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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Everything posted by Da Cap'n

  1. Day of the Dead - 3rd instalment of George Romero's Zombie Classics and my personal favorite Romero flick! You know that Romero was reading Wolverine at the time, cause he names the mad doctor Logan and his zombie pupil Bub! Juon: The Curse (TV movie vol. 1) - When Nick introduced this flick to me and Lindsay that night, that shit blew me away! Not Nick, but the movie!! One Hour Photo - Personally I think this is one of Robin Williams' best roles!! That blood from the eyes scene still gets me everytime! Oh and when he sits on that guy's toilet, I died!! Watch the movie and you'll understand! 2 fast 2 Furious - Yes, I know, I know!! Not the best movie in the world, but I like it, ok?! Did you know that this is one of Tussin's favorite movies!? Give her shit!! The Incredibles - Man, this flick is awesome!! It's what Fantastic 4 should of been!! X2: X-Men United - What comic fan doesn't have this in thier collection? Which comes to my next flick... Spider-Man 2 - Need I say anything about this? Team America: World Police Uncensored and Unrated - First time I saw this was on bootleg! I loved it so much I had to get it when it came out on DVD!! The extended love scene is enough to make the whole movie so don't buy it at WalMart! Bubba Ho-Tep - Bruce Campbell as Elvis? Bought!! Unbreakable - If they made a comic of this, I'd buy it! As a matter of fact, I got a few ideas for a book! They need to let me write that shit!
  2. Ok, here's what you do: Go to your DVD collection and and grab 10 DVDs! Any 10 and list 'em here! And whenever you feel like it, do it again and again and again! If you only have 10 then list 'em! If you got 20, then that's good for 2 posts, right?!! If you got like a 100, then that's good for like... ummm, a million posts!!! Not only do you pimp out your shit, but you can learn about the shit you're missin' out on! If you're Nick then don't even bother postin', cause whatever you do got, you're gonna end up sellin' on eBay anyways! OK GO!!! This might be better in the Movie Forum, huh?
  3. That DIDN'T make me think less dirty minded thoughts... nooo!
  4. This weeks books! Captain America #8: Winter Soldier Part 1! Little action from this first issue of the new arc, but LOTS of stuff going on in the story department! Is he Bucky? Is he not Bucky? This issue ties up some very interesting points! I got a new favorite book... Shanna the She-Devil #7 (of 7): Ended pretty weak! I was expecting way more! Had kind of a sudden ending too! I would like to see Cho revisit this sometime in the future though, but for now, focus on Zombie King, Franky boy!! The Punisher #24: Up is Down... 6 (of 6)! Didn't like how Frank "got some" last ish, cause I felt he was outta character leavin' himself in the open like that, but oh well! It set up a nice "fight scene" between the Punisher, "Big Bertha" and "the whore"! It ended well, too! Can't wait for what Ennis has in store for Big Pun next! Oh and I dug the Sin City Marv tribute cover, too!! Ultimate Fantastic Four #22: Crossover Part 2!! OK, now we're getting somewhere!! Actually REALLY liked this issue! Actually REALLY LOVED this issue!!! Spidey as a Zomb... wait, let me not ruin it for everybody!! The Invincible Iron Man #4: Extremis Part 4 (of 6)!! Political undertones aside! Was an alright ish! I got a feeling we're about to see the equivilent of Spidey getting organic webbing next issue happening to Tony Stark! I don't really know what Ellis is doing, but I don't think I like it... The Ultimates 2 Annual #1: Bunch of crap happening with Fury at the center of it all! Just a stand alone story that supports what's going on in monthly! Good stuff! Check it out! And now the Book of the Week!! House of M #5 (of 8): H O L Y S H I T!!!!! Man, this issue is sooooo powerful it almost made me cry! DAMN!!! I felt like I was in the ish!! Fucking Bendis!!! READ THIS AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!
  5. Or a REALLY bad DC comic! I just woke up from a dream that ALL my comics where stolen! My life flashed before my eyes!
  6. I really hate this years Hondo Awards and I'll tell you why! This DEBACLE is not what I invisioned for my awards! This was one of my pets that has turned into a disgusting, horrible monster!! This years controversy alone is what's not gonna bring it back next year! At least not with me at the helm...
