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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Everything posted by Da Cap'n

  1. Since you didn't get me anything for my birf...
  2. So who do you think'll win, The Nick?
  3. Jon (Spacecowboy) and I are currently in competition to see who can reach 10,000 points first. I'm around 7,600. He's around the same. Who will win?
  4. Apparently, there are even better pics than those. When I dig 'em up, I'll post 'em.
  5. Nick, why don't you take these vids and host them on Hondo's somewhere?
  6. Mike doesn't fight for the UFC. He's in another league that's name escapes me right now. Here's his first fight. It's like 5 minutes I guess. Mike's the fighter with the long hair. P.S. Isa, if you BF's cousin happens to be in the same weight as Mike... I feel bad for him... MIKE RIO (FIRST FIGHT) vs Mark Seno Add to My Profile | More Videos
  7. Nice try The Nick! 360 all the way!
  8. God, i wish i had a PS3!!! why am i stuck with a fuckin' wack-ass 360 when the greatest game of all time is coming out!? Fucka360!!!
  9. Two words: Zombie. Genocider.
  10. Gurren Lagann never really establishes itself as a mech anime (yeah, it does, but that's not it). I think that's all about the people. Like Berserk, it really focuses on the characters. The fact that they're all in mechs is not really the point. It's really an anime about the people. I want Nick to watch it and give his opinion. I know he'll agree.
  11. You like that shit, huh? It's the first video of many I assure you. Mike's addicted to that new program. Honestly, with that video me, Ario and Mike were just playing around. It really turned out awesome. I'm glad you liked it, Nick and thanks for fixin' it up on here, too.
  12. Guess which friend of ours, Nick, loves this game now? Here's a hint...
  13. We do need some CJ in our lives for sure!
  14. AH YEAH! I'm never gonna give SuperPro up!
  15. MIKE RIO WRESTLING HIGHLIGHT Add to My Profile | More Videos Mike Rio Highlight Wrestling Video Yo people, check out my little brother, Mike Rio's, OFFICIAL highlight video! REAL Wrestling, not that fake shit. Enjoy!
  16. It's no where near Gundam Wing, but it does have big robots. But don't get me wrong... this is not an anime about big robots. It's about the crazy lives of the people who pilot big robots. Dammit, you just gotta watch it!
  17. Isn't that how it always is? Girl is better than boy at game. Game sucks. Step your game up, man!
  18. I have a Deadpool issue where they spoof this cover. Weird.
  19. Dead Leaves yeah! I loved that shit! But there's a big difference between a 90 minute movie and a 27 episode show. We're talkin' from begining to end, EVERY episode is awesome! How many animes have you seen that are good for EVERY episode? The beginning and ending might be great, but you know that there's always filler crap episodes in all anime. Not one in Gurren Lagann!
  20. Finally got that Rank #1 achievement in VT3 (well been had it for like 2 weeks now). I'm playing Conan now (big bite off God of War) and it's alright. My brother just got Devil May Cry 4 so I'll get to when he's done. Might be jumpin' on to Assassin's Creed soon, too.
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