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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by Yahve

  1. Anyone interested in BONNAROO 2008?
  2. Close, I'd say footie is more akin to chinese checkers than chutes and ladders. For an athletic IQ 4 year old like me, chinese checkers is tons more fun hehe Now there is no doubt that under the defenition of football=sport of foot hit the ball then football with the round ball is the "real" football. BUT, we're in America, land of the free and of little logic sense. Such a sound argument would fall on deaf ears, thus I brought up alternative views As far as Man U winning... I'm no wank lol . Though I think Liverpool will take it all, I'd like to see Chelsea take away a win from the big 3 for a change.
  3. I'm gonna agree w IC on this one, as far as humble athletes and getting folks together go, it is far easier ( > fun) to get 6 folks for a 3v3 that can turn into an insane 20v20 if friendly Pick-Ups show (PUG ;) ) Than a 4v4 pigskin with flags/mod rules game. Also not big on just watching other people have fun... watching a soccer game can be exciting in part because it IS possible to "learn a move" from TV and run and try it out on the field. It won't work nearly as well as plays require some rehearsal and most jukes demand skill (LOL - but we try anyway). Yet it still is possible. On the other hand, American football's great plays require massive rehearsal and fantastic physique that most humans don't have. Long passes don't reach with accuracy and great tackles are as attractive as a visit to our lame HMO's. In other words, party of my bias towards soccer is the fact that it's an everyman game where all you need is a round thing to kick around and a flat surface to play on. American football is a statistics heavy entertainment venue that requires advanced training ( to handle tackles ), gear and planning ( the QB/Coach duo is essential) to actually play competitively. Pick up american football downgrades into a display of passing prowess with little actual "play". What do you guys think? Liverpool or Barcelona? I'm not sure myself but I feel it leans towards the English win.
  4. Wow, a lot of folks are into the WoW business. I read some of this massive thread then got tired and hopped to end. From what I can glean, nobody wants to transfer their highbies to a common server. :( I do play wow, I even have pocket 70s in T4/T5/S2 equivalents. (solid elem or resto sham, OT kara prot war) But I've reached the limit of puggable experiences @ Shattered Hand. I'm a casual player, with nowhere near the dedication required to join the high end guilds on my server. So I've basically been "parked" during most of 2008, doing the daily bg and seeing if i get lucky for a raid on weekends. I wonder if there are others in a similar situation that are willing to transfer to some common server ( anywhere really) or willing to start up a team for the Tournament Server.
  5. Wish I had some human opponents to hack against in a Civ game. I want grape yogurt.
  6. I am finally, A free man. Yes, I would like to announce to the world my return to humanity. GONE are the 83 hour work weeks. ( ok it was just one but still it was brutal) Gone are the sunday mornings waking up with the mental note " oh i havent quit yet, shit i have to go to work today too" I thank barnes and noble for giving me a raise... on the DAY I FUCKING QUIT. Guinessman: BRILLIANT! 1st free weekend: Sleep, beach and golf. 2nd free weekend: Let's get the party started. It's halloween horror nights on the 30ith. Crazy? Of Course! 3rd free weekend: If the weather holds cool, camping and getting drunk enough to forget my name. Then there's chess tourneys, books to finish reading. Poker nights to attend. fucking A im getting trippy just thinking about it. I'm so fucking happy right now. This two day weekend thing rocks! Why didn't I think of it sooner. But for now, back to reality.... gotta write up lesson plans for the next two weeks... fucking pedagogical reviews.
  7. I pretty much agree with ya there Kara (nice to meet ya ) Never really did see Reeves as a true quadraplegic. He had too much money. I do admire his spirit for recovery, he made great steps for research and publicity for an underrepresented community. As they say in advertising, any publicity is good publicity. He never chose to become a representative, his goal was just to walk again. America chooses their heros when its convenient to. Superman in a wheelchair? How could it NOT happen. Just wait for the slew of superman memirobilia (forgive spelling) to hit shelves soon. Wasn't there a new superman movie in hte making? I'll bet the farm that they are rushing production like mad right about now.
  8. Fucking Ivan, I went and built this kite for nothing? anger
  9. anyone u-p for maria full of grace? just lemme know when those damned theaters open!
  10. 1) It's a low scoring game. 2) You can't use your hands. 3) The appeal in ball handling is lost. 4) The playing field is so vast that there is no steady Frenzy. Maybe they should push Micro-Football? ( what do u call the six on six or five on five smaller goal game) I really do think that has a better shot at popularity for the 14+ american crowd.
  11. Jax is a sig now? *Feels battered by the wild flow of time*
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