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SVC Chaos?

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SVC Chaos


Anyone heard anything about this yet? A friend sent me the link and told me that it is supposed to be 2d, but this is the first time I have heard anything about it and nothing is even really told about it. Also, I was under the impression that SNK went out of business, any ideas? And what is this only for Neo Geo? Says PS2. Someone shed some light maybe.

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Damn, those are some cool character designs. I've never heard of this one, though. They got some Street Fighter character names wrong. It's been years since I've played but I know that's not Balrog, it's Vega. And that certainly ain't M. Bison at the bottom, there.

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In Japan the street fighter "boss" character names are different, they had to be switched around because of the similarity between Balrog's original name (M. Bison) and Mike Tysons. And where does it say it's only for Neo Geo? I'd assume that it's simply the next in the line of Capcom VS SNK games, but that would make no sense because this has like.... half as many characters...


I'm confused. Maybe this is an old ass link to an older incarnation of SNK vs capcom or something

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Nope, it's new. It's not as many characters because it's not a Capcom vs SNK game, its an SNK vs Capcom game (yes, it does make sense, trust me). It's more made by SNK and the characters are made to fit SNK style and gameplay more similarly as well. Turns out its coming out for PS2 and supposed to get a nice hype over it.

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hmm, even as far as SNK characters go, they dont have very many, I really hope that they add more. I really dont understand how they can include like a billion awesome characters in king of fighters alone and pick and choose so much for their vs. game. Other than the amazing lack of characters tho, I love the idea of a more SNK oriented game. This means a more strategic and slower game. I get the feeling that Capcom is gonna absorb Cap vs SNK (Which is relatively slower and strategic, though by no means a game of risk or anything....) into the Marvel vs. Cap franchise (which is a fun, but horribly unbalanced button masher that has like twelve characters on screen at a time all doing super attacks.) So, it'll be cool for somebody to make a game that's a bit more strategy oriented. And if they're limiting the num. of characters in favor of balance, I'm all for it, just try playing against someone who knows how to play with megaman and roll on Marvel vs Cap to understand how important balance is in a fighting game....

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Capcom vs SNK 3 had very fair balanced characters. SNK also does have a ton of characters, they just need to add more. Aside from their King \of FIghters, they have the Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, and so many other SNK games (via metal slug) that they can introduce. As for as the Marvel games are concerned, I don't see them coming out with any more because they lost their liscence to Marvel characters to activision. I do agree with you though, I think that it is a very good idea to make this game an SNK orientated game, slowing the pace down a bit and even making the characters SNK looking style. Should be interesting to see the final result.

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Damn, as unbalanced and button mashy as those MvC games were, it sucks to see em go, they were still fun. Capcom is fucking retarded to lose that license, and activision kinda blows. But yeah, I'll check this new game out for sure, especially if they add some more characters.

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