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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by archangel

  1. So what do you think Cap's gonna do with Peter? Having him, such a high profile hero switch has gotta be good fodder...if he can survive the other fights. Think he'll use him on the assault of the Baxter Building?
  2. anyone read the new Spidey yet? Damn It's SOOO fucking on.
  3. btw, when are we gonna have another of your drunken posts?
  4. Weird Al and JibJab team up Hilarity ensues. http://www.jibjab.com/weird_al/do_i_creep_you_out
  5. so I have a quesiton.... ...since you have to move around and shit while you use the controller (at least, that's how it was demo'd)....aren't a bit affraid you're gonna rip the damn thing in half?
  6. Decimation....was a disappointment. The Genesis story was better.
  7. lmao! is Claremont the Hulk now? lol
  8. lol there's something you're not telling me
  9. just finished House of M...waiting on Decimation to download. Damn.
  10. Stillbored: you rock and I read book five yesterday, thanks
  11. Yea, that's pretty much the way I saw it, too. They don't much have a choice right now. Aside from Frank, who do they have? The Mutants? All, what, 12 of them?
  12. Fucking Secret Fucking War Fucking Book Fucking 5. And House of Fucking M.
  13. READ THE INKREDIBLE HULK. Very important. Called Alliegance part 1 of 4. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Shit's gonna hit the fan. Banner isn't on that planet they exiled him to. He's missing I also just read New Avengers 25 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Tony just recruited Sentry. How the fuck can they loose?
  14. Nothing big happens in this one. Oh yea, except that Cap has a heart attack. Irony. Always thought it'd be Tony.
  15. So I just read Number 5. Damn. Is there anything else that came out with this, Ly?
  16. ....isn't IC registered at one of those two?
  17. OMG!!!! The BEST SONG EVER!!!! White and Nerdy
  18. just finished watching Day 5. Unbefuckinleavable. Day 5 Rocked. I still feel bad for the above mentioned. :{
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