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Prince Caspian


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Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe was a good flick. Only thing I didnt like was the soso acting by the main characters, butthey happen to be young kids, and goofy at that. This next one looks really good too. I want to go when you all go. Give me enough notice and I will see if I and a friend can shoot down to miami for a weekend, and catch the flick with you all while down there.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe was a good flick. Only thing I didnt like was the soso acting by the main characters, butthey happen to be young kids, and goofy at that. This next one looks really good too. I want to go when you all go. Give me enough notice and I will see if I and a friend can shoot down to miami for a weekend, and catch the flick with you all while down there.

Heh. You never watched this version, did you?


I read all the books and I am actually looking forward to this.

Same here. :misty:

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