today, i'm going to talk about a stray i kept - miss fiona buttonz, aka lady fluffybottoms.
i met fiona in the spring of 2014 when coming home from dinner with friends - it was raining like crazy & storming out, and on the path behind my apartment, i heard a mewing. there was a large blue storage bin on its side, and as i stepped a bit, i thought i saw something move - when i knelt down to see & put my hands out, something small literally jumped in them. i'd take that som
this local salem was found hanging out on top of someone's car like he/she/they/them/etc owned it, and ran right up to the dry meow mix i left for it purring (and letting me pet too). we chilled for a while, then i noticed there was a freshly eaten can of wet food left near the bodega there, showing that salem was not at all picky.
haven't seen this one since that night, but being a natural hustler, i imagine they don't stay in one place long. pls feed if you see it.