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The Savages

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Nominated for 2 oscars, best female actress and best screenplay, is a pretty realistic depiction of how life can get when your faced taking care of a parent when they're late in life. I really think Philip Seymour Hoffman was robed not being at least nominated but he was going against Daniel Day-Lewis so he didn't have a big chance to begin with.


This movie really struck a cord with me, and I think makes it that much more powerfull. My mother was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in february of last year, and died the following november. Due to the location of the tumors it caused aphasia, which really messes with your brain in different ways. Of course it devastated me that she had terminal cancer, but to also have to manage a mental condition at the same time was insult to injury. The father character in this film starts a mental decline and forces the siblings together to manage the problem.


Clearly this isn't a feel good type of movie, although there are some good funny banter between siblings. I would recommend it for people that both have/have not dealt with this real life situation.




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