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Posts posted by Keth

  1. So we saw this again on Friday and I have... Issues. I really like the movie, but there were a ton of missed opportunities. And I'm not talking about Fantastic X-Men cameos. 


    First off, this is a boring film. Maybe not so much the first time. But even then I could feel the length of the movie about an hour in. Nah, this should have been at least 30 mins shorter. It could have been cut a lot tighter. 


    Hawkeye's start was perfect. It picked right where the last one left off. And brought us back to that eerie, horror vibe. Cut scene, Marvel crawl. And then... 5 years later. Start with Ant Man escaping the van and wandering the streets. Get us to moving the plot along. We dont know what happened to Thanos at this point. Hulk and Rocket visit Thor. He's broken, and more clues to where Thanos is. Keeping us guessing. Blah blah. Time traveling kicks off. We're moving along. Once we are on Morag and there are two Nebs, THEN we finally see what happened to present day Thanos, thanks to her hologram recorder. That whole scene at the beginning felt so messy and padded. There are some tweaks to be made here, but I feel like the movie would have benefitted from this. There's just so much exposition in this one, it feels uneccessary. 


    Hell, by the time the last battle arrives, I was kind of ready to wrap it up, while also feeling like the battle was too short. Its really the only big action piece in the movie. I'm not saying it all needed to be filled with action of course. I like how different it was from IW. Its just, we are 2 1\2 hrs in already and I just want it wrapped up. Maybe Im nitpicking, I dunno.


    Also, I know the main Avengers are supposed to be the focus (except Black Widow cause who gives a shit about her I guess amirite?), but past Thanos is such a different character from present day one that he feels like such a step back in the villain department.


    Eh I dunno. I like this movie. But I certainly liked it alot less on round two. When I end up watching it again, there will be alot of skipped scenes.

  2. Man, that was a dud of a season finale though. That shoulda been thrown into the middle of the season.


    That said, this show is great and very clever. I'm expecting a musical episode at some point. There is no way MacFarlane is going to let his pipes go to waste here. 

  3. So since I am using HBO for GoT at the moment I decided to start watching Barry with Bill Hader. So far it's pretty great. Breaking Bad in reverse has been what Ive heard it described as, and kind of accurate. Barry is a hitman that decides to become an actor after a severe bout of depression. 30 min eps make it an easy watch. Recommended if you are already using HBO. 

  4. Also, I gotta say, I felt next to nothing when Widow died. I love her, but she was going nowhere and it just felt like a way to get rid of her. Hawkeye dying would have been alot more impactful I think (think of when his family got back) BUT he got to do some cool shit so there's a tradeoff I guess? Still I wish they found a different way of getting the soul stone and kept Natasha around. Just retreading old ground there. 

  5. Im going to have to watch this again, but initial reaction is I liked it. Not as great as Infinity War, BUT it had my favorite versions of every character (Lebowski Thor better be back for Guardians 3.) AND it had the absolute best moment in the history of a Marvel movie. (Cap is worthy). I may like it more as a back to back viewing with IW. I really think, after Hawkeye's intro, it should have started with the 5 year jump and straight to Scott's reveal. Him exploring the semi deserted town was really creepy and effective, and would have been more impactful I think. Little things bugged me, but it worked overall and it had some really creative time travel stuff.


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  6. I fucking love this show! It's like Doctor Who with obvious Star Trek stuff and some awesome Twilight Zone moments thrown in there. It's got a weird late 90's aesthetic that adds to the charm and it's hilarious. I liken it to a Marvel movie where it's able to balance jokes against a story that is taking itself seriously. It's just really fun and interesting I think. Alara, Isaac and Bortus are my favorites so far. 

  7. Finally got around to finishing S2 tonight and man this whole season was just insane. 


    That Bloody Tears fight with that group of vamps at the end was one of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, period. They choreographed that amazingly.

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  8. I'm super excited... But I admit tjat faltered a bit when I learned that "Be Prepared" is basically the only song from the original NOT in this one! I'd argue it's the most important one. Im hoping they are writing some new tunes for Scar, but not much can compare to what is the best villain song in a Disney movie.

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