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alive she cried

The Doors Of Perception
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Status Updates posted by alive she cried

  1. there once was a girl named Lottie.

    And she..was...fun..tie (that tie is pronounced tea)

  2. The fuck? You're still the doctor

  3. i go away for a few days and the crazy dr has filled my message box. feels weird to be on the other side for once :P

  4. is your avatar george michael? what's that about?

  5. HELP, HELP! dr. g touched my page in it's special area

  6. praise the lawd, i say, i say praise the lawd she's returned to us alive and well...well i would'nt say well, but no worse then you used to be

  7. i is sorry.

    i've explained it on your profile.

    it won't happen again

    i promise...fuckface

  8. probably drunk when wrote that and can't remember what you said

  9. shit, i accidentally deleted your last comment, could you please recomment me...actually you were

  10. why does america get to have you? you're so funkakke

  11. why thank ya, the reason i llook so serious is i took it myself and i was tryin' to concentrate. your leg is it? looks cut albeit a little butterflyey

  12. *breath*...got here*breath*...as fast*breath*..as I*breath*...could. just learned you did'nt have five stars.

    What the fuck?

  13. man, you've got toes,lookit 'em there...just all over the place..just there and toes...yeah..that's.. what?

  14. What would Jean Luc Picard do?

    Whatever the fuck he wanted to.

  15. All the good in the world

    You can put inside a thimble

    And still have room for you and me

    If there's one thing you can say

    About Mankind

    There's nothing kind about man

  16. Yah know i might just take you up on that.

    Glad you did'nt take my comments as insults to you, i was a little worried you'd think that. But no, it's cool, you're cool, we're all cool

  17. Ha ha, you thought i was a girl all this time?

    My name seems to do that to people, it happened a lot when i first joined here.

    It's a line from a doors song

  18. ok just realised you're 17, kinda feel a little pervy now

  19. cool. it's all tasteful and stuff. nothing risque, unless you like that kinda stuff. all you gotta do is post a high quality pic of yourself, and me or Lobo will do the rest

  20. We're needin' more girls for the Hondos Calendar.

    You Interested?

  21. twas the greatest day of my life

  22. leg looks cute, not "cut".

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