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Hard Drive Help


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Okay hopefully this will make sense for some of you:


I'm debating on what to get for a Hard Drive. Should I get one with an IDE hook-up or a Serial ATA?


Which is faster? Do I need an IDE for C drive, or can I make my C drive a Serial ATA?


My motherboard uses RAID technology, and I want to take advantage of that by going Serial ATA, but I'm just wondering if I can do that with my main hard drive.



Thanks in advance :D

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Well, I'll find out... then post the results back here... if anyone's interested...


RAID technology's supposed to allow me to access the hard drive(s) at much higher speeds than normal. I know that much.

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No problem, IC. I got a friend who works at TigerDirect. He should know if anything. This Motherboard's both beautiful and a pain at the same time. RAID's so new I'm having trouble finding info about it. A 24-pin power supply was difficult enough to find too. But in the end, this is gonna be worth it because I won't need to do much major updating on the PC for a good long time.

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