  7. This week was a small week, but ALL good books... surprizingly! Ultimate Spidey #81: Funnest Ultimate Spidey book I've read in a looooong time! Spidey, Hammerhead, Iron Fist, Shang-Chi The Master of Kung Fu, Black Cat..., like fifty thugs!! All fighting and shit! Man oh man! I'm lovin' this book again! Fantastic Four: House of M #2 (of 3): Not as good as issue one, but still good! I think cause it's a 3 issue series, they're trying to get things done in a hurry! The next issue is shapin' up to be a killer! Iron Man: House of M #2 (of 3): Also not as good as the first one! It was cool, but I can't really get into Iron Man (sorry Chiefy)! Ultimate Iron Man #3: Man, for somebody that doesn't like Iron Man, I sure do get alot of his books (all of them actually)! Better than the second issue! Man, that second issue really turned me off to this series, but this one helped a little in keepin' my money for one more week! I was a fan of War Machine back in the day and here they introduced the Ultimate version of him (well as a kid)! Wildsiderz #1: Hell of a good book! Any fans of Danger Girl will LOVE this series!! As usual, Campbell's pencils are awesome (that guy just gets better and better)! Also as usual the endless puns and steriotipical characters keeps this book outta the more "intelectual" range, but who cares... these chicks are HOT!!! Like I said, if you like Danger Girl, than this is the book for you! If not... at least admit it's got pretty pictures! Marvel Team-Up #11: Kirkman, you scamp, you! Now we all know who the villian is (well we've always known, but our heroes haven't)! Lot's of fun stuff going on in this issue! What I don't get is... Titanis beats the crap outta... the Hulk and Sunfire hangs with him in an earlier issue? And now for our book of the week! New Avengers #8: Hot diggity!! What the hell is going on with The Sentry?! I don't know, but LOTS of Marvel characters are about to find out next issue!! LOTS!!!! Ok that's this weeks!!
  8. Thats not the one! It's issue #10!! It has Hawkeye on the cover!
  9. Nick, the Amazing stuff is cool! I think you'll like it! I've just been sick of the same ol' Spidey villians! It's not Morlun, but it ain't the Stacy Twins either! What I think JMS is trying to do is since Spidey is an Avenger now, he's trying to give him Avenger villians! Remember I said that I really didn't like that? Well, now it's starting to grow on me... check it out for yourself! Wolvie makes lots of comical apperances too (if that don't sell ya, I don't know what will?)! I don't know if you're reading it, but you gotta read Pulse #10!! It's an AWESOME tie-in to HofM!!!
  10. I'll make a poll later... I'm just tireder than a mutha right now!! Mimi-time!
  11. "The first Spider-Man crossover in five years!" I heard about this in the last Wizard and now in Marvel Previews, but the details are still sketchy! I guess this is big, and not in a good way!! October: Peter David (Incredible Hulk) writes Act One in the new Spidey title, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1 (art by Mike Wieringo), Marvel Knights Spider-Man (art by Pat Lee) #19 and Amazing Spider-Man #525 (art by Deodato Jr)! November: Reginald Hudlin (Black Panther, MK Spidey) writes Act Two in Friendly Neiborhood Spidey #2, MK Spidey #20 and Amazing Spidey #526! December: Straczynski (Amazing, Fantastic 4, a whole bunch of other awesome shit) writes Act Three in Friendly #3, MK #21 and Amazing #527! January: All 3 writers are going back to thier home books for the finale in Friendly #4, MK #22 and Amazing #528!! I don't know what the hell is going on, but this shit's got me hyped!! I read that JMS directed this whole thing and it's gonna have a lot to do with the stuff he touched on in the Ezekiel arcs! I even heard that Morlun is coming back!
