Inhumans went from a movie into truly one of the worst superhero TV shows of the modern era. As Feige's role was elevated to basically being the go-to guy for Marvel writ large, The Inhumans were largely purged from the comics and Kamala and Moon Girl were really the only Inhuman characters left standing after all this went down. Marvel has now quidrupled down on mutants and rather than write Kamala's Inhuman nature into her character (even though Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. provided a matrix through which to do it) they just turned her into a Green Lantern.

    • Wow! 1
  2. Who could have predicted that this extremely shitty character that Marvel comics has pulled out of mothballs every couple years since his introduction in the 70s who has never been interesting, has never had a good series, and has never been popular wouldn't work as a 4-quadrant-blockbuster starring Hollywood's most exhausting pedophile? How could they have known?!

  3. I took it that since this universe's heroes didn't get their asses handed to them by Thanos out the gate that they got cocky and assumed they could handle whatever came their way. This is borne out by their behavior in the jury scene, only Xavier's not a prick.


    And I think Black Bolt was in the process of speaking when he got his mouth removed. Reed being overconfident in his diplomacy skills also falls in line with his character and Xavier got taken by The Phoenix so I see no reason why he'd do any better against Wanda.



    • Hmmm 1
  4. I appreciate Sony's commitment to making the most 2006 ass superhero movies ever.


    Also taking Michael Morbius, a dud of a character who had had innumerable second chances despite never really being any good and hiring Jared Leto to play him? Amazing casting.

    • Haha 1
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