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The Naoki Urasawa appreciation thread


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Here i go again, trying to get people to love more manga a little bit more...


So, the idea for this thread is to talk about wich manga by this guy you liked and why. His most distinctive characteristics are his dense, multi-layered, interconnecting narratives, his mastery of suspense, clever homages to classic manga & anime and a frequent use of German characters and settings.


If you havent read any work of him you should. Because his adult oriented mangas are the ones that leave you carving for more and hooked you up since the first book.


Me, i started reading Urasawa backwards. First i read Pluto -an adaptation of an Astroboy arc- and now im reading 20th Century Boys. When i finnish it, im gonna start Monster -his master work that everybody loves-...


So... anyone read any work of this talented mangaka??


Sen watched all of Monster (the anime) and loved it, i've been meaning to catch back up on it for years now...i got the manga as well but put it aside for MPD Psycho, which ive falled behind on as well. i'm awful at this.


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