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Jersey Girl Trailer

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Yeah, so the Jersey Girl Trailer , well not really, more of a rough preview is online. Doesn't look like a Smith flick at all. Dunno what I think. Yes, I like the old movies, but just 'cause the new one is a little (well okay a fuck load) more mainstream and Jay-less don't mean it'll be a bad picture. Even J'Lo don't do that, I mean U-Turn was pretty good, weird as fuck, but good. I'm sure there'll be a rake of boos that it'll get come it's release from rabid Askewiens, but I'm looking forward to it and reckon it could be a pretty good movie.

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Dirty Miramax bastards. Luckilly I was on checking my e-mail before work and went onto news askew and bet the fucks to it. I downloaded it, but alas something fucked up and the last 30 seconds don't move. I will say though, it does look promising and my only complaint is the music they put over it (it's Creed or one of those sucky ass bands).

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