  12. This week wasn't the greatest of weeks for comic collectors, but he's the books anyways: Fantastic Four #529: Stracznski still doin' his thing, but a weeker issue this week! Next issue supposed to be big so I'll stick with it... for now! Spidey: House of M #2 (of 5): A little better than the first issue, but not by much! I'm really enjoying some of the other House of M spin-offs, but my Spidey ain't deliverin'! Oh well, this HoM shit is really for the Avengers and X-Men anyway! Black Panther #6: Crap in a bag-n-board!! They really dropped the ball on this one! This was gonna be the big climactic ending to the first arc... what the hell happened? Hellboy: The Island #2 (of 2): As usual, Mignola delivers (in his "I can't understand what happened, but it was still cool" style)! Can't wait for his next (Hellboy) project! Daredevil VS Punisher: Means and End #2: Good shit..., but I liked the first issue better! I still think Nick should like this more than he does! I know, these characters shouldn't mix outside of thier current corebook writers, but it's cool to see them around more than just when thier books come out! Is it me or does the Jackal look like the Grinch in this book? *Singing* "You're a foul one, Mr. Jackal..."! Superman/Batman #21:Man, this book doesn't come out fast enough for me!! Probably my favorite DC book out (I don't read much DC)!! I love how Jeph Loeb has created his own version of the Avengers in this arc! AND THEY KICKED SUPERMAN AND BATMAN'S ASS ON TOP OF IT (did I say too much?)!!! Shit... if you ain't readin' this, go get yourself the trades, get yourself caught up and start gettin' the issues! You won't regret it! I'm straight Marvel and I love this book!!! Amazing Spidey #522: I'm REALLY liking this arc that Straczynski has cooked up! I never thought that Hydra would work in the Spidey U, but I was wrong!! Fun little Wolvie cameo too! The Pulse #10: House of M tie-in featuring Hawkeye!! I honestly think this WHOLE HoM shit is going down just to bring Clint back! *Singing* "You're a sly one, Mr. Bendis..."! Runaways #6: Book of the week!! Damn, Vaughan is diggin' into the Marvel archives... DEEP!! I love it!! He's creating this whole new "universe" in Cali!! Lettin' the world know that the superhero gene pool goes farther than NY! BIG TIME new development in in the book thats gonna blow you away! And all it took was one panel! Thats it for this week! I bought some other stuff, but mostly back issues and shit! See ya next week!!!
  13. Ok... this weeks books! A little late, but I've been busy this week! I'll also try to skip books that Nick has already reviewed! Here we go... House of M #4: GIMME MORE! GIMME MORE!! I'm lovin' the core House of M book!! Wolvie being the main focal point is great! Bendis is writing Nick's boy awesome! I was scared at first, cause I thought that he might start to get outta character! He's the only one that knows something is wrong in the world, but Bendis is writing beautifully!! I also like how he's using Luke Cage, too! Oh and the return of... lets just call him "The Archer"!! Ah screw it... HAWKEYE'S BACK!!!! I like this idea, but he's gonna stay dead in the regular Marvel U, isn't he? Wizard was talkin' bout the return of all these dead characters, but I don't think this counts, does it? I mean... Alternate Universe, hello! I LOVE Hawkeye, but stay dead, will ya! Secrets of the House of M One Shot: Informitive little book that helps you fill all the cracks in the House of M world! You know, like a sourcebook? Good stuff! I just don't like that certain characters are sittin' this craziness out! Where's DD and Punisher... and Galactus!! He needs to be Magneto's bodyguard or something! Bendis don't hate on the Galactus, man!! Ultimate Spidey #80: Warriors part 2! Good book! Bendis continues to move along nicely! I think I like the Ultimate Spidey "crime stories" more than the "savin' the city from geneticly altered super-monsters stories"!! Wolverine #30: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. part 5! Nick isn't likin' this arc, cause it ain't livin' up to the hype of Wolvie going on a killing spree like was advertised... but I like it! I can see what he's saying though! Well whatever, it'll be over soon and Millar will be gone and then the book is REALLY gonna suck (just be happy with what you got, The Nick)!! Red Sonya #1: The art is BEAUTIFUL!! The story... ok! I don't know about this one... half naked chick and allstar cover artists might not be enough for me this time! We'll see... I'll give a chance for a little bit longer... Daredevil #75: Decalogue finale! Holy shit!! If Bendis where to drop alllll his projects and just stick to one... DD should be it (Oh and Ultimate Spidey)!! It's too bad that his run on this book is finishing up! Damn! I don't think another writer could keep up this greatness! Maybe Ennis or Ellis (I don't know... lets make a poll)!! Astonishing X-Men #11: Hands down, best X-book out there! We know this