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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Everything posted by Da Cap'n

  1. Thank you, Rach. Sorry, I'm an idiot.
  2. Nah, but he only posted it like two days ago. I also mentioned that I pimped his shit on here so we'll see if they mosey on over.
  3. Check out this trailer some fan and his girlfriend made from the KirkBoard!
  4. Read the book and am VERY excited about this. Honestly, JMS is golden. Tell ONE bad thing the guy has done (excluded is the Norman Osborn/Gwen Stacy goblin twins, and One More Day Mephisto debacle).
  5. Some of these later missions are getting tough. I used to not need armor. Now I can't leave home without it!
  6. Mike says his next fight is July 19 somewhere in the panhandle. Nick, we should get a posse rounded up so we can root for him. John says he's down...
  7. Just got back into this starting with vol 1. Fuckin' book blows me away... The art is some of the best I've EVER seen... ANYWHERE! I'm glad I finally started buying this. I'm also glad that the anime is on the way. Can't wait!
  8. Just when I think you CAN'T get sidetracked in this game, John comes over and proves me wrong! I almost peed my pants watching him fuck up my stats. It was worth it though. HAHA!!
  9. I'm in need of a big fat black cock. also, spider-man 3? ill never again admit this, but deep down, i know it was shit!!!
  10. Man, this game is AWESOME!! The TV shows you can watch... AWESOME!!! The attention to details... AWESOME!!! So far my favorite thing is paying the toll! I LOVE IT!!! HAHAHAHA!!! AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!!
  11. GTA stands for Grand Theft AWESOME!!!
  12. Had to get TWO new comic boxes (up to 14 now) and I'm happy (and sad) to report that Wolverine has graduated to his OWN comic box! He now joins Spidey that already has 2 of his own (and getting ready to start a third).
  13. The new Batman show I have watched (few episodes here and there) and while it ain't the old Animated Series, it is pretty good. Next to the old one, it's probably the best.
  14. You know, I've been thinkin' of joining Kirkman's forum. I'm not really into those huge forum sites, but I have been known to join 'em to recruit. Maybe I'll get some peeps from there? Maybe I'll get Kirkman himself? A boy can dream, can't he?
  15. I did not know that Steel had a series... let alone 31 issues of one!
  16. Saw the trailer to this series and was very impressed. Haven't seen the show yet and I might have to wait for the DVD boxset. Damn you new job and making me work on the weekends!
  17. No excuse. That's how lazy I am... I play games that people buy me and not go out and buy 'em myself.
  18. Wow. Things are VERY different now...
  19. Godsmack and Three days Grace actually. Ariel did provide the computer that we made the video on so he got the credit.
  20. What kind of person are you that you don't use/wear/play what people get you for your birthday. Granted some gifts are stupid and just sit in your closet, but it was a Xbox 360 SPIDER-MAN game! If you knew me and my obsession with Spidey then you would understand.
  21. Look at my played games and you will see that I don't have alot of "padding". Spider-Man: FoF was a gift for my birthday from some chick that don't know no better. All she knows is that I like Spider-Man. You're just mad that you don't have girls buying you shit.
  22. Hatin' as usual, Skeet!
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