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Soldier X - Cable


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Recently, Marvel relaunched (amongst many other greats ive been hypin here) its Cable series.  Since the X-Man from the future with a somewhat confusin storyline finally accomplished his goal & vanquished Apocalypse, he hasnt had a whole helluva lot to do, and while the old writers saw this as a bad thing, apparently the current team (David Tischman writing, art by Igor Kordey, yes i had to look em up, and i also know the writer as of next month or so is Darko Macan, and he won an Eisner so he cant be too bad) decided to take the character and evolve him a bit.

Nowadays, its apparently a lot more political, with war vet Cable fightin "the good fight" when he sees it, throughout South America & many other 3rd world countries.  I'm told its a great book, but havent seen/heard much else bout it....any one else here know?  Either way, im gonna try to pick up the current run & see how it is.



Cable's new look, a la Calvin Klein.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, slow down folks, too many damn replies! People, if you dont look outside of the comic forum, its just unfair to the other corners, really....

PS I was being sarcastic!


Anyway, Read the 1st arc of Cable, and i was really impressed.  The art's decent, but the writing is completely different...now that he's completed his mission of killin Apocalypse, who will stay dead till the next writer runs outta ideas most likely, he's taken on a mission of "savin the world", only doin so through 3rd world countries & revolutions & such; the book got very political all of the sudden, and its an interestin twist.  Ill be pickin up the rest of the run at Anime Hurricane tomorrow; lemme know if anyone (local) is interested in readin it, its been great thus far - they actually made me give a shit bout this character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who would be a good Cable for live-action (either the X-men sequel or a series, whatever). I used to think Bruce Willis before the X-Men Movie cast was even announced. I don't like big names portraying character transfered from another medium typically, but Willis is really versitall and I can't think of anyone else.

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It'd prolly be Dolph Lundgren in any event, as no one would take the new image seriously, im sure it'd just be the old "big guns from the future" stuff anyway.

Argh, this kinda talk belongs in movies, stay on topic! Great fuckin book people, Cable just handled the Shining Path revolutionaries in Peru, movin on to Afghatnistan, then Northern Ireland, i hear....ill update here as the issues make it out.  

Seriously tho, those who:

1) Tire of watchin horror stories in political hotspots on CNN with no justice done or

2) Appreicate research in your writing (Such as in Tom Clancy novels)

might really go for this, despite the lackluster art.

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The medium translation makes it tricky to reallly know where a topic of discourse belongs. You said comics to movies discussions belong in 'movies', but what about a movie to comic? Does it belong in 'comics'? If not, what about star wars comics, haven't they been published in comic form long enough to recognize them in their own right as a legitimate comic? What about Pink Floyd's The Wall Movie? 'Music' or 'movies'? And KISS comics? 'Comics' or 'music'? And Daft Punk's "One More Time" music video? 'Music' or 'anime'!? In the end we have to realize that art can't be and refuses to be bounded by the facist definitions and limitations we impose on it. Movies, music, comics, tv, it's art, it's life, it's a beautiful and continuous infinite spectrum! Now join hands with me and sing along! All we are SAAAAAAYING is give peace a chance!

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Right, right, but since we have things divided up due to size and limited time of many other posters, i foolishly try to fight the board's natural chaos with order.  Here we go:

1)Threads bout movies based on comics are, of course, more than welcome, and encouraged.  However, in a tiny thread of a great comic no one's readin that im tryin to hype, stay on topic.

2)The Wall = belongs in music.

3)Daft Punk can go in either, assumin its an anime video, i havent seen it.

4)KISS comics can go to the crap shack.  Sorry, no fan of KISS or McFarlane productions these days.



...right, then. Back to the goddamned Cable comic...

Good, political stuff, whole new direction, not so hot art but its really heatin up, I have just bout the whole run (the new stuff started around # 97, its up to 103 now, but im sadly still missin last month's issue  :D )

Due to complications with dumbass Rob Liefeld and his lawsuit against Marvel, its only gonna be called Cable for 2 more months, then it becomes Solider X.  I hear the creative team's switchin as well, lets hope they keep the new direction, or im gonna be kinda sad to see this one go back to a dime-a-dozen X book.

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Refresh my memory, as it's been a while since i'm followed x-men, after cable completed his objective, why is he staying in teh present (past)? Was there difficulty with time travel, or was it always meant to be a one-way trip? The second is what my memory dicates, but it's fuzzy.

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Ah, sweet relevancy..!


Alright, good question...thing was, Cable could hop back to his time period, and after defeatin Apocalypse, he realized that the future was still shit...either humans killed all mutants ("Days of Future Past"), or Mutants killed all humans ("Age of Apocalypse"), basically.

So, as a soldier, he decided to stay in the present and, sidin neither with Xavier's intergration ideals nor Magneto's seguragation, opted to change the world by takin down those who would bring about such a future directly.  

It ties into his religion & way of life (comes from bein Cyclops' son), but he's basically taken it upon himself to save both humans & mutants from themselves, and has no qualms with killin those who need it.

It's rough at times, but far more interestin than its been in the past.

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Well, i know you wanted the relavancy, and i try to give people what they want. Question: What do you mean either humans killed all mutants ("Days of Future Past"), or Mutants killed all humans ("Age of Apocalypse")? Are we talking paralell timelines or what, which did defeating Apocalypse cause?

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Alright...mind ya, X-Timelines are convoluted, thanks largely to Chris Cleremont (tho he was a great writer), so the future seems to play out just like that: Either mutants wipe out humankind & Apocalypse reigns supreme (as seen in the excellent alternate timeline story, "Age of Apocalypse") or humans win and wipe out all mutants via Sentinels under President Joe Kelly (from Cleremont's classic "Days of Future Past" arc).  Ive got em both, theyre bout the best X-Men stories out there.  

Cant say which defeatin Apocalypse caused specifically, tho i'd presume the humans win, that's not to say another entity (such as great new X-Villain Cassandra Nova, check out my thread on New X-Men), but regardless, if the 2 dont coexist, seein as how Cable largely followed Xavier's ideals, he considers the future a failure.  He had a bit of a philosophical schism with Xavier, insitin direct, militant action had to be taken, and decided he'd do it alone.  That's bout where the new books start up.

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sweet. which x-men character most deserves his/her own book? which character is most interesting and developed and can hold his own for an interesting story line. Obviously Wolverine is the most popular in his own book form (what is Wolverine in? the hundred-somethingth issue?). Also, is it true what somebody told me about a few years ago that Gambit descovered the greatest secret in the universe? That he discovered everyhting was just a comic book?

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Among my self-delusions is the possibility of being a comics writer, and conversation with my brother turned to 'If Marvel tried to draft you to write the book of your choice, which would it be?"


If I'd to choose I'd go for Gambit, never read any comics with him in, just saw the cartoons, but he seems (behind Wolvy) the most interesting character if written well. He always was an outsider in X-Men and a loner, only sticking around cos he wanted to bone Rogue.


This idea would rely on Marvel allowing me to rewrite continuity and such, give him some new powers (not new offensive powers, but a boost in his offensive strength might be needed), plus to ask, has Xavier ever swore in the comics (maybe a dumb question but I got the impression that he'd never?), if not I'd want to be the first to do that!

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Gambit's an interestin character who could use a boost, Xavier doesnt cuss but might with Morrison at the helm.

No more irrelevant questions will be answered here! Post a new thread & ill be more 'n happy to answer X-book questions.


Cable.  Woo weee, great fakin book, go read it. :D

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