already! P.S. Professor X, you sneaky little telepath you! Ultimates 2 #7: Shit! Is! Heating! Up!! All this building up that Millar is doing is finaly paying off! HAWKEYE NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Marvel Knights Spidey #16: Ok, ok... I know that I previously said that this book was going down the drain! Well the toilets clogged and it's comin' back up... (that was the worst analogy I've ever come up with)! Yeah... it's getting a little better! Thats a good thing, cause Hudlin is part of this BIIIIIG Spidey story at the end of the year and he can't screw that shit up! JMS is heading it up and he said that shit gonna go down in the Spideyverse that is gonna change it... FOREVER!! How many times have they said THAT shit?! Spidey Unlimited #10: I love this book! I just love to read stories of the world around Spider-Man! I was sad when they took "Tangled Web" away, but this shaping to be the same book! Great stuff!! Army of Darkness: Shop till you Drop Dead #4: I was at grips with myself at the comic book store trying to decide which of the two covers of AoD to buy!! One where Ash is bustin' through an isle at S-Mart with Boomstick ready to lay down the law or a back shot of Ash dressed up like Elvis!! Man, thats a tough one... so I got 'em both!! Can't wait till the ongoing!! New Avengers #7: Sentry part 1! This book blew me away!! I don't get it... (Sentry's the one Marvel character I know nothing about)! Oh that Bendis! Allstar Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder #1: Sadly, I kinda agree with Nick on this one! Come on Frank... forget the stupid half naked chicks and get to the goods!! I don't know if I like Jim Lee's art over Frank Miller's writing either! It doesn't feel right... Ultimate Fantastic 4 #21: Crossover part 1! Huh...?! I liked the book, but I hope that Millar does something to explain that last page! I thought they where crossing over The Ultimate Marvel U with The Regular Marvel U! Did we just crossover into The Walking Dead U? *scraches head* Hunter-Killer #3: I like it, but I don't think it's gonna be on my list much longer... Invincible #24: Bring on the rogues!! Thats what this book was missin'! A cool rogues gallery for Invincible! I can't wait for #25 and the first apperence of Science Dog!! This is my second favorite title out right now!! Oh that Kirkman!! NYX #6: Ok, let's just get this one over with! X-23 already made her first apperence! They stopped Amazing Fantasy after Spidey's intro!! Well wait... Quesada just introduced this new character thats pretty cool (not the cat chick)! He's some black kid that can "enter" other bodies with his spirit! The cool thing is that he uses these powers for evil!! And what a sweet evil it is!! He "enters" some hot chick (not like that) and starts to play with her tits (you know you'd do that if you could?)! He also had a cool name too... Felon! Admit it, thats cool! Punisher #23: Up is Down... part 5! I love this book, but I just don't like how Frank is kinda outta character in this ish! I just don't think he'd... DO what he DID! I mean, why the fuck does he go around trying to avenge his wife and shit and then he's DOING that? Maybe, I'm just jelous... The Walking Dead #20: Kirkman is really letting the pot boil, isn't he? Good set up issue! Not much happens (except little set ups) and the ending! Thank God! I was really hating that guy!! I got a feeling the next two issues are gonna be intense! Zombie King #0: Comic of the Week!! Holy crap!! I'll never look at hamburgers the same ever again... thats all I gotta say!!! Woah... that was a pretty good week!
  14. I picked up Livewires #1 cause of Adam Warren, but wasn't feelin' it! Maybe if he did the interiors, I would still be picking it up, but he writes and just does the covers!
  15. Ok, here's a few of this week's comics: Ultimate Spidey #79: Warriors: Part 1! One word... better! Better than some of the "Ultimate Sadness" Bendis has been puttin' out lately! He's still one of my favorite writers, but that guy PISSES ME OFF with all his "tuchas" shit!! STOP HAVING ALL YOUR FUCKING CHARACTERS (JEWISH OR NOT) SAY THAT FUCKING WORD!!! Jeez!! It really pisses me off to no end!! House of M #3: Wolvie spotlighted (Nick and Skeet will looove this ish)! Great issue!! Bendis is still doin' it in the "Regular Marvel U"!! He didn't use "that word" either!! *shudder* Thank God!! Shanna the She-Devil #6 (of 7): This one's almost done and that makes me sad!! I'm really liking this book!! Hopefully they'll give Cho an on-going (till then give me some Zombie King)!! Frank Cho's art is superb!! That fuckin' guy can draw tits in action better than anyone on the planet!! I bow to Frank Cho's tits!! Marvel Team-up #10: That Kirkman!! Remember when we used to say that about Bendis, The Nick? His Fantastic 4: Foes sucks, but this book is tops!! Damn near EVERYBODY makes an appearance this issue (anybody you care about, at least)! Spidey, DD, Wolvie, Cap, Moon Night (I like Moon Night) and guess who saves the day!! Your Friendly Neiborhood... Skull-Chested Psycho!! That Kirkman!! Daredevil VS Punisher #1: WOAH!! The whole time, while reading this book, I was thinking: "Nick is gonna LOVE this shit"!!! Holy crap... I didn't have too high a hopes for this, but damn was I wrong!! Can't wait for issue #2!! Nick read this ASAP, cause I wanna know what you thought about it! Fantastic Four: House of M #1: Hands down, my favorite book this week (what the fuck is going on?)