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  • Keth

    Inktober 2017

    By Keth

    So those of you on my FB or that follow on Instagram know I've been doing Inktober this year. Inktober, for those that don't know, is a daily drawing challenge where each day you are prompted with a different word and draw something based on that word. Here are my entries!   1. Swift   2. Divided 3. Poison 4. Underwater 5. Long 6. Sword 7. Shy 8. Crooked 9. Screech 10. Gigantic 11.
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  • Da Cap'n 2099

    Hannibal Buress

    By Da Cap'n 2099

    Living in Miami Florida can be pretty great: Sunny and hot all year round. Beautiful people to look at. And the food... mmmm, food. *drool* In this town, you also have the unique opportunity to rub elbows with stars of film and stage (and field and politics and pretty much everywhere else). If you happen to be at the right place at the right time, of course. Which seems to happen to me a lot. And that was no different this weekend during Miami's ever-growing Art Basel festival.   First

Issue One and Done!

Here it is, issue 1! I'm about to try and set up a wordpress for this, and might get out mini chapters more often. Do the webcomic thing. It's not perfect of course, pretty rough, but it's a really fun learning experience. I'm hoping to make it fun and entertaining, while improving on it with each time I work on it. By the end it'll be Alex Ross levels of art with Alan Moore pages of dialogue.   Anyway, hope y'all like it! Suggestions and criticisms are more than welcome.  



Slow and Steady

Making progress guys. I get discouraged sometimes because it feels like I'm moving at a snails pace. Only getting a panel or two done a day, but I have to remind myself that this is all new to me, I'm one persona and still learning.    Also we are saving up to get a couple of MS Surface Pro tablets, and when we get those, man shit's gonna get real. Anyway here's the exclusive Hondo's preview for today. (Ok not exclusive, cause I'm posting this shit everywhere else.)    



Art Dump 4

Have been slacking here since I've been messing with that comic stuff. Here's a few things I've done in between writing and drawing that!       Just did these tonight:



miss Fiona Buttonz

today, i'm going to talk about a stray i kept - miss fiona buttonz, aka lady fluffybottoms.     i met fiona in the spring of 2014 when coming home from dinner with friends - it was raining like crazy & storming out, and on the path behind my apartment, i heard a mewing.  there was a large blue storage bin on its side, and as i stepped a bit, i thought i saw something move - when i knelt down to see & put my hands out, something small literally jumped in them.  i'd take that som



First 4 pages.

Probably gonna go back and clean it up (a little). Make the art a little more consistent. That's one of my biggest weaknesses I think, making faces look the same panel to panel. But, I don't think it's too bad up there. I also simplified the dialogue to give it less exposition. There's gonna be plenty of time later to explain what's going on here. Thoughts? 



Plagued Diary 2: Issue 1 script and page one almost done!

Here's a little preview of what I've got so far. I'm having fun. It's not perfect (nor will it be) but I've got a solid start so far. If y'all are interested, here is my script for issue 1. Note: I have no script writing experience, so I have no idea if that's as long as it should be, or if it's enough to crank out 20 or so pages for a starter. And it will be tweaked as I draw and place everything. Hell it's already been tweaked a little bit. More to come soon!  



Plagued Post 1! Story ideas and characters!

I'm just gonna get right into it!   So, it's kinda cheesy, but I bought a sketch pad just for jotting down ideas in when I think them up.   I'm thinking of this project less like a comic book, and more like a video game. I'm giving the characters bosses to fight, and upgrades to receive.     Characters: The Kailo Family (Kailo is an indo-european root that means whole/safe/uninjured) Shrike Kailo-



Hannibal Buress

Living in Miami Florida can be pretty great: Sunny and hot all year round. Beautiful people to look at. And the food... mmmm, food. *drool* In this town, you also have the unique opportunity to rub elbows with stars of film and stage (and field and politics and pretty much everywhere else). If you happen to be at the right place at the right time, of course. Which seems to happen to me a lot. And that was no different this weekend during Miami's ever-growing Art Basel festival.   First

Da Cap'n 2099

Da Cap'n 2099

Art Dump Week 3- 12/6/17

I haven't been as busy as I would like, but I've whipped up some cool stuff.   Miguel from Coco and Kubo from Kubo and the Two Strings. Coco gave off alot of Kubo vibes and I thought this crossover was pretty natural. I really wanna add color soon.   I've been wanting to do a Krampus piece for awhile. I'll probably do more in a different style at some point. Not my favorite, but it was fun.         An lastly I've been fleshing out my plague



Art Dump Week 2- 11/15/17

I never said I would be regular with these things. Let's get to it.    This was a collaboration Katherine (my wife) and I did together. Mine's on the left, hers on the right. Lotta fun!   This was another one I followed along with Bob Ross with. So much fun and so relaxing. They come out better than I think they will.    Good Ol' Steve Harrington from Stranger Things. Quite possibly becoming the best character on the show in S2.     



Weekly Art Dump-- 11/6/17

Alright, so I'm gonna start a weekly post of the stuff I've been working on. Right now I'm going to do some back posts. Not everything will be recent, but it'll be things that I've worked on the past month (that isn't Inktober of course. )     So this first one is my take on Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX. The design is inspired by Gertrude, the protagonist of Skottie Young's I Hate Fairyland which has quickly become my new favorite comic book. There she is. I eve



Inktober 2017

So those of you on my FB or that follow on Instagram know I've been doing Inktober this year. Inktober, for those that don't know, is a daily drawing challenge where each day you are prompted with a different word and draw something based on that word. Here are my entries!   1. Swift   2. Divided 3. Poison 4. Underwater 5. Long 6. Sword 7. Shy 8. Crooked 9. Screech 10. Gigantic 11.



neighborhood salem

this local salem was found hanging out on top of someone's car like he/she/they/them/etc owned it, and ran right up to the dry meow mix i left for it purring (and letting me pet too).  we chilled for a while, then i noticed there was a freshly eaten can of wet food left near the bodega there, showing that salem was not at all picky.     haven't seen this one since that night, but being a natural hustler, i imagine they don't stay in one place long.  pls feed if you see it. 



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