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Hondo's Bar


Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by archangel

  1. wait...I though Parker was Catholic?
  2. No, Strider is NOT in The Hobbit. You must be confusing him with Beorn
  3. he's announcing a Silver Surfer movie
  4. yup. Liberal public edumication at it's best!
  5. kinda, sorta. It has elements of both.
  6. See more funny videos at CollegeHumor
  7. Ed Norton did an amazing job. The movie was great.
  8. The Hulk was amazing. I'm VERY happy with this, after that last cinematic abortion.
  9. why not just use a cheap neon sign most bars employ, with a cowboy hat on the H and a baseball bat underlining the name?
  10. can I download the new stuff yet? what are their issue numbers?
  11. mhm no button with hot, big breasted asian yet
  12. oh, piss, don't fall for that. didn't you hate your mother, Skeet?
  13. I think they mean 2010 and it was a typo
  14. fine, kendall it is I'm buying my tickets today. who else is going?
  15. Well, I'm living in the same complex as Nick if you need anything. but man, we've GOT to hang out!
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