!! Ingeniously written!! WOW!! It's also got Scot Eaton on the pencil duties!! I love that guy (don't ask me what else he's done, cause I forgot)!! The whole book is awesome, but that last page I'm gonna dream about for weeks to come!! » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « So fuckin' Dr. Doom runs the "Fearsome 4" now with his wife, son and "pet" roundin' out the the rest of the 4 (Thing is actually some genetic creation of Doom's that follows him around EVERYWHERE on a leash)! Thier duties as a team, is basically, to handle Magneto's "dirty work"!! After KILLING Mole-Man, Doom is left with a bad taste in his mouth about his "role" (the fact that being non-mutant makes him below Mags and drives him up the wall)!! Anyways, after a meeting with Ol' Magnus himself to report the Mole-Man shit, he goes home pissed that Magneto talked down to him and proceeds TO BEAT THE EVERLOVIN' SHIT OUTTA THE THING!!! He was kickin' him like a dog and all (after, Thing was curled up in the corner, cryin')!! It was great!! Ironman: House of M #1: Not as good as the "FF: House", but better than that Spidey one!! I'm likin' what they're doin' with this one!! Fear Agent Preview: Big ups for Titus for throwin' this in my box and the comic store (they only got 6 copies and he thought enough of me to throw me an ish)!! It's penciled by (holy shit)... TONY MOORE and CORY WALKER!!! It's some sci-fi shit, but it looks cool! I give a go when the monthlies start! Oh yeah!! Zombie Tales #1: Picked this one up the other day! Cool shit!! It's collected stories by random writer/artists that depict thier perspective on the undead apocolypse!! Some serious, some funny... all good!! Try this one as an "inbetween" Walking Dead!! Damn that was a more than just a few!! I'll be back with more later!!!
  16. I awaken this morning to Sarah clanging around in the bathroom! I then hear the shower cut on and I know that Solara's in there with her! Solara doesn't take a shower with her, she's just is in there on her bouncer! Always jumping at the chance to scare Sarah, I sneek into the bathroom, Batman style, and snatch Solara from the bouncer and go back to the room! I then wait for Sarah to pull back the shower curtain and get the scare of her life!! Heh heh... say it with me Solara, "Daddy's a ninja"!
  17. Thanks Nick! I guess it's just not ment for me to post from my phone! I get the lo-fi version from that link, but I still can't log on through there! The reason that I wondered if you can place it at the top, was so that I can log on first, THEN switch to lo-fi mode!! Don't worry about it, man!! It's cool... I was just wonderin'!
  18. Hey The Nick, I got a suggestion for ya!! Go to the tanning salon, you pasty bitch!! Nah, for real though... is it possible ta put the "Lo-Fi Version" of Hondo's tab at the top of the front page? I go on Hondo's on my phone when at work and the "regular" Hondo's is to much for it! Every once in a while it lets me stay on long enough to chose the lo-fi shit... so I was thinkin' if it was at the top I could choose it right away before I get booted!! Can you do that for your buddy, old pal?
  19. The hunt for all missing back issues (yes issues... I'm not a pirating whore like some people) is nearly complete! Issue #3 is in the bag... now all I need is a #4 and I'll be done! Anybody, who might have one... please send to 124 Thompson St. Salem, NJ 08079! Your donation will be greatly appreciated!!
  20. Amazing Spidey #521: I'm kinda liking this direction they're going with this new arc! I didn't at first, but I've warmed up to it! I guess Stracznski thought of givin' Peter some Avenger's villians, cause he's an Avenger now! It's a good thing too!! I don't know what I'd do if I saw another Goblin story!! I also am liking how JMS is making Hydra more badass! They're pretty serious now!! Runaways (vol.2) #5: More surprizes!! The pace never slows this issue!! 6th issue should be awesome!! Young Avengers #5: I LOVE THIS BOOK!! I don't know why, but I'm really enjoying this one!! I know that it's the Teen Titans of the Marvel Universe, but I don't care! The art, the writing... this is one of my favorite books out right now!!
  21. Nutbusters.com! For all your "nut bustin'" needs!!
  22. Me: GET IN THAT KITCHEN AND COOK ME SOME DINNER, WOMAN!!! Sarah (barefoot): Yes sir. Right away, sir. Me: Thats what I'm talkin' about! *BELLLLLLCH*
  23. 18 Walking Deads down, issue 4 to go!!
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