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Posts posted by Jumbie

  1. Remember when they tried to make us think that Wolvie was Sabertooth's son?


    They got the phoenix thing coming up.


    [i haven't seen X2, so I don't know what's in it]


    They got the Morlocks and Mr Sinister (there's a name that sounds like shit in a movie...) That'd be a goo place for Sabretooth to come back as well as Gambit and the Beast.


    Then there's Apocalypse, and his four horsemen. The Legacy Virus, Cable and the new mutants,


    Man there's soooo many good ideas. If they could make 10 Trek movies, they can make 10 X movies. Just like the comics, the linups can change.


    Does anyone besides me think that after a few sequels, it'd be awesome to see an Age of Apocalypse movie?

  2. God dammit, why am I stuck so far from civilization? The only 'X-men' I'm gonna be seeing for the forseeable future are the transvestite hookers that hang out near the church.


    Wait. I didn't mean it that way!

  3. SO I was watching Bush's address to the nation, saying that a threat had been eliminated and praising the troops for doing it and talking about being righteous and all I can think of is Palpatine in the Imperial Senate talking about how he 'reluctantly' assumed more power.

  4. Ivy? IVY!


    That cheap bitch is back? WTF? Tim, how many blowjpbs did you give the programming staff to put her uselss ass back in there?


    Could you post a list of all the characters (hidden and given)?

  5. what exactly do you mean by pitch correction?

    There's a link to an article on it in my first post.


    Here's a definition from it:


    Pitch correction is actually one of many computer-based tools that producers use to make singers sound better. Using increasingly common studio software such as Pro Tools, flat notes can be fixed, off-key vocals can be spruced up and entire performances can be cut and pasted together from several different takes.




    I tihnk that the big difference for me, is that music is something of a connection between the artist and my perceptions. It makes a big difference if that connection is filtered (Or at least if I know it's filtered). I want a human connection not a cyborg one.


    Plus a whole lot has to do with respect. For the same reason athletes aren't allowed to use steroids or I don't tolerate cheating in my students.


    Actually, that's exactly it. This pitch correction feels too much like cheating for me to accept it.

  6. So, we've all known for a while that those boybands couldn't really sing.




    But, does anyone care?


    Piggy once said to me that if it sounds good, who cares how it got that way?


    Well, I do for one. I actually LIKE to hear imperfactions in the vocals every now and again. It's good to know that whatever flaws I may find, I'm getting something genuine. Not even a little pitch correction would sit well with me.


    For those of you who are undecided, consider this: Do you think that Robert Plant would have used Pitch correction? John Lennon? Elvis?

  7. One of my friends mentioned something to me about watching Episode II in Mexico. I don't know if it applies only to Mexican Spanish or all spanish (But since my cubano friends haven't mentioned anything to me, I guess not.) Chief, can you help out here?




    Episode II didn't go over too well in Mexico


    It was a lot of fun watching the battle with the young Boba Fett riding along with dad and all. Because his dad insisted on calling him

    "Boba" all the time.


    Problem is, in Spanish, "boba" is an insulting term for a dumb girl.


    So on the screen, there were these really serious fights going on, and this little boy trying to be as evil as dad and all... and in the audience, we

    were all basically rolling in the aisles in laughter... people screaming, "Vaya, boba!" and throwing popcorn at the screen and everything...


    It was hilarious. You would have thought we were drunk or something.




    Reminds me of the time CHrysler tried to market the 'Nova' in spanish speaking countries. THey had to cancel a multi million dollar campaign because in spanish 'no va' means 'doesn't move'.

  8. There's really only four characters that need casting. I suppose in the new A team they could be Gulf War vets rather than Vietnam vets...



    B.A. Baracus: difficult since Mr T. created a very distinct character. Still, I suppose Michael Clarke Duncan from Green Mile could do it. If not there's always Ving Rhames. (Is it racist of me to keep thinking the part has to be played by a black man? I suppose an Italian might wear gold like that...)


    'Hannibal' Smith: I know that Bruce Willis is trying hard for dramatic 'important' parts these days, but if he could ressurect some of his wisecracking days he'd have the part down right. I suppose Dennis Quai would be good at it too...



    'Face': I've always wondered what an army commando team needed to be so good with diguises for, but I digress. The part just screams for someone lightweight - Jerry O'Connel maybe? He might be too young... Matt Damon then? He's probably had enough of ensembles though, after Ocean's 11 and 12 and 2 Kevin Smith movies...


    'Murdoch' : Remember the early episodes when they had to keep busting him outta his psych hospital? That was always fun...


    A crazy Pilot? If Nic Cage were a bit younger, he'd be perfect... Oh well.



    I'm probably the only one who even wants to see an A-Team movie, but it's nice to think of... I'm too tired right now to come up with more possibilities though.

  9. Gee Nick, you already freaked out the drummer from V.A.S.T. now you wanna email stalk the wolvie artist?





    This internet shit is cool. I remember finding the forum for Alan Rodgers, a novelist I admired as a kid and finding out about his work and actually getting to praise him person to person and get a reply was very cool.


    We should probably start a discusison here about whether comics really will hite themselves to death... I see the artform falling far out of the mainstream, but Never dieing.


    (Hey, maybe Heartless wil get into comics then...)

  10. Knight Rider/ A-TEAM Saturdays were my reason for living when I was 12.


    That opening sequence for Knight Rider in the desert with the car humming and the theme music going with the voiceover telling us about 'a man who does not exist"


    Hey! I'll arrange free blowjobs for whoever tells me what KITT stands for...




    [i heard something about an A-team movie somewhere...?]

  11. Dude, if I had Michael Jackson's money, I'd own my own fuckin roller coaster too.



    IN fact, I'd probably own several (one can get kinda boring after a while)



    HEY, There's an idea. changeable roller coaster. Make it as extreme or as womanly as you want. And it won't be the same twice.



    I'm gonna go get a patent on this thing...

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