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I made a decision last week. I was going to go see Harry Potter 2 and I was going to enjoy it, and I wasn'ting going to let any snot nosed little brats stop me from that. I went to see Harry Potter early Friday, not to see it as soon as possible, but because if you go before school gets out, the theater ain't full of kids. Now, I like kids and I like alot of movies that are geared towards them, but I hate watching a movie in a theater full of them. The scream, they clap, and one of them will always cry (especially in this movie, damn some parts were scary). Plus, even if they are generally well behaved, lots of them go to movies alone and feel uninhibited in a dark room. Somebody told me that kids were out of school friday, but parents still can't drive there kids to the movie while they're at work. Anyway, it worked, I saw the 2:45 PM show, theater was almost empty, and the people that were there were adults, when I left at 5:30 PM, there was a long line for tickets full of kids. On to the review....


I have come to the conclusion that most all of the Harry Potter nay-sayers, are nay-sayers out of ignorance. They've written it off as lame because kids are so into it. But most everyone who gives it a fair chance seems to love it. I have yet to hear anyone say "I read the book and never got into it and I don't care to read the other books." I haven't read the books, but several friends and family members of mine have and they all give it their full endorement, so I'll get around to it soon enough. In the meantime the movie give me a good taste. If you liked the first one, you'll like the second one. Maybe more maybe less, but no more than 10% more or 10% less. If you didn't like the first one, the second one won't do anything for you. If you haven't seen the first one, don't see this one until you do. And give it a chance. My only major complaint was that there wasn't enough Hermione. Anyway, not havingf read the book, and hence not knowing the plot and hence not knowing the ending, I was again fooled by the surprise ending of the whodunit element of the movie, as I was witht he first movie, and this time I was actually looking for it. Damn!


Saw HP2 today. Again awesome translation of the book. They take out the best movie elements and portray a world very true to the book. Beautiful scenery and more character development than the 1st. ( cause since everyone knows what hogwarts is like they can get down to the nitty gritty much quicker) Five stars rah rah rah. go see one 1st if u havent and stop being proud in not watching.


I agree, good stuff. The cool thing about Harry Potter is that really, I could just sit there and watch them go from class to class in the school for hours on end without a plot to speak of, and I'd be enthralled. The originality and freshness of it all just rocks. The whodunit elements are probably the only things I didn't like much about both movies, sort of seemed random and senseless, but as big a deal as it seems, i consider it sort of a minor detail. I'm with Jack's in saying that Hermoine is a really cool character, wish she were in there more. Spectacular special effects, very funny writing, characters we care about, it's just an all around fun experience. It clocked in at like 2 hours and 45 minutes but was perfectly paced, felt very quick. They could go ahead and finish up all seven (correct me if I'm wrong) movies and I'd gladly watch em, not enough movies are around that just give us a good dose of adventure.


Junker, as much as you said you wouldn't mind the movie having no plot, it's kind of necesary. Movies with no plots that are just random stuff happening leave you with a strange sense of being unsatisfied. Anyway, I didn't think they could improve on the first movie Quiddich scene, but the new one was more intense. If they plan on continue to on the ante on the Quiddich, they've got there work cut out for them byt he 7th movie. Yes, it should be 7 films, bnut the 5th book hasn't even been released yet. Richard Harris didn't play a huge role, but with his death, it won't feel as perfectly consistant with the previous films. Sad. Oh well.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really liked the books (read all 4 of them in a week) The movies so far were good. The seccond one left out of more detail.


My uncle told me that he heard somewhere that this might be the last movie. Something to do with J.K. not liking peoples imagination being messed with.


It would be a shame if they cut off the movies before the series was done. Even if they can't fit in the whole series while the actors are still young enough they should at least close out their time at hogwarts. That is a 4 year college right?


Whoa! I just finished reading HP & The Prisoner of Azkaban! Whoa! I started reading it yesterday and couldn't put it down all of today until I finished it. What I was told was true. Alot of shit happens in this book and alot of stuff gets explained. Maybe it was the fact that I was reading it not having seen a movie version of it, like I had with the first two, but this was one was far greater than the first two, which were already great in their own right. But now, as far as I'm concerned, the first two books exist to set the stage for this book. The first two were great books, but this was a literary masterpiece! JK Rowling makes good on her promise with this book. I'm gonna wait until after exams to read the fourth book, cause I can't afford to not be able to put down a 735 page book now. The books have gotten progressively better, hope they continue that tread, though I can hardly blame JK Rowling if they can't all be better than all the last ones.


I would not like to be the screenwriter that has to adapt this book for the the screen (unless I told they were going to make it over 4 hours long). There is so much going on here, and so much that is actually crucial to the plot (though it might not appear so immediately), there's no way to stay true to the book at keep it at normal movie length (like the first one really did and the second one pretty much did).

  • 2 weeks later...

After finals finished, I attacked Harry Potter 4 (Goblet Of Fife). Great book. Maybe not quite as good as HP3, but longer, so there was more good stuff. Alot gets explained again, just like in HP3. It's a tough call. Can't wait for HP5 now. HP is not overhyped at all. It's worth the hype ten fold.

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